There's really not much to say about the argument. It was silly; like all arguments tend to begin. But ours ran spilled over into the forbidden zone. The place where past deeds dwell, not to be ushered in or called up at will. The place where spiteful words that cut to the core linger, waiting for the scale to tip in one partner's favor.
That was the backdrop of Jules and my past.
Should we have parted? Only God knows the answer. But now I see how difficult a decision it was to let go. Both bound by grief, and perhaps a love we didn't recognize as true, we languished not understanding how to repair the hurt.
They say hindsight is helpful. It certainly has aided in accepting responsibility.
I stared out over the rippling water as the calmness drew me back to a time before the storm. Behind me the season had already ushered in the rust and yellow landscape just as it did then.
The beginnings of a relationship. Getting to know each other, I'd accepted the fact that Jules came with an adorable young son. So I planned a life together with them both, anticipating growing our family.
We'd take long walks in the nearby park trail. As comfortable as socks and shoes. As palatable as peanut and jelly. And as satisfying as milk and cookies, she'd joke. I was in love. I could feel the sentiment as drops of rain feel on our shared umbrella. We'd run for cover and lean against a huge tree. There, the world faded.
The weekend after our second anniversary, I'd plan to propose, so purchased a ring and searched for a more spacious apartment. If only he hadn't been present when I arrived with the hopefully good news.
Jules was gracious enough to hurry the visit after acting as buffer until Marlin's father left. Now, she exploded.
"Your manners were abhorrent. I expected better of you for Marlin's sake."
"Why can't he visit at his place? Is he coming for your benefit? I hear how your voice changes when speaking to him." My tone heightened to a mocking, fever pitch.
Jules shoulders rose and fell slowly. She sighed, folding her arms across her chest, then turned away.
"Besides his current economic situation, I felt bad it didn't work out between us. That's all! He's Marlin's father, Julian. I'm not selfish and won't deny the man his rights. We weren't married, but he has supported his son as best he can these three years. If you can't accept that, then we're finished. I thought we made peace with this in the beginning. What's your problem?" She waited.
My problem was complex. At least that's what I told myself to justify my feelings. I recalled the arguments my parents had whenever my biological father visited. I vowed never to enter into a relationship such as theirs. But I did.
I didn't have a sensible answer, so we set the problem aside after I promised to work out my issues. The situation only deteriorated. We parted not on the best of terms.
After two miserable months, I realized that I missed Jules terribly and wanted to salvage our relationship. I called her, and to my surprise, she accepted my invitation to meet.
The rain pelted my windshield. I watched as Jules' shadowy figure stepped off the curb anticipating my arrival. Instantly, out the corner of my eye, a car sped by swerving. Intentionally or not, its front end was aiming directly at her standing there waiving at me.
Panic set in. Saving her was utmost. I couldn't stop the car, jump out, and run fast enough. Instead, I honked the horn. She kept waiving, evidently not spotting the danger. So, I sped up to intercept the car. Best I take the hit.
But life has a way of intercepting and altering well-meaning intentions.
I did intercept the car, but not before it slammed into and fatally injured Jules. We weren't married, so I had no claim to Marlin. His father took him after her death. The ring. I kept it as a reminder of the argument that should never have happened.
It was then I swore never again to argue with anyone over matters not within my power to control. A hard lesson that accompanied me throughout not only a marriage I ultimately entered into, but also the next forty years when giving advice. I'd often tell others that nothing in life is guaranteed. You make do the best you can and hopefully learn a thing or two along the way. And finally, that jealousy has no part in any relationship.
"It's lunchtime and your medication is ready," the assisted-living nurse said softly while tapping on my shoulder.
I looked up at her teary-eyed.
"Why so sad, Mr. Hennesey?"
"Regret," I only responded choking back the rest. I'd buried the incident deep. But ever so often it rose to the top when the rust-colored leaves of Fall come to stay for a while.
"We all live with regrets from life's choices," she said somberly. It's in our nature.
I paused. "But none that causes a beautiful life to be snatched suddenly and needlessly from this Earth."
She stood there for a moment as if contemplating my words, looking out over the lake. Turning, she unlocked my wheelchair brakes and led me back into the nursing facility.
Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about individuals who appear as one.
Describe what you see.
Fall is in full swing as rust and yellow leaves cover the landscape. A walking trail through a heavily wooded area finds two people, walking with a blue umbrella overhead. I love the patchwork pattern of the fence on the right-hand side of the trail. Large trees sit on both sides of the road. Through the trees in the distance, a shade of gray sky is visible; perhaps cloudy.
Describe what you feel.
The people walking is a couple. See how close together their arms tough. And under one umbrella. It's misting and cool by the looks of their jackets. They're discussing issues, perhaps life in general or making plans. The weather and atmosphere creates a perfect setting for all the above.
Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 11/22/24.
Image used with permission of contest owner
For your convenience, I have included below a Spanish translation from DeepL for "The Never-Should-Have-Happened Argument" - Freewrite: 11/22/24 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.
The Never Should Have Happened Argument
El argumento de que nunca debió ocurrir
Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia me habló de los individuos que aparecen como uno.
Describa lo que ve
El otoño está en pleno apogeo y las hojas amarillas y rojizas cubren el paisaje. Un sendero que atraviesa una zona muy boscosa encuentra a dos personas caminando con un paraguas azul sobre sus cabezas. Me encanta el estampado de retazos de la valla a la derecha del sendero. Grandes árboles se asientan a ambos lados del camino. A través de los árboles en la distancia, se ve un tono de cielo gris; quizás nublado.
Describe lo que sientes
La gente que camina es una pareja. Mira lo juntos que tienen los brazos. Y bajo un mismo paraguas. Por el aspecto de sus chaquetas, hace fresco. Están hablando de temas, quizá de la vida en general o haciendo planes. El tiempo y el ambiente crean un marco perfecto para todo lo anterior.
Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 11/22/24.
En realidad no hay mucho que decir sobre la discusión. Fue una tontería; como suelen empezar todas las discusiones. Pero la nuestra se desbordó hacia la zona prohibida. El lugar donde habitan los hechos del pasado, que no se pueden evocar ni invocar a voluntad. El lugar donde permanecen las palabras rencorosas que llegan hasta la médula, a la espera de que la balanza se incline a favor de uno de los dos.
Ese era el telón de fondo de Jules y mi pasado.
¿Deberíamos habernos separado? Sólo Dios sabe la respuesta. Pero ahora veo lo difícil que fue la decisión de dejarlo ir. Ambos atados por el dolor, y tal vez por un amor que no reconocíamos como verdadero, languidecimos sin entender cómo reparar el daño.
Dicen que la retrospectiva ayuda. Sin duda nos ha ayudado a aceptar nuestra responsabilidad.
Me quedé mirando el agua ondulante mientras la calma me devolvía a un tiempo anterior a la tormenta. A mis espaldas, la estación ya había dado paso al paisaje herrumbroso y amarillo, igual que entonces.
El comienzo de una relación. Al conocernos, había aceptado el hecho de que Jules viniera con un hijo pequeño y adorable. Así que planeé una vida junto a ambos, anticipando el crecimiento de nuestra familia.
Dábamos largos paseos por el sendero del parque cercano. Tan cómodos como los calcetines y los zapatos. Tan sabrosos como el cacahuete y la mermelada. Y tan satisfactorios como la leche y las galletas, bromeaba. Estaba enamorada. Podía sentir el sentimiento como gotas de lluvia en nuestro paraguas compartido. Corríamos a refugiarnos y nos apoyábamos en un gran árbol. Allí, el mundo se desvanecía.
El fin de semana siguiente a nuestro segundo aniversario, planeaba declararme, así que compré un anillo y busqué un apartamento más espacioso. Si tan sólo él no hubiera estado presente cuando llegué con la esperanzadora buena noticia.
Jules tuvo la gentileza de apurar la visita después de actuar como amortiguador hasta que el padre de Marlin se fue. Ahora, ella explotó.
*"Tus modales fueron detestables. Esperaba algo mejor de ti por el bien de Marlin».
«¿Por qué no puede visitarnos en su casa? ¿Viene en tu beneficio? Oigo cómo te cambia la voz cuando hablas con él». Mi tono se elevó a un tono burlón y febril.
Los hombros de Jules subieron y bajaron lentamente. Suspiró, cruzó los brazos sobre el pecho y se dio la vuelta.
"Además de su actual situación económica, me sentí mal porque lo nuestro no funcionó. Eso es todo. Es el padre de Marlin, Julian. No soy egoísta y no le negaré sus derechos. No estábamos casados, pero ha mantenido a su hijo lo mejor que ha podido estos tres años. Si no puedes aceptar eso, entonces hemos terminado. Pensé que habíamos hecho las paces con esto al principio. ¿Cuál es tu problema? « Esperó.
Mi problema era complejo. Al menos eso me dije para justificar mis sentimientos. Recordé las discusiones que tenían mis padres cada vez que me visitaba mi padre biológico. Me prometí no entrar nunca en una relación como la suya. Pero lo hice.
No tenía una respuesta sensata, así que dejamos el problema a un lado después de prometerme que resolvería mis problemas. La situación no hizo más que deteriorarse. No nos separamos de la mejor manera.
Después de dos meses miserables, me di cuenta de que echaba muchísimo de menos a Jules y quería salvar nuestra relación. La llamé y, para mi sorpresa, aceptó mi invitación.
La lluvia me golpeaba el parabrisas. Vi cómo la figura sombría de Jules bajaba de la acera anticipando mi llegada. Al instante, por el rabillo del ojo, un coche pasó dando volantazos. Intencionadamente o no, su parte delantera apuntaba directamente hacia ella, que estaba allí de pie haciéndome señas.
El pánico se apoderó de mí. Salvarla era lo más importante. No podía parar el coche, saltar y correr lo bastante rápido. En lugar de eso, toqué el claxon. Ella siguió haciéndome señas, evidentemente sin darse cuenta del peligro. Así que aceleré para interceptar el coche. Mejor que me llevara el golpe.
Pero la vida tiene una forma de interceptar y alterar las buenas intenciones.
Intercepté el coche, pero no antes de que chocara con Jules y la hiriera de muerte. No estábamos casados, así que no tenía derecho a Marlin. Su padre se lo llevó después de su muerte. El anillo. Lo guardé como recordatorio de la discusión que nunca debió ocurrir.
Fue entonces cuando juré no volver a discutir con nadie por asuntos que no estuvieran bajo mi control. Una dura lección que me acompañó no sólo a lo largo de un matrimonio que acabé contrayendo, sino también durante los siguientes cuarenta años, a la hora de dar consejos. A menudo decía a los demás que nada está garantizado en la vida. Uno hace lo que puede y, con suerte, aprende un par de cosas por el camino. Y, por último, que los celos no tienen nada que hacer en una relación.
«Es la hora de comer y su medicación está lista», me dijo suavemente la enfermera mientras me tocaba el hombro.
La miré con los ojos llorosos.
«¿Por qué está tan triste, señor Hennesey?».
«Me arrepiento», respondí ahogando el resto. Había enterrado profundamente el incidente. Pero de vez en cuando salía a la superficie cuando las hojas color óxido del otoño llegaban para quedarse un tiempo.
«Todos vivimos arrepintiéndonos de las decisiones que tomamos en la vida -dijo sombríamente-. Está en nuestra naturaleza.
Hice una pausa. «Pero ninguno que provoque que una vida hermosa sea arrebatada repentina e innecesariamente de esta Tierra».
Se quedó un momento como si contemplara mis palabras, mirando el lago. Se giró, desbloqueó los frenos de mi silla de ruedas y me condujo de nuevo a la residencia.
a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.
My heart wasn't prepared for this twist. A life drenched in regrets, simply because we couldn't be bold enough to talk it out. The beauty in this is the reality it portrays. That even though it doesn't always end so tragically like in the story, we do end up regretting not talking it out. Not relinquishing hold on the beauty in front of us. Your stories captivate me friend, as always. And make me think. Think and think again.❤️
Hello @jhymi. Just as in reality, the situation can end in different ways. Life doesn't guarantee us that we can fallout won't occur due to our actions. We act, then think later. Sometimes its too late to rectify the situation. As my mother used to tell me, "what do you really want to say, because your foolish words don't match the situation."
Conversation, then compromise if needed, is key to any relationship. My mom, bless her soul, also said that "if you want things to go your way all the time, then you best never get married."
Thanks so much for your visit and analysis of my story. I can always count on you to uncover meaningful connections. I appreciate your engagement and support.
Take care and have a good rest of your week.
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I did not expect the twist in this story! I guess even the most promising relationships can falter because of something as trivial as jealousy. Disagreements are unavoidable but how it's handled and resolved is what matters.
A beautifully written and poignant tale! You remind us to prioritise love and understanding over ego or jealousy. Nicely done. 😊
Yes, @kemmyb. Even the most promising relationship can crumble due to misunderstandings and personal insecurities. I've known many over my lifetime. Willingness to compromise is key. It always fascinates me that individuals with preconceived prejudices oftentimes end up in the same situations, then attempt to figure out why, many times unsuccessfully.
Thanks for your visit and kind compliment for my story. I appreciate your engagement and support. Take care and have a good rest of your week. Myself, I'm busy getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Take care.
Well said! It's Thanksgiving week. I'm wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday full of love and happiness. Take care. ✨
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Those leaves falling, do they make us feel somber and think of all the regrets? Regrets, are something strange just like jealousy. Some things are easier said than done. I wonder if life without is possible and where perfection would lead us.
I loved reading you and hope you are alright.
Hello @wakeupkitty. Thanks for your visit. Since there is no such condition as "perfection", humans will always experience a range of emotions from one end of the spectrum to the other. Unfortunately regret plays a vital role in self-reflection since it indicates a deed done that one isn't proud of or a deed or venture not undertaken at the appropriate time.
I appreciate your concern. I've been not 100% lately and trying to take it slow being AFK for a large majority days dealing with offline life tasks. I'm busy now getting ready for Thanksgiving.
Hope your holidays are a good. Have a wonderful rest of your week. Take care.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @wakeupkitty and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (13/20 calls)
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What a sad end. While Hennessy desired the right thing to be done, it only led to regrets.
Just like what his caretaker said, we all have done a thing in the past that leaves the sting of regrets. Our stories becomes a lesson to others.
A good read
Yes our own stories do become a lesson to others @dwixer. We have plenty examples to choose from in deciding what direction not to take when it comes to relationships. I'll always believe that compromise and communication is the key to success.
Thanks so much for your visit and engagement. I appreciate your support. Take care and have a good start to your weekend.
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tokens.@justclickindiva, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @dwixer and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (3/20 calls)
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muy bueno tu escrito, con giro inesperado. Felicitaiones
Thanks @norberto1 for stopping by. I'm pleased you like my story. Take care.
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Practicing spirituality is sometimes an intense task!
thanks for the reminder!
good story writing, btw! ;)
Hello @trayan. Thanks so much for stopping by and viewing my freewrite story. I appreciate it and am pleased you found it resonated as a reminder. I appreciate your engagement and support. Take care and have a good rest of your week.
God bless you!
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