Her eyes lit up like a light bulb went off in her head. From where she sat behind others, she jumped like a woman who was told by her gynaecologist that she'd conceive a child. Only this child was not the biological one we knew. She had conceived a brilliant idea, a way out. They have been seated for more than two hours thinking up a solution to their misery or rather the misery of the woman who had conceived and was waiting patiently in the OR with her fetus placed upside down and the tumour hovering around him. Well, the freedom from misery worked both ways because once they got a solution, they were also free. It looked really futile, the operation that is. The rate of survival for the mum was quite low to talk more of the mum with her child. The sun had already begun giving way to the moon. They were all tired and about to give up when Tola jumped.
"I've got a solution, guys!! One that'd save both the baby and the mother, believe me!" she beamed, forgetting how much they hated to hear her voice or be around her but just had to.
Reluctantly, they all gathered around to hear what she had to say. It didn't matter if she was the most looked down on as long as they got a solution and could call it a day, it didn't matter who suggested one. Tola felt like Joseph in Joseph's dream where his brothers bowed to him. She felt those that looked down on her, now desperately looking up to her and she did not dare miss this opportunity. She picked up the projector's remote, only she knew what she wanted to do with it. She walked to the middle of the room, stood and with her head high she told her solution. They all nodded in agreement, one after the other, happy. Some shook her, some hugged her, forgetting she was the same "eyesore" they all looked down on.
"She conceives!!!" Rachael, her only actual friend in the hospital, shouted as she gave Tola a tight hug.
"I'm really proud of you. Look around you, you've put them all in their place and they're yet to realize that." She whispered.