My Five Minutes of Free Writing #20 / Secret of success

in Freewriters2 years ago

Much has been written about this subject and most of us have tried to find magic formulas that allow us to obtain the success we long for and have pursued for years. People generally when they think of success think of their economic achievements, the fact of having a house, a car, a stable job, a successful profession or a stable business, coming to think that success in business will bring success in other areas of our life.



To a certain extent, success in business, profession or economic in general can help you to have some emotional and family stability but it does not guarantee that you will be successful in those areas of life, and according to the perception of each human being (as in my case) family, emotional, couple, marriage and children success is the most important for any human being, even if someone may think otherwise.

Now... Although family success is number one in my priorities, I would also like to be successful in business and have economic stability, and with this publication I do not pretend to give you magic keys to be successful, but rather I am writing from the point of view of someone who recognizes that due to the lack of some elements in my life total success has not arrived, but I am still in the process of achieving it.

If someone would ask me why I have not been so successful in business, I would answer that I have lacked some elements to achieve the success that so far has been elusive, but that I plan to achieve in the near future and those elements are:

Discipline: If we do not maintain an iron discipline in the things we undertake it will be unlikely that there will be growth in our business, things as basic as, spend more than we produce in the long run hurts us, have a good discipline between income and expenses.

We must avoid being pressured by immediate needs, and avoid indulging ourselves unnecessarily, which will limit our economic growth, among others.

Constancy: When we make some kind of investment, we must know that the fruits are generally long term, we must be mentalized and let our money work, our investment will pay off in the long or medium term, so if we see a drop in sales or markets have downward trends we must continue until we see the result of our investment and not give up to start something new without knowing yet the final result of our investment, this makes us never finish or see the result of something in the long term.

There are other elements that surely help to achieve success and economic stability, however, I think that the lack of these two prevent us from achieving what we want, and is the cause of many of us not having prosperous businesses.

Let me know what you think!
