How else do you go through life when the odds are stacked against you?
It's hard to push through when others make it sound like you are not doing enough
It's worse still when you see others go through life and become better with you left behind
How do you change your gaze when hardship is the only reality you see?
Isn't that a good ground to give up and have your discouragement fueled?
How do you see the light at the end of the tunnel when it's pitched dark at the entrance?
Sometimes it's hard to have hope in certain situations
It's hard to not give up with so many obvious limitations
You have had to give up hope with no hope with several indications
But the truth is, God is always there for you in all ramifications
It's hard to believe in humans or even in a nation like Nigeria
A country with riches yet citizens had to do too much to fend for themselves
Where is the government especially when the rules are different for the rich and the poor
Penalties are weighed differently depending on your status
Standards are different for everyone with judgement scale tilting to favour the rich
Certain situations happen without
It's hard to see anything good come out but I believe, still
I don't have to see the whole staircase but I am taking one step at a time
I don't have to see the light at the end of that tunnel yet even with the darkness
I just want to switch on my faith light as I walk through the darkness
With focus on my track, hoping it helps others get through as we both head out of the tunnel
Even though I walk through the valley...He said
I believe in the sun even when it is not shining
I believe in the moon when it is not out yet
I believe in the rain even when the land is so dry and thirsty
I want to believe in Nigeria even amidst bad governance and chaos
Just as I believe in what's happening around with hope it gets better
Believe in your rocky path even with your bruised feet
Painstakingly take one step at a time and look up to the heaven
With your back on the ground, if you can look up, you can get up
Uncertainties may abound...but remember, God is constant through it all
Thank you for your time.
My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.
Still me,
My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.
Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.
What a perfect message to end the day, indeed God is the only one can see us through life struggles and in the midst of the storm, we just have to keep our head high and believe that he will see us through to the end.
A perfect ending, I agree with you. We have to keep our heads high and have faith in God. That's the only way we can deal with uncertainties.
He said, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest".
The rest means he will crown our effort and help us achieve everything we after. We just have to put our faith in him.
Exactly my dear friend.
The challenge is that people will always prefer fast fast answers and won't love to be patient.
In our dealings with God, patience is the key.
There are some prayers he doesn't answer not because He can't but because He knows the best for us and what we are asking for isn't the best
What you then see people do is to rush to the traditionalists and the rest of them and patronise them but the funny thing is that they run back to God after complicating issues
Where art thou our faith?
The first time I heard about prayers that God won't answer, I was surprised.
There was a guy who was desperate to own a car before the new year, every effort he made to acquire one failed so he stepped up and bought the car. Do you believe that this guy died the second day in an accident?
Nothing is indeed too much for God to do and when he isn't, we should know that there is a reason for that.
God knows the end from the beginning. God's response is always, yes, no or wait. The problem is we don't always want to wait. We want everything quick without thinking of what God is preventing us from.
That's the problem with our world currently
Impatience of the highest order
Patience is key. We want everything to happen quick, fast and on our terms but it doesn't always work that way. There is a place to wait...a place to do what we can and a place to hand off everything to God and say, I've done all I can by your help...take over.
This! Should be what our pastors and motivational speakers should always talk about
That's it, brother. He will crown our efforts. We need to do all we can and trust God to do all we can't.
Keep our heads high because situation of life would always want to keep us down and grounded. Hope and faith in God keeps us up.
Through faith in God, we can accomplish a lot of impossibility
Very true.
What we need is God to intervene
You are right, we just have to keep having faith and never give up and when thing go back we should just have it at the back of our mind that it just for a while not for a life time
Spot on.
He is the only one who can compliment our efforts perfectly in life and we just need to surrender all to him. Let him do what he does best.
Surrender all to Him...that's the thing. God always do what's best for us.
We fidget in difficult moments when we don't know what God is capable of doing for us
He alone can change everything in our life but the problem with our current trend of Christianity is that people don't truly get to understand what this God is capable of doing.
A post worthy of reflecting on always I must say👍
We don't even understand what God is keeping us away from but we always want to do things our way. We just need to learn how to fully trust God.
Trust and patience
Those are wonderful gifts if we want to go far in life
God is the only factor through it all. Without God there is little we can do. Our strength would fail but He supplies the needed help. Thanks for this.
God never disappoints; even when we disappoint him, he remains ever loyal to us.
That is one magnificent thing about him.
I came across a message saying "in all your doings, never lose your relationship with Him"
If you do something wrong, apologize and ask for forgiveness. He is as ready to forgive as we are to ask for it.
Stay safe dear
Even the Bible make us understand that in life we will face challenges but if we trust in God and stand by Him we will overcome them all.
So challenges is part of what we must face as a human as long as we are trying to make it or get one or two things done in life.
How are you doing over there boo-boo 💕
It's part of life. The Bible is complete and told us that it is to be expected as you have rightly said. We just have to trust God's Words and hold fast in faith.
God was not wrong when he said we should bring our burden unto him, he knows we will face challenges and he has told us how to overcome them.
He knows and He always says what He would do. That's where trust comes in.
Yeah because with God all things are possible all you need is just to believe in Him
Exactly what I just said. It's complete. We have to trust God through it all.
Challenges are definitely inevitable and overcoming them without God is difficult. To scale through life challenges, it is impossible that we allow God take control of our life and that's the only way to a life of fulfillment.
God is the only way and once we don't let Him handle it everything will keep going backwards until the day will give Him chance to settle it for us because no one can escape challenges
Good point.
Without God, human knowledge is in a state of zero elasticity, I repeat.
Even the challenges we thought we overcame without God's help were all done by Him.
He loves us so much that He comes to our aid even without us asking
The problem with us is that sometimes, our ego clouds our judgement from seeing these obvious facts
I am in full of this, we are really nothing without God. He is the one who knows every thing and many times it takes going down on our knees to say, daddy I am here before you again.
Brilliant, brother. Brilliant.
God is the One working behind the scenes. He's always there...making things and life easier for us. He doesn't leave us without help.
Never ever has He done that... Doing that means our failure in all, hehe.
Sorry, it seems I left you with much tasks to reply 😢
It wasn't intentional... It just came out as I was reading the post here.... Hope you don't mind 😄
It's always difficult without God. God is available for us. He is willing to show Himself strong for us if only we can learn to follow and be patient.
It won't even be all fun if life was without challenges.... We will even create one for ourselves I believe.
Our prayer always will be for God to give us the grace to always be able to subdue the challenges that will come our way
As for challenges, they will keep coming whether we love it or not
You are right about that
Sometimes we are the one that create challenge for ourselves without knowing what we are doing will make us face a big challenge later
While some know but because they are being stubborn they got themselves into a big change and then blame God for it
It's easier to blame God when we want to take the focus away from what we are expected to do.
Am telling you
Challenges makes us get serious with God. Keeps us on our toes and make us understand our limits and how important it is to seek God's help.
The Bible is complete. The Bible already warned us that situations of life would happen but we have to stay resilient.
Absolutely and it is left for us to work towards it or not
Bro, your face fresh and your shoe self shine. Good to see the glory of the Lord glowing in your family.
Adding Nigeria to the equation of our struggle is something that torments not just the body but one's mental health as well but when God joins the equation, life becomes different. We being to see opportunities in challenges and we just have to trust his lead.
It is really sad to know that one was born in challenges, raised in challenges, and continues in it. Earlier today, I look around and felt like I am stagnant but when I thought about it again, I discovered that I am not stagnant but the movement is what I thought it would be and it would have been worse without God.
Bible says, "With God things are possible". This word of assurance is enough for us to hold onto and stick with God as we journey through this world filled with uncertainty.
That Nigeria part made the reality sink in more. The frustration is getting intense and it looks like there is no hope for this nation again. I just have to keep believing too just as the poet says. God is able to make all things possible. We have to keep believing.
The country is not in a good shape and I don't see any good happening any time soon. As we work towards making our life better, we must ensure we include God in our dealings because without him, life would be tougher than we can imagine.
God inclusion. That's it. We keep doing things based on how we want rather than what God wants. We need to change that. We have to always include God.
It's getting intense and scary. Sometimes you think there is no hope again but we just have to keep praying and trusting on God while we keep doing what we should do right too.
It is heartbreaking. It really is but we can't give up. Not now, not ever.
Giving up is not an option my dear, we just have to keep grinding and always pray that the Almighty God helps through all the difficulties we might encounter in life.
Heheh.... Giving up is not a topic worth discussing at all sef😂
Give up and do what exactly then?
We keep doing our best and believe me, our best will definitely see us through
Yes, we all just continue grinding. That's all that matters. This is what makes us human.
Exactly, bro.
Who give up na hin fuck up
That's true
We can't.
Sure, Mr. Square, we can't
It now lie that if you are born in Nigeria that life is already leading you 2-0. Nigeria system is design for only some set of people and not even all the rich people.
I know the grass is not greener on the other side but the grass as not withered because that just the adjective I can use to qualify Nigeria... It like we experience a life time famine... Make God intervene on time
Life is already leading 2-0 hahahaha. Nigerians and humour. I love that. With God...we can always tweak the tide and gain the upper end eventually.
That’s just the only hope we have, baba God
The 2-0 lost to life cracks me up, we just have to keep pushing and thinking too much about the damage in the system will always affect us mentally.
And when a man is down mentally na bad decision dey follow am. Make God help us
Hahahaha same with me.
I really love this statement bro.
Even in the worst hours and worst moments, with God, you will definitely see opportunities in them.
Not because you are not suffering but because God is with you and won't let what is bigger than you befall you.
We always get clouded when we do a flash thought and we've not achieved what we so desire and that makes us think that we have not been progressing but when we calm down and do a deeper reflection, we will not only see the grace of God in our lives but will also see that we've moved tremendously from the point we were before
God always watch our backs. God always come through for us. It won't always be the way we want but we have to trust God's lead.
Hahahaha thank you, brother. I owe it all to God.
You are right. You are not stagnant. It could have been worse. God is keeping you and it's for a purpose. When He will show would look like a dream. That's how God operates. It's all about the consistency of our faith in Him and that's what He looks at.
It’s just sad when people can only relate to the negativity, it not possibly for ones life to never have experience positivity. F we sleep
Tonight without no guarantee of waking up tomorrow other than a leap of faith why do we now see negativity as a big problem?
It hard to not think about it because that what makes us human but a negative mindset won’t attract anything good... to cap it all when a door closes their is always a window open..... look for the tiniest good thing is bad situation and let that give you hope and make you happy
It's hard not to think about the negatives when it's the only thing we see. Every hope is getting snuffed out and people are losing hope. Only God can help. It's tiring.
Yeah, you are right. The world now is full of negativity and hate is just what's been spread everywhere. We need a vaccine which is called love and I doubt if that will ever exist....
It is impossible not to think and the situation of the country is why we have lots of depression cases. Many youths have turn drug addicts just because of over thinking, it is hard but all our hopes should be on God.
We just have to try and see things God's way. We need to try and change the way we think...then it helps with what we see.
It is impossible not to think about these things truly but we must hold on to our faith and believe instead of falling into deep thoughts about the situation of things.
That's just the only way we can survive the storm, look for the tiniest happiness and build your day on it
There's always an open door with God, we just don't want to accept that.
God may be answering our prayer in one dimension but because there's this particular one He feels isn't important for us and won't answer that we run around seeking for help were there is no help
May we always remember that God is with us in all situation
And yep! We should create happiness for ourselves with the tiniest of them all.... That's the only way we will enjoy our life here on earth 😂
You say it all bro, but that’s exactly why we are human and we should appreciate all blessing big or small
It's hard not to think about the negatives when it's all we see but seeing how God sees things helps in changing our perspective.
Made me remember stormzy song, we blessed but sometimes it hard to see
In this life, uncertainties abound. We have so many things that makes us feel depressed and sad. God is the only solution to all these. God is the only backing that won't back out. The only one we can rely upon regarding any uncertainty.
God is the only real and true solution. There are other solutions that are not God's way but God's way is the best and trusted.
God is always there. One step ahead, two steps ahead, and more. This is why we continue moving when all is lost. We know He is there so we fuel our dampened faith to continue moving. Non-stop even when the volcano eruption in our minds makes us insane, still we gather what's left of our sane thoughts and edge on forward cos He is there.
It is beautiful Mr. Square. So beautiful that it is hard out here. Chuckle. It is beautifully sad. So sad and heartbreaking how the world can be so cruel and all we can see in its cruelty are beautiful things.
Thank you so much, Bal. I've missed reading from you and your wise words always come spot on. Thanks a lot.
I've been good and how have you been?
Hehe, and I have missed reading from you too. Your words are always filled with great wisdom, Mr. Square.
I am good?😂😂. I am fine, I guess. Hope you are well out there too.
She has said it all😂😂
That's the message for today
Hehe, Oppa😁
You won't talk when there's phone oh but you're the busybee here😂😂
Haha... I am shy😏...😂😂😂
Shy over the phone.... I never knew there was something with that
I can be weird😁
Your country, my country and other countries that live very difficult social situations are prey to much uncertainty and that contributes to have a constant struggle with willpower to continue on this path that we do not know where it leads us, but we must continue, it can be slow and steady, giving the best we can have as human beings, because if we lose control, the bad guy wins. Greetings
It can be slow but we need to keep it steady. By all means we should keep moving either by crawling or dragging. Thanks a lot for this.
Greetings to you and I am so happy to read from you.
Very great insight!
If we lose control, the bad guys win.
They always look for ways to distract us; to take our mind off the important things and make us stand against each other. So that we lose control and leave them perpetrate their evil plans.
What a hopeful poem my friend, as we say in my country, there is no one that lasts a thousand years or body that can withstand it, we always have to keep faith in God always regardless of what the situation is, we just have to face the situations in the best way possible and God will give us the victory, hope is the last thing to be lost my friend ☺
God ends up giving us the victory we seek but it has to be His way and that's why we have to hold on and keep to His ways.
Thank you so much, my friend.
Of course, another very popular saying in my country that we say is that God squeezes but does not hang, the moments and the will are God's and He knows what is best for all of us, hug ♥
Very well spoken.
God already has plans laid out for us. All we have to do is maintain constant communion with him and try our very best at all we do! And the rest will be taken care of by Him.
It's really great and beautiful to come across a write-up that raises our hopes, and eliminates the despair we've gradually developed against our dear country, Nigeria.
Indeed, we all need to have faith, and hope for the best. It's not the end yet. As long as there is life, there is hope.
Just as you said, we believe that every night the moon will appear, despite seeing no evidence of such during the day. This is the same hope we should have for our country.
This is a beautiful write-up 💯❤️
We need to have faith. Faith is the language that God understands. We have to show that understanding of faith so we can be on the same frequency with God.
Thank you so much. Glad you enjoyed this. Thank you...
Indeed, Faith is highly important
It's my pleasure. Thank you too✨
Yay! 🤗
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How's your life out there kuya?
Janeeeeeey. Very well and you? How is life at your end and your work?
As usual... But enjoying the weekend..hehe
Great bro !
The message of holding onto faith and taking things one step at a time is inspiring.
I'm glad it is. Thank you very much and it's so good to have you here.
Life has many stones, you just have to know how to jump them to be able to continue and if you fall, remove the dust and continue. This is not about others, it's about ourselves. Go ahead friend.
God is Forever Faithful 🙏 and we keep Hoping and Trusting in God Almighty 🙏
Nice write up ✍️✍️
Came from @dreemport