Mucha tristeza dejo la partida del tío Cesar, el siempre solo apartado de todos. Siempre encerrado en su cuarto, o quizás viendo la tv. Al hacerlo siempre veía como le brillaban los ojos cuando veía el Zorro, Superman o el Llanero Solitario.
Ahora que ya no estaba, era el momento de descubrir lo que guardaba tan meticulosamente en su cuarto donde no entraba ni mi abuela, mi tío era súper celoso.
Ya no estaba para proteger su tesoro en el cuarto. Me arme de valor y abrí la puerta, quede en shock cundo vi alrededor de su cama rumas y rumas de cómics de todos esos súper héroes de Marvel, mi tío tenia las historietas originales que compro con tanto afán cada vez que salía una nueva edición de las aventuras que hacían cada uno de los personajes.
Me senté y poco a poco fui leyendo las que me gustaron y parecieron interesantes. Ciertamente eran un tesoro.
A lot of sadness was left by the departure of Uncle César, always alone and apart from everyone. Always locked in his room, or perhaps watching television. In doing so, I could always see his eyes sparkle when he saw Zorro, Superman or the Lone Ranger.
Now that he was gone, it was time to discover what he kept so meticulously in his room where not even my grandmother would enter, my uncle was super jealous.
He was no longer around to protect his treasure in his room. I plucked up my courage and opened the door, I was in shock when I saw around his bed rumas and rumas of comics of all those Marvel superheroes, my uncle had the original comics that he bought so eagerly every time a new edition of each character's adventures came out.
I sat down, and little by little I would read the ones I liked and found interesting. They were undoubtedly a treasure

By: @Lunasilver