My Visit to a notable River in my Town

in Freewriters • 3 years ago

Hi friends y'all are welcome to my blog once more. Feel free to read with fun..😄.

I traveled of recent to my home town having one agenda to visit my home town River. I've been hearing so much rumours about the River, so I decided to pay a visit to the place and I must tell it was really fun filled.


When I got to my Town, I told my siblings to assist me to the place which they did. When I got there the place was really filled with different persons of different sex. And they were waiting for the water to fill up before they could start swimming. It happened like a surprise when I saw the water coming back to place, that really showed God is a great Creator and master planner.


When the place was filled up, they started rushing into the water like sea animals..😄 including my siblings. I was doing the watching since I don't know how to swim, I cheered them up because it was like an entertainment to me. The most interesting part of it is that they made fire by the Riverside incase anyone feels cold, the person can warm up there. That was really Creative. The place was really filled with fun and I made new friends too that day.

After much fun, I and my siblings returned back home and I promise to learn how to swim anytime I travel back there again.

Thanks for reading through, I so much appreciate. We win together.