Vigorous Shake -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters12 days ago


I need to give myself a vigorous shake, but I also need to be gentle with my body.

I am in ...not spiral mode. Because there's not a downtrend, but in circle mode. I have lots to do, but I'm not starting on any of the big tasks because i keep bouncing from thinking about one thing being urgent to another to another.

But what is urgent?

Oh gosh, everything. I need stina to put the ointment on my wound. We've talked to my doctor friend, who doesn't think stitches will be necessary. She acknowledges some doctors might recommend stitches, but she thinks it'd be overkill. Just keep it clean and let it heal and my hair will cover the scar. easy peasy. Keeping it clean is a bit tough since I can't put a bandage over it.

I need to do the stuff on my list. I have a nice list. I just gotta hunker down. The trouble is, I'm sleepy, and so I keep thinking of the things that I should maybe do right now before I do the things.

Like... I dunno. Nothing really. Well, yes, some things. Like look at all my emails to make sure I'm not missing a new urgent thing. Or look at my fitbit to see if I ...I dunno. I guess I'm just curious about what my sleep was like, and oh, shit, yeah, and think about if tonight is the night that I deal with having a good night's sleep in some better way. and I need to make sure the dogs are in. And did we give Kirby her medicine?


Wow so many things to do in a short while. Give yourself a shake but do not over do it.

Have a good day