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RE: Leo Talk 3/17/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Do you have a lockdown in your country right now? and if yes how is the situation! Name your country as well.

Here in Greece, we are still on lockdown but rumours say that during April some stores will open and ofc during summer i bet everything will be open for the tourists to come and the economy to rise!

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today the governor of São Paulo, one of the richest cities in latin america, decreed lockdown including markets and bakeries

the situation is only getting worse in Brazil, we are already reaching 3,000 daily deaths

and the president doesn't care

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If markets are closed down how will you guys buy the necessary items?

Here we have faced lockdown a lot of times but always the market was open from 6-8 in the morning.

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maybe delivery? that's the only i can think

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buy and save foods until April 1st, but in brazil nothing is uncertain, including the past, any day i post about you to understand the size of the crazy

damnn 3k deaths daily that's a lot..

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I currently live in Spain, beside a 2 month lockdown last year we didn’t faced another again. We had and are having some restrictions to movility and social meetings.

Overall, I didn’t noticed the virus because spread is pretty low in my city.

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ahh i see good for you then!! i hope it remains low!

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Am so surprised to hear that .2month lockdown is just taking some time off. We had about 10+ straight month lockdown here in Nigeria.

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I can't imagine that I had very bad anxiety levels in 2 months.

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How is it to live in Spain ? I have always wanted to go to Spain . Is the standard of living high ?

Have you ever been to a football match or is it a regular thing for you ?

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It depends, if you want to live in Madrid or Barcelona then the standard of living is high. But there are much better, cheaper and safer places in Spain.

You can check here:

I don't like football, so I can't tell you haha.

My tip is, stay away from political discussions.

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That's amazing . My brother is currently working in Denmark and wanted to go to Spain for vacation ( he wanted to go last year but couldn't because of COVID ) . The site you sent will help him out . Thank you .

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US and in California so we are in the king of lockdowns. People are so fed up that we are attempting to recall our governor.

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hahaha :P from what i see mostly everywhere they want to recall their governors/governments

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New York is up there too.

And they are looking to lynch that governor but for different reasons.

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Add Whitmer from Michigan to that list. I believe the reason from what I have read from different sides is that its our vice president killing off her competition. Cuomo, Whitmer and Newsom all have political ambitions so crush them out of the competition. I think Wolfe and the other person who I can't say off my head won't have any problems because they have no ambition.

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Yeah well Cuomo is making his own bed. In the cancel and me too culture, he should be cooked.

That makes sense although I think they are going to have a tough time retaining control.

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That was Trumps biggest mistake. He gave the opposition something to rally around. Now that he's gone, they'll go back to doing what they do best, eating each other. It's going to get messy.

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That is the thing about parasites, they have to feed off something.

Now that they have no Trump to target, they are going to look for something else.

Of course, they are softball with Cuomo up to this point.

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That's only because he hits so close to home. If he goes down, it just reinforces how tenuous their hold on their own positions really is. But the naked ambition will be too much for most of them to keep bottled up. Once the die is cast, the feeding frenzy will be gory and the holier-than-thous will come out in full force.

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Here in Brazil things are going from bad to worse. The new government that was elected after a major corruption scandal broke out during the old government was seen by many as the savior who would clean up congress but, as it turns out, they are just as dirty - actually, possibly a lot dirtier - than the previous one.

Our health minister just quit during the worst moment of the pandemic (I believe he was the 4th health minister to quit in less than a year), our vaccination plan is moving slowly and our economy is falling apart by the day. So yea...

Glad there's crypto at least

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I believe he was the 4th health minister to quit in less than a year

damn that says a lot! Which one is your president, the guy that was saying there is no covid19 and vaccine can turn you into an alligator or something? :p

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That's the one! LOL
And that's not even the worst thing he's said...

That's how screwed we are :P

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Here in Nigeria. Things are up and running but there’s are also rumors about a second wave lockdown ,maybe in 2months time I guess.

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ohh i see. While everything is up and running do you know the situation in the hospitals?

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In the United States, we have some areas that are opening, others never locked down. The state I live in did not shut down other than the first part of the virus.

Thankful for that.

I know the economies of a lot of other areas are in shambles due to the lockdown.

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It wasn't too bad in my neck of the woods, the first couple of months when all the horror on TV was going on maybe, after that everyone was like, if the people in the small mom and pop businesses weren't wearing masks then neither shall we.

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Yeah it depends on where you are. I have a buddy who still works where I use to.

He said that all around Orlando was masks. Yet you got out on the coasts, much less so.

So it is the typical blue areas, Orlando, South Florida, etc...

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how is the situation there in terms of covid cases?

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Here in Brazil we are blocked and in my city things are more "severe" in the restrictions. Football is also threatened with continuing its competitions. Many stores are closed and the economy in Brazil breathes through the devices.

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damn that's sounds pretty bad

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True, really bad.

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I guess its because the virus stays longer in cold areas, I am sure things will change when summer sets in.

In Nigeria, we have a naturally hot weather, I guess it has helped a lot. Daily activities are going as normal, people don't even use their face mask as before

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I guess its because the virus stays longer in cold areas, I am sure things will change when summer sets in.

Well here they say oh it's cold so don't worry the virus can't live long and when it's hot they say the same thing . I guess they are trying to not let people get into panic mode but they are telling a lot of unscientific lies for that.

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Yes, even political lies, here, a government announced that he is positive and then came back to say he is negative 2 days later because of electoral campaign

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Damn lol . This is the sad state we have reached where the rulers do anything to stay as rulers . It's very unfortunate .

Here too there is a lady Chief Minister in a state who is pretending she was attacked just so she could gain sympathy.

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Lockdown was removed in my country in January but since then the cases have been raising steadily but not steeply . In couple of states they are announcing lockdown again , overall it is a complete mess.

I am from India.

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overall it is a complete mess.

that summarizes pretty much what's happening everywhere :P

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Where are you from @filotasiza3 ?

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No nationwide lockdown in Romania, but if the number of infections/city rises, there can be quarantines. There's a state or emergency though, you're not allowed to go out after 10pm, unless you have a good reason (seriously good) and you need an affidavits to do that. Stores, restaurants, hotels are open, but there are rules to follow. Vaccination is ongoing.

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Ahh i see we also not allowed to go out after 9pm but mostly everything else is closed.

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Not good, the economy is going to die.

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the economy is already dead :P

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We don't have a lockdown in Romania but we do have a lot of restrictions and rules

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Lol what do you mean by that ? You mean wear masks , maintain social distancing and stuff ?

We have that too + lockdowns .

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yup all that "good" stuff, the mask part is becoming annoying because I'm vaccinated and I would rather walk around without it

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I'm vaccinated

Really? Nice . How many doses did you take ?

I am registering my father tomorrow , it is not yet open to us youngsters , only for senior citizens right now .

I hate the mask too , it suffocates me .

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I wouldn't say I hate masks because they have protected millions of people from infection and I'll probably wear them in the hospital for at least another year if not more, so hating them wouldn't be a good mental move. However I just want to enjoy the fresh air when I go outside :) small problem in the grand scheme of things though

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Makes sense but I personally can't wear them for too long . I tried various types of masks but none of them made me comfortable . It suffocates me a lot .

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I had two Pfizer shots back in January

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Woah okay , did you experience anything unusual ?

Here it is not Pfizer , it is covaxin ( Indian made ) .

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absolutely nothing unusual in my case, although people which were previously infected had a little bit of fever and flu like symptoms

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They still arent under 55 or 65 (I cant remember) here.

So they are still trying to get them out to those most at risk.

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Yeah same here . First it was the frontline workers ( doctors , nurses etc ) . Now 60+ aged and 45+ aged with co-morbidities .

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