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RE: Quick $HIVE and market update - 05.08.2024

in LeoFinance7 months ago

As long as activity continues, HIVE will continue to thrive. As long as the community doensn't panic sell, HIVE will continue to thrive. Blogging here since 2017, I've seen it dip below $0.10, but kept on blogging and earning. I even bought a bunch with USD. I've also experience over $2.00 HIVE and still kept on blogging and earning. I didn't sell out, but kept on building.


Things are not that simple, panic selling is not the only factor influencing price, but thanks for letting me know.

panic selling is not the only factor influencing price

Coordinated effort? Conspiracy among holders?

Nah, it moved with the crappy crypto market to an exact degree. No conspiracy here: not regarding hive itself anyway. It’s clear we are going to .12 cents. We keep breaking down with the less than best crypto trend not falling along with Bitcoin past 18 months. We will be going lower than the .148 bottom early Monday morning. We need new users and they aren’t here. I plan on buying a lot if we hit a dime.

Looking at the past 12 months chart, seeing Bitcoin up 100% or so & Hive down 50% or so , it becomes clear what the trend is. At least for now.


In fact we are far lower then when Bitcoin bottomed in fall 2022 at 15K. Hive was .27 low back then. We got cut in half while while bitcoin went up more triple comparing Monday lows to 2022 lows.

I sold most my hive when we went to $3.00
bought it back for .50 cents. It was obvious pump that didn’t make much sense. In those situations just holding isn’t best bet. I turned 20K Hive into 33K (by tike I powered down I got it out at average price of $1.75.

I bought it all back for less. I agree on not panic selling, but planning a sell when up 2800% from year prior is just being smart. It was obvious not a price that made sense…

I got my dry powder test for .12 cents. I am earning daily and not worrying about price besides some side Hive I keep whitewater for testing but my HP I don’t worry about at all. Just doesn’t mean I don’t make moves based on wild outta wack moves.