Lo hizo
Durante mucho tiempo fue una chica algo introvertida, tenía un grupo de amigas, sí, y llevaba una vida normal, pero siempre esperaba ser invitada a la fiesta y nunca era quien aportaba las ideas para organizar una; ella solo seguía los planes de otros, a todos apoyaba y cuando se trataba de tomar la palabra para opinar y decir su punto de vista le costaba mucho y al menos que le insistieran mucho participaba un poco en las actividades y se escuchaba su voz.
Constantemente le decían que necesitaba abrirse más, que intentara hacerlo y, por lo tanto, usa tu iniciativa chica. De manera que cierto día tomo la determinación e inicio un cambio, no tanto por otras personas, sino por ella misma; fue a su ritmo y cuando sintió el deseo de hacerlo, así comenzó por ser más participativa, opinar y decidir sobre cosas, aportaba sus ideas y eso era bueno. Aunque fue muy sorpresivo para quienes la conocían, pero fue algo positivo y se fueron acostumbrando.
Algunas personas necesitan tomarse su propio tiempo para decidir, expresarse o tomar la iniciativa en algún momento; si en efecto no todos piensan ni se comportan de la misma manera. El hecho de tener en nuestro entorno a personas introvertidas no nos da el derecho para agobiarlas u obligarlas a ser extrovertidas, lo mejor es dejarlas que lo hagan poco a poco y sobre todo sin presión.

You did it
For a long time she was a somewhat introverted girl, she had a group of friends, yes, and led a normal life, but she always expected to be invited to the party and she was never the one who contributed the ideas to organize one; she just followed the plans of others, she supported everyone and when it came to take the floor to give her opinion and say her point of view she had a hard time and unless they insisted a lot she participated a little in the activities and her voice was heard.
She was constantly being told that she needed to open up more, to try to do that, and so use your initiative girl. So one day she took the determination and started a change, not so much for other people, but for herself; she went at her own pace and when she felt the desire to do it, she started to be more participative, to give her opinion and decide about things, she contributed her ideas and that was good. Although it was very surprising for those who knew her, but it was something positive and they got used to it.
Some people need to take their own time to decide, express themselves or take the initiative at some point; indeed, not everyone thinks and behaves in the same way. The fact of having introverted people in our environment does not give us the right to overwhelm them or force them to be extroverted, the best thing is to let them do it little by little and above all without pressure.

Fuente: Extraído del blog de @latino.romano para el mensaje diario de 5 minutos.

Each person at their own pace, that is the wonderful thing about diversity, thank you for these 5 min of enriching and inspiring reading.
Hello @chrisrobert
Your time is my reward, knowing that you appreciated the writing. I agree, we have to let everyone act on their own.
We are all so different, capable of doing great things, but at the pace of each one, you have to get to know each other first and know what... We are capable of.
Hello @jairosegura
Indeed, it is so, we just have to believe and be sure of what we are worth. Comparison between people is wrong, I wish a lot of people would understand that.