Over the Ridge -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters3 days ago

For https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@daily.prompt/3-march-2025-mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-day-2664-over-the-ridge

I'm over the ridge, and I can see the verdant valley below. It looks like it'll be a tough climb down, but then we'll be there. And down is easier than up, right? I want to let myself go down gradually, though.

I'm having trouble.

I want to just gaze at it, I think. It's a nice view. What if I just stood here and enjoyed it visually. I mean, what if I don't actually want to be there. Climbing back up here is going to be hard. There's probably mosquitoes. Maybe the ground is soggy and soft. Hard to walk in. My feet are going to get wet. And what if those are stinging nettles? Right now it would be just as easy to go back as to go forward. This is the point where it's easier to go any which way, really. What if, this time, instead of hurrying forward with what I decided I wanted back then, I reconsidered. I don't need to be down there. I mean, maybe I do, but how do I know? I can't just

I know it's no good just to stand here, but really...really. There are consequences. And I don't think I know what they all are. And making decisions without all the information... is ... I mean. not even all, but making decisions that are definitely not the decisions other people are making

Ugh What's wrong with me.


I'm stuck between longing for a change and fearing its consequences - it feels like I'm just standing at this crossroads, unsure of which path to choose.