Each time I mean to type the word "from" I end up with "form" & have to correct it, even though I notice it often, it tends to have become a habit.
Each time I mean to type the word "from" I end up with "form" & have to correct it, even though I notice it often, it tends to have become a habit.
Each time I type "love" I get "sex".
I dont know why.
TM is from a different world that's why
Nope. From the planet Earth.
I am sure of it.
or unicron
Lol, I wonder, at least my case has all 4 letters. It will be interesting to know why "love" gets you "sex" 😀
Love does get you sex...ask any married guy. LOL
😂 I envy those married guys, it must be nice that they are getting it regularly.
What makes you think married guys are getting it regularly? Not in the west at least. A lot of sexless marriages.
I can relate though, I once lived with my ex for 2-3 years it got to a point we don't have sex often.
Yep. That is how it seems to work.
when I type "happiness" I get "feet"
When I type "marriage" I get "hell".
when I type "dinner" I get "ass"
Is that because your wife cant cook or are you both just that kinky?
you know we're kinksters, come on lol
So she is a good cook then?
that sucks lol change your autocorrect?
It happens most on my laptop. I think on my phone as well but not as much as the laptop.
oh then I have no idea haha I never had this issue :x
Yes, I think I am subconsciously used to typing "form" when I mean it to be "from"
hmm so try to change ur subconscious?
Hahaha any suggestion on how to do that? 😂
see a hypnotist
Anytime i try to type the word “Hive” i end up with “Give” lol
Lol that is a cool one, "G" for "H"
Exactly, I get frustrated sometimes lol
When that happens it is tell you to give us some Hive on threads
Oh, I’m all in on threads
That is cool find a passion and go all in on it.
Yes I’m going all in with the #transfernews tag :)
Sometimes I feel it's the Auto correct making some silly unnecessary corrections cuz it does happen to me too
My case happens mostly on the laptop, I experience the auto-correct/spelling mostly on the phone.
Same. happens all the time. !PIZZA
Lol am not alone on this!