It really has been 1000 days of daily Freewrite prompts!
One very special person is at the heart of this amazing community….
So many people wanted to say congratulations and thank you to @mariannewest*
*if I didn't contact you please don't be offended! I was keeping this a secret from Marianne so had to use off-blockchain methods of communication. Please leave your message in the comments below! Or write a post in the Freewriters Community!
@improv also deserves a big thank you!
Without him @mariannewest may never have started the daily prompts!
Thank you @improv!
and now...
A message from @improv

A message from @enginewitty
"Freewrites aren't just about participating in a community or joining in on some challenge. It is about the liberation of expression. Being able to be you without discrimination. @mariannewest has watered some beautiful minds in that sense and am happy to know her."
- Witty

A message from @sacra97
Pocas veces nos detenemos unos minutos, para agradecer a las personas que nos brindan hermosos espacios para escribir. Este ejercicio de 5 minutos y otros que he visto creados y apoyados por la amiga @mariannewest, han sido maravillosos, aunque a muchos les parezca sencillos, requieren de creatividad a la hora de escribir. Simplemente para ti muchísimas gracias por la oportunidad y felicitarte por el día 1000 de este bonito proyecto. Al amigo Bruce @Felt.Buzz por incluirme para armar este sencillo acróstico.
Few times we stop for a few minutes, to thank the people who provide us with beautiful spaces to write. This 5 minute exercise and others that have been created and supported by friend @mariannewest, have been wonderful, although many similar simple ones, affected by creativity when writing. Simply for you thank you very much for the opportunity and congratulate you on the 1000th day of this beautiful project. To the friend Bruce for including me to put together this acrostic single.
M aravillosa oportunidad ………………… Wonderful opportunity
A rmonia total y capacidad………………Total harmony and capacity
R isas a granel escribiendo……………………Bulk laughs typing
I ntercambio de letras bonitas…… Exchange of beautiful letters
A cá estoy saludando y bendiciendo…Here I am greeting and blessing
N unca los abandono……………………….. I never abandon them
N uevas ideas vienen y van……….. New ideas come and go
E ntendimiento fácil de las reglas… Easy understanding of the rules
W ords para todos ……………… Words for everyone
E ncantadora presencia………. Charming presence
S eñales y letras en 5 minutos…….. Signs and letters in 5 minutes
T odos te agradecemos y felicitamos….. We all thank you and congratulate you.

...@mariannewest Congratulations
A message from @honeydue

A message from @britandjosie
T toptag
H human
O open
U utilize
S strotytellers
A achievement
N nice
D different
S super
F fun
R real
E engaging
E envolved
W worthwile
R real
I intense
T terrific
E enrole
This is my meaning for : THOUSANDS FREEWRITES

A message from @marcoriccardi
"Without the freewrite and @mariannewest I wouldn't have just known how to fill my blog. Freewriters will always remain in my heart as the first welcoming family I found on Steemit, as an exceptional writing gym for a non-English speaker and as motivators to dare to write in English, moreover improvising. Thank you!"

A message from @iamjadeline
"I really do not know how to go on without Freewrite prompts by @mariannewest. Everyday I check the daily prompts to get inspiration what to write and it really, like reallyyyy helps in writing block. And it encourages me to write without fearing being judged or fearing my writing is not good enough. Since I started writing using the prompts, I started enjoy writing without stress. Thank you so much Freewrite house aka Marianne and her team."

A message from @carolkean
Five-Minute Daily Freewrite has been a ray of sunshine in the darkest days of my time at Steemit (now Hive). Marianne has created an atmosphere of friendly fun and cooperation, minus the competitive and power-seeking atmosphere that seems to crop up everywhere else. Though she has no end of things to keep her busy in real life, including grandkids and gardening, Marianne made time for Freewritehouse. Nobody has worked harder to create incentives and rewards for new writers. Marianne offers encouragement to demoralized writers who've taken a beating elsewhere. The mission of Freewritehouse is to inspire and unblock the repressed writer. People who'd given up on writing have spread their wings and taken flight here. I count myself among them. After so many rejections and so many heavy-red-ink editors, I had quit writing too. I look back on the dozens of freewrites inspired by the daily prompts and think "I need to stick with it!" I need to keep believing in myself as a storyteller, even if my audience is much smaller than the New York Times best sellers. Thank you Marianne for your perpetual kindness and good cheer, and for being a beacon of light in a world full of people who'd tear each other down. Carol "Keangaroo"

A message from @snook
Thank You for everything you have done when it comes to 'The Daily Freewrite'. If not for your encouragement I never would have learned how much fun it is to write and post stories. You opened up a whole world that to this day inspires me to be a writer. Thank you for being in my life when I needed you most.
SnookDear @Mariannewest,

A message from @oscarina

A message from @saulos
Estamos de Fiesta "A lo largo de todo este tiempo ha facilitado al participante afinar las habilidades de escritura y de comunicación, fortaleciendo lazos de amistad entre personas de diferentes partes de mundo."

A message from @antoniarhuiz
<Decir 1000 es sólo un número pero llegar a mil freewrite es todo un recorrido. Lo divertido del Frewrite es encontrar la forma de cómo divertirte. Felicitaciones a Mariannwest por arribar a los 1000 retos. Gracias por esta iniciativa amiga.

A message from @latino.romano
Los buenos proyectos y las buenas obras perduran en el tiempo. Muy agradecido de que me permitieras formar parte de uno de los equipos más maravillosos de personas con un mismo interés: la escritura. No solo he conocido a nuevos compañeros, también he aprendido de sus experiencias y consejos. De parte de todo el grupo de escritores hispanos ¡Bien hecho Marianne! El proyecto ha llegado a MIL días de publicación. En nuestros corazones perdurará mucho más...

A message from @oizaguirres
Freewrite y Marianne o será Marianne y Freewrite Felicito a la amiga Marianne por liderar ese espacio tan ameno, instructivo y cultural como lo es Freewrite. He tenido la oportunidad de acompañarla en varias oportunidades. En este amplio oceano de creatividad, permanecer por espacio de 1.000 días es una idea y proyecto encomiable. Espero y deseo se mantenga por muchísimos días más. Un abrazo y mi reconocimiento a todo el equipo que la acompaña y que se haga extensivo para ese otro gran luchador conocido como @latino.romano

A message from @saulos

..."Spanish Freewrite es una invitación a la reflexión sobre un tema determinado, sirve de iniciador para el desarrollo de algún poema o historia, al igual que una imagen dispara emosiones y evoca experiencias." @saulos
A message from @Svashta
Thanks to you I have always found five minutes a day to write and often also got the much needed kick to write more. Thank you for kicking my creativity into overdrive every single day.

A message from @lisfabian
Para mi freewrites es un mundo donde se pueden fortalecer algunas debilidades, para mi la escritura, podemos realizar este ejercicio y no depender de corrector. Leyendo a los más experimentados en este arte. Me recreo por estos espacios, en un gran equipo nos hacen sentir en familia. Les debo confesar algo en una oportunidad me ayudaron para no desaparecer de esta plataforma.

A message from @kaelci
It's Day 1000 of the daily freewrite! It's hard to believe that I started freewriting with the Freewrite House all the way back on Day 193... it seems so long ago now. Which I guess it is!
After that day I was "hooked." :D
When I first saw the daily freewrite prompt I was a little bit scared of joining in. So many people were participating. Writing amazing things in such a short time span. I had no idea how to do it! How could I possibly write, non-stop, for five whole minutes and not have it be a giant nonsensical ramble?? But with encouragement from a prominent freewriter I finally took the plunge and Hook, Line and Stinker was born. (
The daily freewrite has become a huge part of my blockchain blogging journey. I might not participate as often now as I used to but if it wasn't for the daily freewrite, @mariannewest, and the other wonderful freewriters, I wouldn't be the writer I am today. I also wouldn't have published my very first novel, Half Past the Moonfall, created thanks to a Freewrite House + NaNoWriMo mish-mash in 2018, and I wouldn't be releasing Vengeance come September. ALSO! The loveable Joey and cranky Jenny wouldn't exist. What kind of world would this be without that incompatible odd-couple??
A huge thank you to @mariannewest and the Freewrite House! I am eternally grateful. <3

A message from @elizacheng
26th day. Super funny post I have there. I never thought I can write story, but I did it with Freewrite. I even wrote a 14 parts stories... Yes. My first ever story named "Destiny". This is the Finale and in it has the links to all the other parts. I am totally amazed by what I can do. I couldn't have done it without the encouragement from Marianne and all other freewriters. Freewrite is really a great challenge for everyone! Happy Freewriting and Happy 1000 days old to 5 Minutes Freewrite Challenge! Love you!!!

…thanks a lot to @mariannewest for coming up with the 5 minutes Freewrite Challenge and being so persistent. I couldn't believe that 5 minutes Freewrite Challenge is 1000 days old now! I started my first freewrite on the
A message from @traciyork
Marianne, congratulations on day 1000 of the #Freewrite daily prompt.! Many times over the years when I felt stuck for an idea to write about, or needed to dust off the rust in my brain, your prompts were a life saver! Your enthusiasm and encouragement is beyond compare, and your energy is eternally wicked awesomesauce! Thank you for everything you've done for our blockchain home(s). You ROCK!

A message from @FreedomToWrite
When I was first introduced to the freewrite community, I was an aspiring writer who was terrified of anyone seeing my writing. It was quite a predicament! But my husband, @freedompoint, encouraged me to really give it a try. My first prompt, was 'red scarf', and I felt like I was shaking when I hit post. But the response I got from the community was beautiful and kind, and I was encouraged to do another and another. Thanks to all the effort Mariannewest has put into the community, building, sowing into it, and shaping it, it has become this magical place that will always from like home. I'm astonished that she has been able to post a prompt everyday for 1000 days! No matter how busy she got, or what life has thrown at her, she hasn't forgotten us freewriters. Thank you Mariannewest! You have been a bright spot in my world. I'm no longer afraid to share my writing, and that is a gift I will take with me forever!

A message from @WonderWop
When I first joined I would write about coins or guns or even give tips on how to mail packages or letters, but I never really had any readers or upvotes. Then one day I ran across a daily prompt from @mariannewest and I was hooked. I could write for five minutes, not worry about spelling or punctuations, and be surrounded by a group of Freewriters who supported each other. I joined in on her contests, became Uncle Bruni, and wrote everyday until March of 2020 when I found out I had the very rare Stage 4 Appendiceal Cancer. I've tried to write a Freewrite at least once a week, but I seem to be praying more in my spare time. I hope that when I beat this cancer I'll be able to Freewrite daily once again. Thank you @mariannewest for all you do for us, I love you! two_hearts Uncle Bruni

A message from @justclickindiva
I first learned about @mariannewest and the Freewrite prompts from a friend on Hive who suggested I take a look to see if it fit with my love of fiction writing. Perfect match. Being accepted into the Freewrite Community was a turning point for me in my writing. A prompt every day to choose from. Then I noticed the weekend and single option prompts. I was in writing heaven. I'll never make it through the entire list of writing prompts you made available to all of us willing to take the challenge. Giving of one's self to help others discover, explore, and reach their potential is the most selfless act anyone can undertake. You made the Freewrite Community a safe haven for my writing. I'll never forget the Freewrite Community's response to my post:

A message from @hlezama
To @mariannewest on her 1000th day of freewrite: Congratulations, MarianneWest for such an accomplishment. We have to admire consistency. It's never easy to stay on task for long. It has been about 15 months since I first tried the 5-minute freewrite challenge. This is the first text I produced (we were all on steemit then) . Even though I have not been able to participate consistently in the challenge, I must say that the single-prompt and the three-prompt weekend freewrite have considerably helped me gain confidence in my writing and trust the developing potential of this kind of exercise. About 7 months ago I did my first weekend freewrite ( and even though writing fition does not come easy for me, I have developed a liking for it. Whenever the muses and time agree, I give it a try. I want to thank @mariannewest for having built a community so encouraging and supportive around her freewrite challenges. Lots of blessings and long live FreeWrite!

A message from @owasco
I credit Marianne West and her daily freewrite prompt, along with the very kind and supportive community that has grown around it, with my emergence as a writer. I feel blessed to have come across her, and I'm sure a great many others feel the same. What is not to love?

A message from @kaerpediem

A message from @jayna
Marianne West, you have been such an inspiration to so many of us. Your tireless commitment to creativity, community building, and bringing out the best in people does not go unnoticed! You are loved and appreciated by all. So many people have benefited from your Freewrite project. They have found they can write, and that they have an inner voice they were not even aware was there. Thank you for all you do! We don't say it enough!! Thank you for being the Goddess of Freewrites! Love, Jayna

A message from @wandrnrose7

A message from @ntowl
If there is one person who has influenced my writing in recent years it is Marianne. I came to Steem to try to get back into my fiction writing and I found the five minute freewrites a few weeks later. From that very first post I made, Marianne has been a constant source of support, going way beyond just freewrite comments. She welcomed me into the Freewrite House community, a “place” I’ve come to consider my home online wherever it may be.
Her dedication to posting the daily freewrite prompts is amazing and incredible. It’s hard to find anyone or any organization that sticks to something for 1,000 days in our fast moving world. She inspires me and my writing. I’m looking forward to seeing freewrites for another thousand days!
Thank you Marianne and the Freewrite House for all the support and opportunity you’ve provided!

A message from @d00k13

A message from @deeanndmathews
About those freewrite posts ... they were where I at last found a place on Steem to consistently create and be supported if not always rewarded heavily at first. But every day, the freewrite posts gave me an opportunity to show and hone my writing skill, and get feedback -- so that today, 15 months later, I am in a totally different place as a creative in general. Freewrite was the anchor.
Dear Marianne: It has been a long and difficult journey to the 1000th post. We all know that. We all know you don't have to put up with everything you have put up with on the journey from Steem to Hive, and occasionally "steemy" behavior here on Hive. You did it for us anyway. THANK YOU!

A message from

Congratulations and Thank You @mariannewest from everyone at the @FreewriteHouse and the #Freewriters Community!
We've achieved so much in 1000 days… Looking forward to the next 1000!

Awe!!!! I am totally in tears! Soooo sweet!! Thank you soooooo much!
Let's do this for another 1000 Days - at least 👊
What a huge milestone and amazing achievement. I know it hasn't always been easy for you, and there have been times when you felt like you were carrying the world on your shoulders. But you never gave up! And so many people are writing because of your dedication and a track to run on. You're amazing!
You are so very sweet!!!
I hope we have covid under control next year and can have a meetup again...
It will! I'm going to focus on positive thinking! ❤️
To the next 1000 days - wait! what?! Really?!!! hahaha
Let's do this!!!
You are the best Marianne <33
We can do it!!! The Freewrite engines puffs along :) I think we can, I think we can, I think we can :)
We love you Marianne 💕 👍
Thank you so much, Bruni :)
What an amazing testimony 🙌. Thank you for this compilation
@MarianneWest you are loved for your selfless dedication to helping others and you have encouraged us all in our creative journey! I love you! Happy 1000th Prompt!
Thank you!!! You have been an instrumental part of the community for a long time!!
I believe in what you do!!
!Yupi¡ estupenda celebración, me encanta ver tantos amigo y participantes dejando sus palabras de cariño y admiración por un espectacular trabajo mantenido en el tiempo.
!Yupi¡ great celebration, I love to see so many friends and participants leaving their words of affection and admiration for a spectacular work maintained over time, @mariannewest.
Gracias, @latino.romano, @felixgarciap por animarme a participar.
Thank you, @latino.romano, @felixgarciap for encouraging me to participate.
¡Felicitaciones y gracias @mariannewest de parte de todos en @FreewriteHouse y la comunidad de #Freewriters!
Congratulations and Thank You @mariannewest from everyone at the @FreewriteHouse and the #Freewriters Community!
We are such a beautiful community and I am so glad that you are a part of it!!
¡Somos una comunidad tan hermosa y estoy tan contenta de que seas parte de ella!
Que sigan los éxitos bello equipo de @freewritehouse, cada iniciativa viene con gran sentimiento. Gracias a todos por su apoyo.
¡Gracias por ser parte de la comunidad de escritores libres! ¡Me encanta como todos se apoyan unos a otros!
Huge props to everyone, damb buzz man nailed it 😍
You just crack me up all the time - I saw you in front of me saying this sentence lol
And I so loved your video!
You are an amazing dude!
LMAO I am told that I leave a lasting impression 😝
Glad you liked it, stoked to see so many responses... I had no idea 😅 very empowering response from everyone 👌
Tienen razòn no me ofenderè po no saber de esta preparaciòn tan linda que tenian a la querida @mariannewest, lleguè acà hace un tiempo y me enamorpe de està dinàmica, de esta famila, aqui me senti en casa y por se te agradezco marianne y te deseo 1 million prompts more. Te quiero muchisimo y aquì seguirè con todos ustedes! Gracias por la oprtunidad de ser parte de tu familia de freewriters
¡Muchas gracias por ser parte de esta familia y por todas las hermosas escrituras gratuitas que están contribuyendo! ¡Se te aprecia!
T toptag
H human
O open
U utilize
S strotytellers
A achievement
N nice
D different
S super
F fun
R real
E engaging
E envolved
W worthwile
R real
I intense
T terrific
E enrole
S sublime
Please stay with us and make another 1000😉
Thank you so very much!! You are always so sweet and supportive!
FANFREAKINGTABULOUS! Congrats hon and here's to another 1000!!! !tip
Thank you so much Jaynie. You are an amazing example! Much love to you!
Congratulations to this amazing achievement, I'm not joining freewrite all the time but I was being part on it while trying the encouragement of my friend. I knew you and keep it up.
Again, Congratulations!
Thank you, Olivia. You know, you are always welcome to write with us. Even if you can't all the time :)
Thank you and I will try the easy one.
Wow, what an accomplishment! That just shows how dedicated @mariannewest is! This is such a great milestone! 💜
Thank you so much!! This community has been so amazing all along!
Wicked amazing testement to the awesomesauceness of @mariannewest! Special thanks to Bruce ( for coming up with this idea and shouting out for contributions - you sir, also ROCK!
Thank you so much!! And very soon, I am going to stop by your home on Hive to thank you properly.
Love to you!!
Mi mala memoria no me diò chance a mandar el mensaje pero debo felicitar a esta estupenda mujer y autora asi como a todos los freewriters, por este fabuloso ejercicio de literatura que para mì, es uno de los màs divertidos y aleccionadores. Se dice fàcil pero 1000 dìas de freewrites son unas cuantas letras y creaciones, corazones que laten y se expresan al ritmo de una palabra clave. Gracias a la bella @mariannewest y la comunidad de Freewriters asi como al amigo por esta bonita publicaciòn. @freewritehouse
Te regalo un paisaje de mi tierra, querida @mariannewest, disfruta este hermoso y merecido triunfo...
Fotografìa de mi propiedad.
thank you so much!! That really is a beautiful property you have!! thank you for sharing with me!
@tipu curate
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 16/32)
Thank you.
This was amazing <33Thank you for doing this.
He is such a great guy!! This truly is amazing!!
Share Your Tunes And Win The Post Earnings! - Track Of The Week! (Round 26) - Our Winner Last Week @Ervin-Lemark Received 8.82 Hive!@jaynie wrote lately about: Feel free to follow @jaynie if you like it :)
Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide.
🎁 Hi @freewritehouse! You have received 0.1 HIVE tip from @jaynie!I ain’t missin out in this Congratulations!
Thank you so much!
Hi @mriannewest - Thanks heaps for the great opportunity to be a part of this fantastic tool for nurturing creativity
Felicidades a @mariannewest por llegar a los 1000 días de diversión. Todo mi aprecio para ella.
Thanks for encouragement too. You are all shades of awesomeness❤🌻Thank you @Mariannewest! I got comfortable with writing, thanks the daily Freewrite.
Congratulations to the fabulous @mariannewest for providing freewrite prompts for 1000 days! That is no small accomplishment. My first freewrite was on Day 109, with the prompt "yard sale." My participation has been erratic, but it has always been reassuring to know there was a prompt waiting for me if I needed a boost to get me writing. I have been encouraged by the freewrite community, and by @mariannewest. It's a great bunch of people, and we are all indebted to this great lady for keeping us going.
Woo hoo!! It's a cause for great celebration! Well done, pulling this together, @felt. buzz. I'm so glad to be a part of it and to cheer on @mariannewest - an inspiration to us all!