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RE: Quick $HIVE and market update - 05.08.2024

in LeoFinance7 months ago

I sold most my hive when we went to $3.00
bought it back for .50 cents. It was obvious pump that didn’t make much sense. In those situations just holding isn’t best bet. I turned 20K Hive into 33K (by tike I powered down I got it out at average price of $1.75.

I bought it all back for less. I agree on not panic selling, but planning a sell when up 2800% from year prior is just being smart. It was obvious not a price that made sense…

I got my dry powder test for .12 cents. I am earning daily and not worrying about price besides some side Hive I keep whitewater for testing but my HP I don’t worry about at all. Just doesn’t mean I don’t make moves based on wild outta wack moves.