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My sadness
Lurks in the bowels
Of my melon belly
Calling out to the emptiness
Full of insatiety
Cursing me with lethargy
Pulling fear strings
Like reigns
Driving me in circles
As I spiral
Into a love
of my blinders,
Saving me
From the danger
of acknowledgment
While I snub
The gift of desperation
I carry my happiness there
Weighing it down
with adipose regret
And inadequate sleep
Trapping it in the memories
Of the man I once was
And the warrior I had become.
I eat away at it
In pictures
And quiet moments
Times when reality relents
And permits digression
It churns
Murmuring warnings
Of diverticula
Deriding and taunting me
Wielding my choices
Like flagella
Perforating my psyche
Rendering me dejected
As I reach
For another serving
Of my prison

What's buzzing,Hivers? I have been wanting to write about the struggle with weight gain for a while now, but I could never really capture it. It always came off as either too comical or overly emotional. This is the first time that I felt able to express the underlying depressive nature of the issue without getting too sappy.
Have you had struggles with weight issues. Could you relate to this piece? Do you have your own thoughts on the matter? Please feel free to share them below.

Awesome! "Rendering me dejected as I reach for another serving of my prison!" Ouch! I'm going to have to think twice before grabbing that 2nd cookie after dinner.
I gotta tell ya, I thinks it's really, REALLY well done! I'm not sure the response I had was what you were looking for but...it really made me laugh.
I don't know why. I think the genius of the language you used was so impressive that I just felt joy at reading it. "I carry my happiness there, weighing it down with adipose regret and inadequate sleep" Come on!!! If that's not poetry, what is?!?
Seriously, this is genius! It's like a classic semi-abstract painting where you can see different things at different times in different moods and different people see something completely different. Does that make sense?
It's not comical. It's not sappy. It just IS. Nice!
Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate the kind words. I'm glad it made you laugh. I welcome all reactions to my poetry. They're all going to hit differently for different people. I think Buster Keaton once said "Comedy is tragedy happening to someone else." Not that this is tragic or anything, but I can certainly understand how it could make someone laugh. Thanks again for your comment.
Alas ... we live in a world where those we trust to keep us healthy tell us to eat in such a way that keeps us permanently hungry and eating to feed a cycle of addiction.
Been low carb for a couple decades now. There is no other way for me. The best results go beyond that into near-carnivore ... changes your relationship with food once nutrient deficiencies are paid back and the sugar addiction broken.
Trust me when I say, it is not you; it is what we are convinced to eat.
Pryde, thanks for the comment. I tend to agree. I was just talking the other day with someone and I mentioned that I felt carbs were an appetite enhancer for some. That is the case with me. I can eat like 5 hamburgers with buns. Without, I'm more likely to stop at 2. I've lost a lot of weight on low carb before. It's just hard to get that momentum going again.
Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate you stopping by.
I have been doing it for so long that I have long since stop craving them, plus they make you feel so poorly afterward. There is also something called a chaffle that can sub in for bread. They are rather easy to make, certainly easier than bread:)
You know, I just happened to be looking at this poem today after having surgery and I don't think I ever realized your suggestion for chaffles. I think I'm going to give that a try.
They are very. very good:)
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