decrease the stress
wouldn't that be nice? If the stress in the world could simply be decreased by pressing a button that said "decrease the stress." Where you at, God? Put your finger on that button. But the character in Parable of the Sower said, God is Change. God can be shaped by us, or not, but change is inevitable. And so we are invited to shape God into the change we want. So, I desire less stress, yes, and the less stress I want is for the world rulers to stop pushing pushing pushing for war and sending money for war, and blowing up people and buildings, and stop mining the world for the sole purpose of profit, and care about people. Well, I don't care if the world rulers start to care about people. I want us regular people to care enough about ourselves and others to fucking depose the world rulers. Out with the profit hungry billionaires! So yeah, I think that would decrease stress worldwide. The world could be a beautiful place for us all without some folks hording billions at the expense of literal bodies, human bodies. God, capitalists make me sick. So yeah but also right now I'm doing a freewrite, and that is nice, so that decreases stress a bit, you know? It is important, to do things that release stress in one's own body, to keep on keeping on, keep on building community, keep on doing what one can to make one's little corner of the world better.