You know how it is. I just wants to write a story even though I'm also feeling a little sleepy.
Maybe, just maybe, I'll sleep and dream about a story.
“We're not falling for that one again,” said a voice.
“What's the problem?” I asked.
“You're just going to write one of those stories which will turn out to be a dream.”
I think this voice is a complaining reader.
I hate complaining readers.
“Hey, complaining reader!” I shouted.
“I'm not complaining,” said the voice. “I'm just predicting what you are going to do.”
“It feels very much, like you are trying to complain,” I said
“Maybe I have something to complain about,” said the voice.
“Maybe, you should read another book.”
This reader is annoying. I'm just going write my story.
When I've finished, I'll post the link to my story on social media. You never know. I might get some extra readers
“No, you won't,” said the voice. “You're stories are not good at all.”
“I know you,” I shouted. “You're the one who comments on my work. So much hate, you think you're big and clever. You're not going to rule my world.”
“I'm not trying to rule your world,” said the voice.
“Then why do you make such an effort to be so negative.”
“I'm not negative,” said the voice. “I'm just saying what I think.”
“Can't I block this reader” I thought to myself.
This time, I hear another voice.
“I know your problem. You just want to write your words and maybe sing some songs.”
“Thank you,” I replied. “Yes that's exactly the problem.”
“What are you going to do about it?” asked the other voice.
“There's only one thing for it,” I said. “I know exactly what I'm going to do.”
“Very good, I can't wait to read it.”
Thank you for reading
Written as part of the daily freewrite