Oh, I know all about bed hair. I woke up this morning in a double bed with two cats and a dog.
Of course, the hair is not only on the bed. Sometimes one cat, Patches, chooses to sleep on my bathrobe, which I usually crumble up into a comfy bunch and leave on a chair in my bedroom, just for her. One fewer animal in my bed makes for a more restful sleep.
My upholstered chairs are all covered in pet hair, except for those I push the cushions up on so the animals won't get on them. That way, I only have a few chairs to clean of animal hair when guests come over.
Back to the bed though. Yesterday I found a good sized clump of orangeish hair on my bedside table. This clump could only have come from my dog. I wondered, as I picked it up and threw it into the bathroom trash, how such a clump came to be there. Most of her hair collects in wispy bits in the corners of rooms or stairways. But this looked like it had to have been yanked out whole. Had she done battle with one of my cats? On my bedside table, which isn't large enough to hold even one of my cats, let alone my dog too?
I don't let them under the covers, or on my pillows, so my sleep isn't disturbed by animal hairs tickling my nose.
Don't even get me started on my own hair in the house. It clogs up the rollers in all my vacuums, so that I have to cut it off with a scissors. The last time I did this, there was so much of my hair I couldn't see the bristles on the roller, and I sliced those off too, essentially ruining my vacuum. Next time I buy a vacuum, I have to make sure the roller pulls out for easy hair removal.
challenge. Today's prompt is bed hair.This is my entry to @mariannewest's daily freewrite

Haha... Seems like you have very adventurous companions all over your home. I can already imagine how playful everywhere will be whenever they are having their moment. Hehe.
I love my pets. I don't know how people live without them, especially if there are no other humans in their home.
Ha ha! I'm familiar with this story! We have two dogs and three cats. Dogs on the bed at night with us, cats on the bed during the day. Somehow the hair always finds itself under the covers even though they are on top! :)
That's so funny how they share the bed! Now and then my dog Hazel gets a bit possessive of the bed and she shoos the cats off, not nicely. I hope I have cured her of that. I'd rather not have a dog and cat fight on top of me at night.
I don't have pets at home, but I always think that pet hair can just go everywhere in the house. no matter how many times we clean it. I saw it in one of my relative's houses. But having a pet can be a very good companion.
Pet hair is terrible. I thought this dog wouldn't shed much, but I was terribly wrong. It's everywhere.
I don't have pets at the moment, but I shed enough to at least count as a small house cat :)) The struggle is definitely real. honestly, I feel if I had pets, they'd be complaining about my hair clogging everything xD this was a fun read!
I'm glad you enjoyed it!
No pets? I would take you for a pet person, the little I know about you. You've got the loving-ness that pet owners seem to have.
That is probably one of the sweetest compliments I have ever received! Thank you. I would love to, and plan on adopting, as soon as circumstances allow. It's just, at the moment, I'm a little undecided about where I want to be, whether to travel or sit still, that sort of thing. And I think it'd be unfair to an animal to bind it to me thus when I can't offer stability, and constant affection, attention, and so forth. :) Hope it makes sense.
That absolutely make sense to me. Once you decide to settle down, that'll be a good time to select a pet.
Our dogs and cats always slept with us, but now that we have our granddaughter's dog and son's dog, no cats anymore, they do not sleep with us. One sleeps under my chair and the other sleeps behind it. They shed a lot, too. When we had a beagle, he did not shed.
There are periods when one or the other of mine chooses to sleep elsewhere. And some mornings I wake up all alone. I had a beagle once upon a time, or rather my father did. Epimethius - after thought. He was such a good dog. Whenever I came to visit, he would howl for joy for a very long time. I miss that dog.
Epimetheus I had to look it up, now I know it means an afterthought. I learned a new word, thank you.
We have pet hair everywhere, too. If I have been gone for a day or two, I always know whether the yellow cat slept on my computer chair in my absence because of all the yellow hair stuck to the black seat. The gray cat likes to sleep on my bed during the day if I am in the room, but I put her out in the shed at night, because she is such a pest and won't keep her claws to herself. The little dog has very short hairs, but they get around, too.
Oh the short hair dogs I have had have also been the worst shedders! This one is long hair, which I find much easier to clean up after. Love my pets. When one of my daughters comes home, she is really put off by the hair, but I hardly notice it. lol. She did not get my pet loving gene.
Love the hair!
Easiest hair do ever. except for the shedding. I like to say that god is my hairdresser. Maybe I'll change that to Nature is my hair dresser.
Agreed! I've always left mine grey too but it's not that lovely shade that nature has given you.