Freewrite 1614: The World's Richest People

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

This is in response to today's Freewrite prompt: Richest People

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Our vintage Dodge had taken us reliably along the storied Route 66. It was like going back in time. Part of it was our mindset, our willingness to be carried away.

That Dodge did its job until about mile 250. Then the dashboard light flashed and we knew we'd have to stop. At that moment we saw the sign.

The Richest People: Take the First Turnoff.

We might not have stopped if it weren't for the flashing red light. But we did. Then we saw them.

They were in front of a ramshackle building. All around that dusty yard flowers bloomed. There were flowers in the windows. Flowers even on the roof. Tending this improbable floral banquet was a small group of dusty workers. We stopped and asked where we could find help for our car and then we asked where the richest people might be found.

One dusty face looked up from her chores.

"Why, don't you see? Here we are, doing what we love, bringing life to desolate landscape. Is it not beautiful? Are we not fortunate? What wealth is greater than that of life? We are the richest people."

My husband and I left later that afternoon. A water pump had been replaced. In our rear view window we saw them, the world's richest people, encouraging life where otherwise there would be none.

Maybe it's the news, filled with war and horror, but this story popped into my head when I saw the prompt. Thank you for the inspiration.