Pour me another -5minutefreewrite

in Freewriters2 months ago

After drinking too much, she started to feel strange. Then she realized something terrible had happened to her. Many men had taken advantage of her. She cried, but no one helped her




How it all started;
She just had another broken relationship then she followed her Boyfriend friends to club to have fun... She wanna let go.
I mean everything .

The she scream,
Pour me more wine. Make it four cups. Pour me more to drink. I want to get drunk. I want to lose control. I need this tonight because something good is going to happen. It feels sweet when I’m high. I don’t feel lonely. I feel on top of the world. But the other side is not fun."

After drinking too much, she started to feel strange. Then she realized something terrible had happened to her. Many men had taken advantage of her. She cried, but no one helped her. The next day, she found out she had been hurt in the worst way.


Three months later, something shocking happened—she was pregnant and also had HIV.

So, be very careful when drinking. Know who you are. Know your limit. And know when to stop.

"Pour me another drink."
But wait—think before you take it.

"Pour me another drink."
But be careful before you do.

"Pour me another drink."
But be warned—because losing control can bring danger.

Please ignore bad friends encouraging you to do it.

Ignore the sweetness, because many have paid dearly for it.

I am inspired to write this morning, not just for you to enjoy reading my blog, but to learn while reading and to take a look at the other side of every quick decision

Please be thoughtful
Please be careful
Please be vigilant

Pour me another" often times is like luring you to the other side in this coin.... You might pay dearly before you get out

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