5 minutes daily prompt freewrite - New owners

in Freewriters3 days ago

Looking back at the house she has lived in with her abuela her whole life, Suzy knows she's going to really miss it.


Standing on the pathway that leads to the house, Suzy is stuck in a trance as she takes it all in, the little garden by the side of the wooden fence she can still remember so vividly because that was one of her favorite places as she and her abuela loved to plant a lot of flowers and had a lot of bonding time in the garden.

Done taking everything in and locking all the wonderful memories she and her abuela share she turns to leave with the remaining of her belongings knowing the house will never remain the same now that her abuela is no more.

Hopefully the new owners cherish it as she has all her life.

Lots of love from jhymie 🥰