Is this my death? I feel the water gradually covering my face from my chin, to my nose.. I was drowning, with a heavy bag at my back, and no knowledge of swimming. I closed my eyes, and fell into a vacuum in total surrender of my dark fate.
#zapfic #freewrite #fiction #neoxian #microfiction #proofofbrain #writers #drowning #fate #freewritehouse
Just then someone on the shore saw a person in distress. They rushed to their aid and pulled the individual from the water. Not all was lost on this day.
And so I was shocked at how close I was to dying and how rather than have fond memories of my past whilst I resigned to death, all I saw was a dark vacuum.
Thank you for the ray of the hope. Indeed not all was lost this day.
Hello, I don't know how to swim... This is one of my fears hehehe. A chilling story.
Me too. I guess that's why it was easy for me write that. I'm even hydrophobic.
My phobia for water ehhhh, lolz. I pray never to be in this type of situation. Nice story
I can relate.
Thank you dear.