There are times when we are compelled to set boundaries—not because of an absence of power to act, but rather because of a realization that some things clearly do not belong to us. More than just a phrase, "Not my jurisdiction" is an acknowledgment of limits, power, and duty. Legally speaking, the question of jurisdiction is straight-forward. For example, a judge in Nigeria cannot head a case in Brazil. Unless allowed, a local cop has no authority in another state. Rules are in place to keep order. Still, whether unwittingly or by choice, in daily life we often cross boundaries not our own. On subjects outside our knowledge, we provide unsolicited comments. Feeling compelled when we actually aren't, we undertake responsibilities not ours. But exactly when does stepping back cross over into disregard of duty? Respecting limits and ignoring responsibility walk a fine path. When injustice develops before me, do I dismiss it as someone else's problem and walk away? What about if a man falls in the street; do I say, "I'm not a doctor; this is not under my authority," and start walking away? And simultaneously, every fight cannot be carried. Certain circumstances call for us to say, "This is beyond me," and rely on faith in the appropriate individuals to address it. Leadership is knowing when to step up, when to step aside. Intelligence is knowing when our involvement works and is counterproductive. "Not my territory" is a life paradox. At times, it is a statement of peace meant to guard our mental turf. Still other times it is a way to shirk accountability. The difficulty lies in determining at any given point which one it is.