Put your feet up -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters3 years ago

For https://peakd.com/hive-161155/@mariannewest/day-1627-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-put-your-feet-up

Just reeeelax. The doctor looks in his eyes. He's got a piece of chocolate where the pupil should be... hm thi sis going to be trouble. The doctor watches his eye melt because his eyeball is warmer than the melting point of chocolate. Trouble

trouble my friend


I tried to write a third person story, but I cannot continue.

put your feet up

On the coffee table.
let relaxation sing to you

yes yes

No I don't ooooqqqwwweee

Shall we call the plumber to have him take a look at your eye

How come it's always plumbers who do medicine? Anyone ever think it should be doctors? no that'd be weird, huh?

I like like like things.
Hey how about them packers yo

I don't live in the world I live on the world what are we talking about maybe panda
oh we say red it was good

Oh a sea.. Like an ocean

and that thing the thing put your feet up on the ocean

so much movement it takes and I was going to write a beat sheet for gentle werewolf tonight, but instead I watched space force, which is just propaganda through and through. there's lots of propaganda out there. Oh well. We still like popular entertainment. It's fun. They know how to make propaganda good.

oh good I can just glance up and see 7 seconds left.


He's got a piece of chocolate where the pupil should be... hm this is going to be trouble.

Wow, but how did the chocolate got stuck his eyes? This is going to be a really funny scene to watch, I just keep smiling to myself while reading through.

Thank you for sharing this.

Smiles... Funny scene... But how did the chocolate get stuck in his eyes and why is it a plumber that is called to attend to him instead of a doctor?

the chocolate got stuck in his eye, Doctor will try to rip it out with his equipment, and the patient will hit doctor's eye by mistake. It will be funny scene

This is so surreal and the perfect way to start the week lol