Chapter 3 : Invasion

in Freewriters2 months ago

Chapter 3

No, you haven't missed anything. Don't worry. Chapters 1 and 2 were incredibly boring. Nothing interesting happened. We were just getting ready, putting on our smiley faces, arguing a little bit, but then it was “off we go.”

So, the story starts on chapter 3. The problem could be, that the story doesn't really pick up from there. Then we need to go to chapter 4 or even 5 before it gets remotely interesting. By then the audience may have had enough.

In fact, they would have had enough after chapters 1 and 2, hence the skip.

However, we are on chapter 3 without anything being set up.


An aircraft has just landed, and loads of people are about to attack the village. They are wearing black. I think these are the bad guys

But the villagers are going to fight back. Even though this is a peaceful part of the world, they do love constitutions and law. They have planned for everything.

There is a library, the biggest building in the village and possibly in the world.

There will more definitely be a book. “How to defend ourselves if we get invaded by a big army.”

“We have a book,” they cried. “We know what to do.”

The villagers stand firm.

The leader, the elected mayor, stands waiting.

“Why are you attacking our village?”

The troopers stopped.

“Because we want some beer and food.”

“Why don't you just buy some, like ordinary people?” asked the mayor.

“That's what we are planning. We heard that this is the best place in the world for beer and food.”

The mayor needed assurance.

“You're not going to attack us?” he asked.

“What on earth gave you that idea? We come in peace.”

Maybe it's the big ship, the big guns and the black suits that made them nervous.

“So sorry, please come,” said the mayor.

The troopers thanked the mayor, everyone ate, drank and spent money. They also realised that there was no need for a chapter 4.

Thank you

The end.


Inspired by the freewrite daily prompt