[ENG/SPA]-Five Minutes Freewrite: Lack of comfort

in Freewriterslast year

I am definitely going to miss the feeling of staying on my bed all day doing nothing while I just had everything I wanted handed out to me or done for me, but I am not a child anymore, I know that one day all this will stop as my father has begun to complain about my lazy attitude.

Although I am not doing this for him, I am doing it for myself and my future. So I have to leave the comfort of my bed and house to find something that can help me get to where I want to be.


Jack said to himself as he packed his things not knowing where he was going next but hoping that he could find a place to stay for the meantime. After he finished packing his things and made sure everything was intact, he looked around his room once more and mentally said goodbye to it.


Heading downstairs, he saw his parents waiting for him by the door. His mother held a worried look, afraid to let her baby go into the world while her father was looking at him with a proud face hoping that his son was going to make him proud one day.

When he reached the both of them, he gave them each tight hugs because he knew he was going to miss them so much after that, they gave him a little pep talk and watched him as he entered the car going into the world.

Will he be able to survive without the comfort of his home?

Translation with Hi Translate.

Lots of love from jhymie 🥰



Definitivamente voy a extrañar la sensación de quedarme en mi cama todo el día sin hacer nada mientras solo tenía todo lo que quería que me entregara o hiciera por mí, pero ya no soy un niño, lo sédía todo esto se detendrá ya que mi padre ha comenzado a quejarse de mi actitud perezosa.

Aunque no estoy haciendo esto por él, lo hago por mí y por mi futuro. Así que tengo que dejar la comodidad de mi cama y mi casa para encontrar algo que pueda ayudarme a llegar a donde quiero estar.


Jack se dijo a sí mismo mientras empacaba sus cosas sin saber a dónde iba a continuación, pero con la esperanza de poder encontrar un lugar donde quedarse mientras tanto. Después de que terminó de empacar sus cosas y se aseguró de que todo estuviera intacto, miró alrededor de su habitación una vez más y mentalmente se despidió de ella.


Bajando las escaleras, vio a sus padres esperándolo junto a la puerta. Su madre tenía una mirada preocupada, temerosa de dejar que su bebé entrara al mundo mientras su padre lo miraba con unrostro orgulloso con la esperanza de que su hijo lo hiciera sentir orgulloso algún día.

Cuando llegó a los dos, les dio cada abrazo apretado porque sabía que los iba a extrañar mucho después de eso, ellos le dio una pequeña charla de pep y lo miró mientras entraba al auto que entraba al mundo.

¿Podrá sobrevivir sin la comodidad de su hogar?

Traducción con Hi Translate.

Mucho amor de jhymie🥰


We need to leave our comfort zone most of the time if we want to do something in our life and this situation of Jack is quite reasonable. I hope he will do better in his life and progress in life.

I hope he does too. Thanks for reading.


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