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RE: The Guillotine Falls

in LeoFinance3 months ago

That this happened because of denials to pay claims is a distracting element. Dude definitely knew how to professionally handle that weapon. This was a hit. But by whom or what? To say it was a common man who'd gotten fed up is obfuscation. It's much bigger than that.


Definitely maybe!
How long would I need with that weapon to have a similar skill?
Could ex-military do it?
What about just a guy who owns guns?
There's quite a few gun people in this country.
I think we can agree that the story behind this is not a boring one in any case.
But will the story we get fed be legit?
Definitely maybe.

Anyone who can calmly shoot like that is highly trained and experienced. In NYC no less. Military, police, or professional hit man. I do not believe it was

a premeditated attack against the elite

I find it more believable that Thompson had been doing and saying stuff that other members of the elite did not like. Do not assume David v Goliath. Maybe it's war among the self-proclaimed gods. Let's see who makes money on this.

There's no really any reason to get locked into any type of mindset with so little information.
The assumption of "highly trained and experienced" isn't necessarily an indication of anything.
The reason for doing it can still be anything under that assumption.

Or especially give a notion thought if we are told not to believe it. I just found this in the NYTimes


Yes well they kind of have to address it because people are instantly claiming hitman and extrapolating from there based on 5 seconds of footage and then circulating that claim across the internet. From a keeping-the-peace mindset it makes more sense to lie and say it was a hitman if you don't want normal people running around doing this kind of thing in copycat scenarios. What is the incentive to claim the hitman-theory is baseless conspiracy?

What is the incentive to claim the hitman-theory is baseless conspiracy?

Hm. To throw us off the scent if it is not baseless? I have no idea what happened or why, but that guy seemed far too calm the entire time to have not been some kind of pro. Perhaps he was under mind control? At this point in our currently very surreal world, no explanation seems preposterous to me. I'll wait and see, but will not believe a word of the official explanation, especially if it is very simple.

But that isn't the official explanation: it's just more armchair experts trying to get attention.
And yet you've taken it and are now using this as supporting counter-evidence.
I asked what incentive they have to throw of off the scent and your reply was to throw us off the scent.
This is problematic, yes?

There's a reason I waited a couple days to even have this discussion.
The information available is lacking and conjecture is very high.
I'll probably have to circle back in the coming weeks.

But on a very real level it does not matter if the act was revolutionary or not.
Perception is reality.

Yes, true. I will try to keep an open mind, as I am assuming the real reason is not what we are being relentlessly told, or led to believe. MSM's side mouth pieces (possibly controlled opposition elements) are telling us this happened because we little people are fed up with insurance not paying. Too simple. I'm fed up with our medicine not healing. It's rather poisoning us and making us sick. Market development. Corrupt business model.


things are definitely going to get weird in the near future, especially with true anonymous payments like monero. Who knows what the real intentions were or who ordered the hit if anyone did, could very well be a competing insurance firm wanting to point out what these guys are doing to get a bigger share knowing this would go viral.


It might be his wife's hitman. He was facing lawsuits and investigations. If those ended badly he would lose all the money he stole, but with him being assassinated, she gets to keep her pile of gold. Pure speculation here.

And it might all be for show. Tptb like to entertain us with this shite. Make us think it's wife against hubby, neighbor against neighbor, random guys with guns shooting up school kids. MKUltra? This one feels like some sort of silencing to me though, but that is pure hunch on my part. In his position, it's possible he knew too much. I wonder what was supposed to go on at that meeting he was headed to. We will never know, but we will be told something that we are expected to believe.
