Her Val Gift - The Diary Piece I Never Wrote

in Freewriters19 days ago

Dear Diary...
Today I deviate a bit from the norm. I have been asked by a friend whom I hold dear, to do a piece for her. Due to the nature of my thoughts towards her, I have decided to do the piece, but share it with you instead. It represents the most important thoughts that went through my mind today.

Dear Reader...
Please note, all the names on today's diary session have been changed for personal reasons. The events referred in this piece however, remain true.

"My Val gift would be to have a short piece written by you featured on my business page, Sonar!"
- Sarah to me, via IG Direct Message (5th February, 2025 - 10:29pm)

"Well, if I'd be writing from the heart, it might not be exactly Sonar material... But it'd definitely be material for Sarah..."
- Me to Sarah, via IG Direct Message (5th February, 2025 - 10:35pm)


Image by Petra from Pixabay


There are faces one admires and faces one remembers. Then there are faces that linger in your subconscious, unshaken by time, and unwavering in their hold over your numerous everyday thoughts...

Dearest Sarah... My delightful friend, for me, you do belong in the latter category...

I know I have never said this out loud, at least not this matter-of-factly, but at the end of the day, in more ways than one, I really DO admire you. Yours is a kind of beauty that does not seek attention, but commands it nonetheless. Beauty that isn't just in your physical aesthetics, even though you could well pass off for a one-in-a-plentiful-number work of art (Trust me, I have good eyes). Beauty that also doesn't simply reside in your dress sense either, even though you hardly turn out in anything less than perfection (Again, trust me, I do have good eyes, and oh, do I see you!)...

Perhaps it is in the way you carry yourself.. the way the room lights up whenever you walk in.. the way the rest of the world melts into the background like an audience, and you, effortlessly like you do, personifying the brightest scene...

And I? I am but a spectator, I think. A keen, interested, curious, star-struck, desire-struck, emotionally invested spectator...

I do not flatter myself to think you know the intensity of your presence in my thoughts. Though sometimes, when I drop a thinly veiled remark while we text, I wonder, do you know?... Do you know that when I see your texts drop in, my heart melts?... Do you know that I read and re-read and re-read the sweet words and emojis you send every now and then?... Do you know that I cherish those little moments we've shared... that even silence feels richer, when you're there with me?... Do you know that your voice echoes in my head, long after you're gone?... That I would give a lot, to share more moments with you?... Do you know...?

But again, I do not flatter myself to assume. I simply watch, admire, dream, and now, I write...

Her eyes, if fate presents the chance,
They'll be my muse, and how my words will dance..
Her heart, I'll paint it in ink and rhyme,
I'll take her arms, and boy, will I give her mine...!

You know, there are moments when silence becomes its own language, a dialect that only two hearts understand. Today isn't such a time though, even though I won't stop craving for such moments with you...

Today however I write, not to claim you, or to woo you (And by Jove, I know I do want to!), but I write simply to honour your request, and to put my hitherto quiet thoughts in writing. I write to name this tempest.. to free up the many veiled comments and held-back words.. to admit that some feelings though meant to be silenced, hidden, and unexplored.. Should be allowed a moment of freedom, to be radiant, and to be savoured... Maybe just not by you... Not yet...

You asked for a poetry piece, dear Sarah, but here is a bit more... a map of all I dare not say, inked in prose and poetry, wrapped in a diary reflective of my fears and many hesitations...

So do tell, will you find this piece someday? Will you read between the lines... or will I linger here for longer, hovering around a line maybe too difficult to cross...?

You once said to me you do not make the first move. I know you won't see this, but by chance, if you do, I wonder, will this move even be bold enough for you...?

For those words my lips dare not confess...
My heart, in whispers, it screams them no less...

Happy Valentine, dear Sarah...


#SladenSpeaks #IfWordsWereNudes