Pic1000 The house wife lament

in Freewriters13 days ago

What do you see?

I see an old woman sitting on a staircase, putting on a red cardigan, tieing wrapper round her waist, and a woman standing beside her holding a plastic bowl wearing a gown and a green sweater .

"What do you feel?*

I feel she is comunicating with her mother and trying to express her feelings about something she is not happy with. While the old woman just listening.

One day i was walking, l heard a complaining,
And saw an old woman the picture of gloom.
She gazed at the mud on her doorstep "twas raining"
And this was her song as she wielded her broom.

Oh, life is s toil and love is a trouble,
Beauty will fade and riches will flee,
Pleasures they dwindle and price they double,
And nothing is as I would wish it to be .

No rest for a day lest the enemy enter ,
I spend my whole life in a struggle,
I see i am helpless my fate to avert.

Thanks for reading.


Life is ironically full of troubles but yet still filled with moments of joys

Yes, exactly.