The Guillotine Falls

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)


Dead Reckoning

This is a story that everyone on Hive should be paying very close attention to, and yet in my feed and the trending tab I see nothing. To be fair there is quite a lot of distraction going on right now as we head into 2025 but that's really no excuse. Shit is going down and we need to take heed.

The assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson is nothing short of a revolutionary act. Like... literal revolution; as in a revolt against the system itself. We've never seen anything like this in that the responses to this calculated murder were nothing short callous and arguably jovial. Everyone seemed to immediately assume that Thompson deserved what he got and that there was a very good reason for this happening. This is easy to corroborate when coming to the realization that UnitedHealthcare is a bit infamous for denying insurance claims, which can often lead to the financial ruin or even death of their own clients.

Here are just slivers of the memes I've been seeing:

Steal his look:


OMG he violated the Starbucks boycott (satire):


Flag of the elite:


Reaper approves:


Hm so yeah that happened.

Assassination has apparently gone mainstream I guess. Started with Trump and has now extended itself to other powerful people who make a living fucking people over. And what better industry to go after than healthcare? It's the one thing everyone needs after food, water, and shelter, and we have been getting fleeced for decades. Apparently the world has had enough.

Clown World is the strongest it's ever been.

Society itself continues to breakdown and a premeditated attack against the elite like this one is just a small hint of all the crazy shit 2025 has in store for us. In case you haven't noticed every year that goes by just gets more insane starting with COVID 2020. These situations will continue to escalate.

Sending a message

Information has leaked (much to the cops chagrin) that the bullets were "engraved" (written in sharpie) with the words "Deny", "Defend", and "Depose". Many are assuming this is a reference to the book Delay Deny Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims And What You Can Do About It. Well, what can we do about insurance companies denying legitimate claims that literally end in death and destitution? The assassin sends a message to the world: "Hey, we can actually just kill them, they are right here walking among us."

If I'm being honest I'm surprised something like this hasn't happened sooner. This is a sign of the times; the endgame of the empire. The system is collapsing, and breaking points are being tested. The elite have always decided that it should be the plebs who suffer when the systems they've created fail. Something tells me that's not going to fly this time around.

Someone will go down for this.

Before the shooter's face was broadcasted I was positive someone would be charged and convicted of this crime whether they did it or not. This is a high stakes situation where someone needs to be made an example of. The killer getting away with it... that's not really an option, as this would lead to more elites getting gunned down in the streets. The picture of the guy's face poses a unique problem in that with all the weird evidence in play it would be very hard to convict someone that didn't do it... and maybe that's the entire point.

The evidence so far:

The Killer/Terrorist/Freedom-Fighter in this case used a very unique weapon. A BOLT-ACTION silenced 9 millimeter. Many who saw the video of the assault assumed the gun was jamming and that he was clearing it after every shot. Turns out this gun essentially won't jam because bolt-actions are specifically designed to be incredibly reliable (but slow). This person made damn sure he was going to get his message across and left very little up to chance.

Armchair experts on Xitter try to claim this is a paid hit, even though it obviously isn't. This was a sloppy but pretty well planned out execution. It was very very public. And there were multiple witnesses, one of which can be seen on the video prancing away as she makes sure not to spill her coffee. Simulation confirmed.


We can see here that the shooter dipped into an alley and then backtracked to catch an electric bike: escaping into Central Park. Potentially months of planning went into this hit, with the anti-hero himself checking into a hostel on November 24th after a 20 hour Greyhound bus ride from Atlanta. Ironically enough the less we know about the situation the more we can assume that the plan worked and was highly intricate.

And also who goes into Starbucks to buy snacks and flirts with staff and showing their face when they are hours away from taking someone's life? That's just wild to me. It's so amateur it's hard to believe it wasn't on purpose. Of course all of the information we're being fed about this story comes from MSM and the cops, so that's a whole other can of worms. Those are not trustworthy sources of data.


This is what happens when the most powerful can walk among us in public while committing heinous immoral atrocities on a daily basis without any consequences. There comes a certain breaking point in which vigilante justice becomes the only recourse. Was the action justified? Well, it never is or can be. The same is also true about the catalysts that foment this type of environment in the first place.

Lending Tree shows UnitedHealthcare has some of the highest claim denial rates of any US insurance company -- a jarring 32% compared to 17% for Blue Cross Blue Shield.



Nobody deserves to be gunned down in the street, my sincere condolences to his family, friends and colleagues who knew him. He was probably a well liked person and his life was snuffed out because of his job position. And the whole world gets to see him gunned down on the street, over and over.

This will send a clear message: When you're at the top, you're a target for avengers. Bad decisions made within the corporation has real-world consequences, both for the "customer" and for the service provider. There are only so many bad decisions that can be made, before someone gets hurt or killed.

UnitedHealthcare has some of the highest claim denial rates of any US insurance company -- a jarring 32%

Insurance one of the biggest PONZI schemes on earth. But because it has never fully collapsed, we can't call it a ponzi, can we? The societal pressure to be "insured", (your house, your car, your health and even your LIFE), always ensures the PONZI will never collapse as new players are constantly being added. Anyone who adds up their insurance expense, month after month, year after year, all the money being dumped into a black hole, unlikely to be ever seen again. Never passed down as generation wealth, never invested in a business or upstart. Never used to buy a few extra bags of groceries for your neighbor. No, just handed over to the "insurance company". Like going to a slot machine that has 0% chance of winning and coming back month after month, as if it were a good idea... because you never know what awful things could happen. You don't want to be known as unvaccin- I mean uninsured!

And if/when it comes time to collect due to some sort of tragedy, not only do the scammers demand more money as a "deductible" (it's in the terms you know), the payout is usually a fraction of what was expected, if any payout happens at all. Ask all the people in N. Carolina who faithfully paid their monthly home-owners insurance, only to discover when they need it, the insurance company goes belly-up. Isn't that what happens to a ponzi when the people demand what was promised them all at once?

Health insurance is nothing more than protection fees. You will still pay a lot in many cases enough to bankrupt you, but less than you would pay if you had no insurance at all. Stop going to those quacks and you won't need insurance because you won't get as sick. They poison you every time you go, or direct you how to poison yourself with their OTC drugs.

Their goal is "universal health care" which sounds nice, but really it just makes the racket MANDATORY. Funneling tax money into the massively over-priced health-care system, while the massively over-priced health-care system makes us sick, requiring more massively over-priced health care, paid for with tax money.

Meanwhile, if we see the bill, we just say "good thing I had insurance" or "good thing it's paid by the government" instead of saying "why is this service massively over-priced??????"

Yes! You're the first person I've heard say this, as I do.

I also argue another downside to this. Already, people will not use services that are not "covered by insurance." They bitch and moan that insurance stopped paying for, for instance, PT after surgery, but will not pay for a few more sessions out of pocket, choosing to live with 80% of their function restored instead. They will not see a nutritionist, or a homeopath, or a rolfer or masseuse or acupuncturist. So, insurance is not only protecttion fees against even higher costs, but also a pipeline to western medical care, which does little more than make us even sicker.

I do not use those services at all, unless something is terribly wrong, and nothing else has worked. Currently, I use only homeopathy and rolfing for my medical needs. I am 70 years old, in nearly perfect health, on ZERO pharmaceuticals. I don't even take anything over the counter, I hardly ever go to drug stores. No headaches, no indigestion, no vertigo, no bloating, No pain or stiffness. No difficulties breathing, sleeping, walking or exercising. It's possible!

To enjoy this level of health into old age, the best thing one can do is to STAY AWAY FROM WESTERN MEDICAL DOCTORS to the extent that this is possible. Of course, I grow a lot of my own food, get outside for sunshine and fresh air, avoid alcohol, and do a whole lot of other things that help me stay healthy, but all these things are very easy to do.

And never discussed in a doctor's office.

No headaches, no indigestion, no vertigo, no bloating, No pain or stiffness. No difficulties breathing, sleeping, walking or exercising. It's possible!

This is so great to hear. When I'm 70 I want this for me too! It's possible, without the help of "modern medicine" and men in white lab coats.

And never discussed in a doctor's office.

Good call.

People aren't buying insurance because of societal pressure, people are buying it because it's hard to afford emergency massive payments. The problem here isn't insurance as a concept, the problem is that insurance shouldn't be a for-profit business.

it's hard to afford emergency massive payments.

It's a cycle, the reason emergency costs are so high is because they over-charge insurance companies. Just tell them you don't have insurance and the cost goes down 50 - 80%. If insurance payments were put into a health savings account and any visit to the clinic or hospital was discounted, medical bill hardship would be a thing of the past. Also if medical equipment and knowledge wasn't "gatekept" and available to the public, we wouldn't need to rely on clinics and hospitals nearly as much, only for actual emergencies!

The problem here isn't insurance as a concept

Insurance used to be only for large corporations or the extremely wealthy. Now, even the poorest among us are expected to have some sort of insurance. Insurance as a concept wasn't intended for every citizen, but now it's nearly mandated.

Insurance works best when everyone is paying into the big pool of money. The more healthy people paying in, the more that's available for the people who need it.. so I absolutely agree that the poorest amongst us should have insurance because honestly I think they'll get more benefit than those that can afford proper rest, nutrition, preventative measures, etc.

I honestly don't know enough about the medical industry to know how much knowledge and equipment is gatekept versus the need of expertise and other emergency equipment. I imagine it's a case of 'its fine if everything is going well, but if things go badly you'll want the experts and facilities'. I sincerely don't know how much is profit-driven versus how much is better for community health, that's why I think the profit motives are the bigger problem than the concept of insurance.


Louis Rossmann made a good point that insurance was integral in the age of exploration by enabling the massive investments needed to put the fleets together that explored the planet back in the day to be hedged. If the ships didn't come back, the insurance paid. The problem now is that insurance isn't paying out.


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It’s insane how many are mocking a wife and kids loosing a husband and father. Quite gross actually.

As they say "eat the rich". It's disgusting.


Moral of the story. People are getting sick of the BS going on and the massive wealth inequality.

Eh. That’s true but it’s really just story of one murder. And unfortunately a bunch of scum mocking a wife and kids loosing their father. I think you’d hype about some kinda cliff or redline being crossed is overblown.

I'm not saying people should go out and shoot CEO's what I'm saying is I can understand why someone would do it. Imagine losing a family member and someone you love because of a denied claim. That's just like them killing someone of your family to be honest.


Clif High has this in his web bot data (that elites will not be able to walk the streets safely). Interesting thing is that he predicted that 39 days after the Trump/Rogan interview would be the period of "melee". Looks like chaos in financial markets leading into an announcement in spring 2025.

He also said that we would have a 100K bitcoin party around the holidays several years back, then soon after would be a brutal winter where illegals would be driven south (in Europe and America) due to the cold temperatures and lack of financial support. This apparently happens as the USD is being challenged by BRICS and the USD loses its world reserve currency status.

I think the next 2 years will be pivotal. Being someone in authority won't be cool anymore. We will likely have some sort of Nuremberg trial reminiscent of the one after WWII that starts next year and goes into 2027 (I predicted this on my blog here about 4 years ago). There's lots to address about the homicidal cult of the World Economic Forum and their unelected dictatorial worming into NGO's which will have to be set straight or all of humanity will perish.

What's interesting about the time that we're coming into is that it's the opposite of what happened in March 2020. The planets Saturn, Pluto, Mars and Jupiter were in concourse in Capricorn, which has Saturn (death) in domicile and Mars (war) exalted and Jupiter (freedom) in fall (literally a depression). This is in complete contrast to next year when Saturn is in fall in Aries, conjunct Neptune while Jupiter is exalted in Cancer.

The Saturn/Neptune conjunction is has been a time in the past when important developments in communism (idealized government) manifest. The last time they conjoined in Capricorn and that was the fall of East Germany leading into the dissolution of the USSR. Aries is the most individualistic pioneer of the zodiac and I doubt communism will sell well during the next couple of years.

Valens said (in the Anthology written about 2000 yrs ago in Greek) that when the malefics (Saturn and Mars) don't get their way, they turn violent.

the cosmic clock.
our one true puppeteer.
no blame. no shame


Have police actually said it was a 9mm? I’ve been assuming .22 caliber subsonic. With a suppressor, he might have needed to manually chamber each round, so not bolt-action.

No idea.
I've seen a couple people talk about .22 as well.


Lucky for you HIVE is censorship free. I have a feeling a post like this would get hammered on Web 2.0 platforms. It raises a lot of really good questions though. I agree, it's almost shocking something like this hasn't happened sooner.

Besides X (Twitter) indeed it would be removed. 💯

X is basically a dumpster fire these days.

I disagree. I mean yeah if that’s what ur following it is for sure. But not my feed. I just follow who I wanna.

I mostly try to follow crypto people on it, but then these random trash MAGA "influcencers" and pundits show up in my feed. The algorithm clearly has no clue what I am interested in.

But yeah kidding aside there’s morons in every “group”. Personally I found the Harris peeps most annoying and ridiculous. But I prolly blocked most the fake ass annoying “MEGA” accounts by election season from past years. I also often don’t use the feed that includes people u don’t follow.

I need to get mine sorted out. I think it has to do with the fact that I started following Musk back before he went of the rails. I was really excited about some of his innovations and ideas. People are definitely nuts everywhere!

Man U sound triggered. I’m MEGA AF 😂 am I so bad? 😂


It remains to be seen what this guy's motives truly were. He seemed to have awfully specific and reliable information. And based on his clothing and accessories (if you can trust a meme, lol) he has more money than most making a denied health care claim a little less likely as a motive. At least a personal motive. But then i have sneakers that look an awful lot like the ones in the bad surveillance photo and they aren't calfskin and they only cost $30.

Pretty sure the meme is just exaggerating the fact that the backpack was expensive and unique-ish, along with the peculiar gun. The entire triumvirate of doctors/phrama/insurance is an insane monopoly on the people. Especially in USA. It was only a matter of time before someone snapped as a result of our own corporate policy.


People get upset when being scammed, even if they are legalised scams. Killing PNUT was probably a turning point.


I don't think the police thinks that the smiley Starbucks guy is the killer, they just want to get their hands on him only to ask some questions about his fashion choices to see if he was involved as a decoy... you know, Thomas Crown Son of Man decoy style..


I also saw that he was not officially a suspect, just wanted for questioning, and the garb he's wearing isn't the same as that the assassin wore.

Edit: or is it she?


We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.™

When Alex shot, stabbed, and failed to kill Frick we got the 8 hour work day, maybe we will get something out of this one, too.

Already did. An insurance company that was going to put a time limit on the anesthesia it would pay for has backtracked, and gave up on that scheme.

The people have the power, they have just been convinced otherwise by people that don't have their best interests at heart.


Whoa! People love this post. Well done.

I think a big problem with cases like these is that people are so desperate for social media clout that its hard to know how much of the information around is accurate versus totally inaccurate. Reddit and the Boston Bomber was a great example of this. I wouldn't be surprised if the smiling photo is someone else and/or there was no electric bike involved.

One thing I am sure of is that CEOs and executives will keep trading pain for profit... and extra security will just be an additional cost of business. I totally reckon this assassination is a direct result of Citizens United.

I wouldn't be surprised if the smiling photo is someone else and/or there was no electric bike involved.

I also wouldn't be surprised, although the cops do seem pretty annoyed that the words on the bullets were made public. It's already a very strange and unique story.


Bro, that guy 100% was a solider. Probably denied insurance or had a family member denied insurance. It was too clean and he was too calm.

No solo es la elite. Puede ser cualquiera que haya molestado la vida de alguien más. Supongamos: yo te molesto la vida sin ser parte de la elite (osea, un civil normal), y tú con tu mente loca y desquiciada tomas la decisión de apuñalar o dispararme. La gente está bastante mal de manera mental y hay que tener cuidado con quién tratamos actualmente. Y claro, la gente con poder corre más riesgo que cualquier persona sin poder. Pero aun así, es un caso que le puede pasar a cualquiera que moleste la vida de alguien que tiene una mente loca. Después de todo, cualquier persona que cometa homicidio es una persona poco moral y loca. Y digo que puede ser cualquiera porqué, vemos las caras, pero no los corazones


That this happened because of denials to pay claims is a distracting element. Dude definitely knew how to professionally handle that weapon. This was a hit. But by whom or what? To say it was a common man who'd gotten fed up is obfuscation. It's much bigger than that.

Definitely maybe!
How long would I need with that weapon to have a similar skill?
Could ex-military do it?
What about just a guy who owns guns?
There's quite a few gun people in this country.
I think we can agree that the story behind this is not a boring one in any case.
But will the story we get fed be legit?
Definitely maybe.

Anyone who can calmly shoot like that is highly trained and experienced. In NYC no less. Military, police, or professional hit man. I do not believe it was

a premeditated attack against the elite

I find it more believable that Thompson had been doing and saying stuff that other members of the elite did not like. Do not assume David v Goliath. Maybe it's war among the self-proclaimed gods. Let's see who makes money on this.

There's no really any reason to get locked into any type of mindset with so little information.
The assumption of "highly trained and experienced" isn't necessarily an indication of anything.
The reason for doing it can still be anything under that assumption.

Or especially give a notion thought if we are told not to believe it. I just found this in the NYTimes


Yes well they kind of have to address it because people are instantly claiming hitman and extrapolating from there based on 5 seconds of footage and then circulating that claim across the internet. From a keeping-the-peace mindset it makes more sense to lie and say it was a hitman if you don't want normal people running around doing this kind of thing in copycat scenarios. What is the incentive to claim the hitman-theory is baseless conspiracy?

What is the incentive to claim the hitman-theory is baseless conspiracy?

Hm. To throw us off the scent if it is not baseless? I have no idea what happened or why, but that guy seemed far too calm the entire time to have not been some kind of pro. Perhaps he was under mind control? At this point in our currently very surreal world, no explanation seems preposterous to me. I'll wait and see, but will not believe a word of the official explanation, especially if it is very simple.

Yes, true. I will try to keep an open mind, as I am assuming the real reason is not what we are being relentlessly told, or led to believe. MSM's side mouth pieces (possibly controlled opposition elements) are telling us this happened because we little people are fed up with insurance not paying. Too simple. I'm fed up with our medicine not healing. It's rather poisoning us and making us sick. Market development. Corrupt business model.


things are definitely going to get weird in the near future, especially with true anonymous payments like monero. Who knows what the real intentions were or who ordered the hit if anyone did, could very well be a competing insurance firm wanting to point out what these guys are doing to get a bigger share knowing this would go viral.


It might be his wife's hitman. He was facing lawsuits and investigations. If those ended badly he would lose all the money he stole, but with him being assassinated, she gets to keep her pile of gold. Pure speculation here.

And it might all be for show. Tptb like to entertain us with this shite. Make us think it's wife against hubby, neighbor against neighbor, random guys with guns shooting up school kids. MKUltra? This one feels like some sort of silencing to me though, but that is pure hunch on my part. In his position, it's possible he knew too much. I wonder what was supposed to go on at that meeting he was headed to. We will never know, but we will be told something that we are expected to believe.


I can well imagine after this incident, many leading CEOs within similar industries will look to beef up their personal security arrangements. Big Pharma is another area of contention that may appear on the radar. Many things are in flux and uncertainty abounds.

That's the thing though you can't "increase your security" against this type of threat.
If someone wants to kill someone else... they're going to do it.
Defend against a short range attack and someone will buy a scope.
Defend against that and someone will crash a drone into your head at 100 MPH.

It's comical to think that the solution to this problem is defending against the threat when the real threat is their own corporate policy that plays with people's lives for profit.

We are witnessing the realignment/restructuring of the exixting order. As such, many other dramatic events will surely follow.

Absolutely. It's all mater of statistics. There are so many CEOs of unpopular/despised companies and there are so many people who hate them with homicidal passion.

All it takes if for one of those CEOs get cavalier of personal security and one of his potential killers apply enough training, intelligence and luck.

Something that happened in Dallas six decades ago with an antiquated Italian bolt action rifle being in hands of person with just enough ex-Marine training.

That would not have happened to the CEO of that insurance company if they would take responsibility for their clients. Many times the insurance companies refuse to pay when they detect that it may cost more than what they have paid. Furthermore, the CEO says that he earned more than 10 million dollars. a year where do you think that money comes from?

This is a story that everyone on Hive should be paying very close attention to, and yet in my feed and the trending tab I see nothing.

I take offense.

Oh so I am going to get called out on that?

Oh nope I'm in the clear because the title is literally "too late"
Phew! Few. 😅

I don't like this. This is a sign that we are living in terrible times. That said, if vigilante justice is the only justice we will get, I welcome it. It's better than watching those fat cat elites just abuse us and get away with it without consequence. I guarantee a bunch of C-Suite pricks are looking over their shoulders now.

hm yeah it's pretty not great
I just keep telling myself to embrace Clown World
This is part of it

Tom Luongo is predicting some kind of coup around Christmas/New Years when most government people are on vacation. He thinks there's no way the Obama crew lets Trump take office.

Reading this kinda reminded me of this song and music video.


the backlash (assassination)
the backlash to the backlash (response to assassination)
and now backlash to the backlash to the backlash (response to the response)
all within a few days

I wouldn't call this man an assassin, I feel he was just out for personal revenge. Just as said, men in power sometimes mistreat their subordinates. Consider the gun and how he flirted as it is assume, there is no expertise here.

and yet so many are convinced this is a cold-blooded mercenary for hire
very peculiar takes on this one

I doubt that. Anyway everyone can table his opinion

All around speculation indeed. All around.
