Polish the Brass Mustache -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters2 months ago

PolishFor https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@daily.prompt/8-january-2025-mariannewests-freewrite-writing-prompt-day-2611-polish-the-brass-moustache

They're pronounced differently.

Brass. Mustache Moustache. Both are correct.

What the heck.

I guess there's probably brass statues of people who had mustaches. I dunno who or where. I'd not be surprised, though, if people touched the mustache for luck, so it winds up shinier than the rest of the brass statue.

It seems like the thing people would do. People are always touching things. Hmmm. Hmmm. My belly is feeling kind of pleasantly empty? Is that a thing? I like it a little, but it's reminding me that it doesn't have any food in it...Is this a pleasant sensation? I don't know. I think I'm a little broken and no longer know what sensations are pleasant. I was having unpleasant sensations in the middle of the night with some belly pains. This is a different sensation, so that's nice.

Bosses are weird. It's weird that there are people in the world who feel like they get to tell adults what to do. Not, like, a conversation about what needs to be done and how best to go about it, but just, like, someone who decides all on their own to tell another adult what to do, and if you don't do what they say, you don't get to have a home or food or healthcare. That's bonkers, right? I don't think we should do that to anyone, child or adult. We should recognize that humans can make decisions collaboratively.


Stream of consciousness. Your idea of rubbing the brass mustache for luck made me think of rubbing the Buddha belly, for the same principle.

unfortunately I think it is not about recognition.

children are programmed not to think but to instead follow directions.

this is not by accident.

I am that guy, to twirl a statue's mustache. But not everyone will reach this level.


You mean programmed by society? I think children innately explore, discover, think. But yes, much of society tries to instill obedience rather than creativity and critical thinking in all people. We are valued by how much we advantage those who possess capital, not by how much we help our fellow humans in general.

unless, and I am speaking symbolically of course,

we can find our own value in twirling brass mustaches.