Oooh, I'm excited about this prompt. Feels very story-able
Oh shoot, coming up with names is tough
No. these are all too complex
no that's a word.
[insert name here] strode out onto the carpet of crushed bugs. The world of the forest tightened its grip on his heart. Beneath his feet, crunch crunched the carapace of beetles.
Oh no! I thought that was the timer, but it was a different timer..
I'm very distracted. Ok there's someone, and the crushed beetles. why are they there? A forest, sure, but that's a lot of beetles. Maybe there's a tree oozing sap from a branch, and the beetles come to feast, but it's a poison sap
no, maybe it's in a house, actually, and they've just
no, why is there a carpet of crushed beetles? I want it to be neat and natural. So... the ...but it looks like I can't think of anything that is a reason for a bug carpet that isn't creepy.
Also stina is listening to a show that's really sad sounding and weird and scary.. kind of.
I suggest you won't sniff at the carpet bugs are hard to kill so if they are all dead better beware.... don't touch it and better keep an eye on that show..