😅 Perfect example. Bringing forth a child is pretty easy, it only takes 2 minutes, or maybe 10 minutes. If it gets to an hour (I wonder what y'all are digging). 😏
yes so if you want your community to grow just like a baby grows in the mother's womb you need some cash to do some necessary things, like feeding your wallet, and some
These are good questions. I actually had a post that answered some of these as for the plan to support this will be hard at the moment will just look to grow and then see if it can get support
o.o they are too big already :x and last tiem i tried to post there they were pretty strict said i was breaking rules not including photo of myself in the posts with the food
Que difícil escribir sobre nuestras familias 🤦. Nadie recuerda nada de lo que necesito. Es como si la única que desde niña ansiaba saberlo todo era yo 🤔.
Lol aswear, it was painful jare, now I look like a complete idiot and from an outsider reading it, it could pass like I was trynna kiss this person's ass.
We have an unofficial saying in Libya "The day between two holidays is a holiday." Many people won't come to work or school if the day before it and after it is a nation-wide break. That includes when a holiday ends a day before weekend.
I see it more as a popular bad habit than a rule, it's funny though. Teachers and Student who do come to school in these days hate the fact that a day is wasted!
Hoy no te puedes perder del evento màs esperados por los hivers, te hablo del "Twitter Space" organizado por la comunidad de #hivesucre, a las 6:00 Pm.
#spanish #hive #gosh
#gmfrens - Happy Monday Greetings to my fellow LIONS 🦁 Next Monday, I begin my next phase as I start the new job and unfortunately, it's not fully or hybrid remote. It's back to commuting and office life, but bills don't discriminate #life
How dare you continue to develop the Leoverse! 😡😡😡
Genuinely, I'm amazed at the consistent innovation and work you put into this. It's what turned me on to the entire concept and got me to buy 15k Leo. Keep it up. 😊 #freecompliments
Precisely - development of real use cases is what makes the overlying cryptocurrency valuable. I think we'll see this legitimized over time when the technology seeps further into everyday uses.
1/ One of the reasons why the Hive network has value is because it is a decentralized database. With the training of AI becoming more important, data is required.
Data has a value and when it is evaluated by a system called -blockchain, then the network holds value.
When network keeps the value, we become "valuable".
Ha ha
2/ People need to realize the more content on Hive, the more data the world has to use for this purpose. Right now, social media is a huge treasure chest of data, controlled by the centralized companies.
3/ With Hive, the decentralized database is not controlled by any individual or group. It is also text that can be fed into machine learning engines for training.
5/ This is an overlooked concept. The more data on the database, the more valuable Hive becomes. We see this with training data and know this was one of the reason Musk went after Twitter.
6/ It is vital that people keep up with the #technology motivations behind certain actions. Most do not think like Musk and Zuckerberg, hence not understanding what is taking place.
7/ We all know the value of data. However, do we truly understand the value of decentralized data? If so, why do so many in #web3 insist on feeding the #web2 databases?
1/2 - Half way through the year. Are you happy with what you have accomplished so far? I'm in less pain, breathing better and I'm blessed to still be able to workout as much as I do. I lost a job but will be starting a new one #life
2/2 - I've continued to remain active on HIVE. I've increased my activity on #leofinance which is probably my top moment of the year on $HIVE. I hit Dolphin on HIVE, Lion on $LEO and hoping to hit #ctp whale in 2023 or close to it.
I understand completely @asif7 - I had a rough 2021 and 2022, so 2023 has been so much better. Hang in there it gets better as long as you stay the course.
As July 4th creeps up, it's a very cruel reminder that I have aged; because the sound of fireworks (which has already begun) gets more annoying every year lol - but when I was a kid it was one of my favorite holidays - go figure #life
4th of July was always a favorite of mine too. Largely because of the fireworks which I buy every year. Only in the last couple of years (as I approach 50) have i started to get a little tired of it.
Will there be a problem with the #hbd peg on the upside. If the coin becomes popular the lack of supply could cause some issues. This will likely put buy pressure on.
Think it will continue to spike from time to time as it has done in the past. Will always return. Initial rise may attract others buyers pushing up until sellers kick in.
the electricity in our neighbourhood has been abysmal for the past 2 months. It used to be great but now it is nothing to write about. I can't afford to run my generator as I used to... It sucks
Yes. A Princess Anne variety, it's been growing in the back garden of my home since I purchased the home a little over 20 years ago. I have a smaller Pink unknown variety out front.
Nice always look forward to hear the updates and new things going on. I'm glad they changed to every other week so the devs etc have time to put some more work in.
Holy moly, the Hive dividends I earned from holding LGN tokens feels crazy high. 50ish tokens yielded about 0.5 Hive. I know the dividends recently restarted, so I'm guessing this is once per week. An excellent return!
These guys are OGs in the space... way before Binance. Going to be interesting. A unified backlash backed by legal authority and money will be a tough battle for the #sec!
It only takes one loss by the #sec and the floodgates open. The legal system is based upon precedents. That is why it worked so hard to get the early agreements. A loss or two gives other defense attorneys the model to follow.
Well I am not sure people too him too seriously. He has gotten worse over the years but I recall some of his calls back before the GFC and how bad they were.
Yeah even on the show he does in the morning where he isnt the only clown, he gets tough to deal with. Sad because Faber seems like a guy who does research stuff and isnt really into theatrics.
3/ To start, they can eliminate orphan pages which search engines supposedly reduce in value. At the same time, it gives people (and the search spiders) more to follow.
5/ It is akin to placing a link in the comment section of a post. It has some value but not as much as the post itself. We also have to keep in mind how the containers are set up.
6/ We do not want a lot of the same links in one container since that would be like posting the same link in a blog post (or comment section). For that reason, we need spacing.
i just made a community on hive o.o how to grow it D:
Establishing a community is really easy, but the main work is the sustenance, maintenance and growth of the community.
Yeah kind of like getting her pregnant is easy...the rest, not so much.
😅 Perfect example. Bringing forth a child is pretty easy, it only takes 2 minutes, or maybe 10 minutes. If it gets to an hour (I wonder what y'all are digging). 😏
But child support as an aftermath is crazy!
2 minutes? Oh you are including foreplay.
lol please come on :c u had to compare this to getting a girl pregnant
let me join this discussion
o.o why do u want to join lol lets end this xD
Because I heard getting someone pregnant
In just few seconds you can get a girl pregnant without stress but after three months you will know that much is involved. Lol.
O.O well i wont be making a girl pregnant any time soon
Are you sure
Similarly is very simple to create a community but you will need a whole lot to make the community survive.
this is true i better start working at it ; ;
yes so if you want your community to grow just like a baby grows in the mother's womb you need some cash to do some necessary things, like feeding your wallet, and some
Am I wrong? No. It is parallel.
there's no connection
yes easy to establish :P that's why im asking advice how to work and grow it hehe
First set of questions:
Why did you establish the community?
What's the purpose?
What niche?
Do you know if people will be interested in the niche prior to establishing it?
What's your plan towards supporting authors who post
These are good questions. I actually had a post that answered some of these as for the plan to support this will be hard at the moment will just look to grow and then see if it can get support
What’s the name?
Eating Out lol
What's the community about
How about foodiesbeehive?
o.o they are too big already :x and last tiem i tried to post there they were pretty strict said i was breaking rules not including photo of myself in the posts with the food
Happy Monday!
Mondays hit different when you get them off and still get paid for it....Weird stuff I'm experiencing lol
When a bull market hits again, is your plan to leave your current job or will you keep it?
i dunno about the bull market, but i have no plans on staying with this stuff long term. just a thing i have to do right now.
haha! That's the kind of monday I would want too! Enjoy the blissful day mate!
Appreciated, thank you kindly!
Happy Monday too.
Thanks, hope you have a good one!
Sure. I will
That is called life in Hive. LOL
You can hire me man, I'll be the official cheerleader for crypto....I'll even rave about Ethereum!!!
New Flash:
January 2025: This just out, @jongolson owns 2,469 ETH. All these years of claiming he didnt, he is a whale.
Happy Monday. It's a nice change to have more days because of the holidays
Get to work on some stuff around the house and online as a result!
Hi, Have a good week :)
You too!
Happy Monday have a blessed week friend
thank you kindly, you as well!
man i don't know what to do with myself!!!
Each time I mean to type the word "from" I end up with "form" & have to correct it, even though I notice it often, it tends to have become a habit.
Each time I type "love" I get "sex".
I dont know why.
TM is from a different world that's why
Nope. From the planet Earth.
I am sure of it.
or unicron
Lol, I wonder, at least my case has all 4 letters. It will be interesting to know why "love" gets you "sex" 😀
Love does get you sex...ask any married guy. LOL
😂 I envy those married guys, it must be nice that they are getting it regularly.
What makes you think married guys are getting it regularly? Not in the west at least. A lot of sexless marriages.
I can relate though, I once lived with my ex for 2-3 years it got to a point we don't have sex often.
when I type "happiness" I get "feet"
When I type "marriage" I get "hell".
when I type "dinner" I get "ass"
Is that because your wife cant cook or are you both just that kinky?
you know we're kinksters, come on lol
that sucks lol change your autocorrect?
It happens most on my laptop. I think on my phone as well but not as much as the laptop.
oh then I have no idea haha I never had this issue :x
Yes, I think I am subconsciously used to typing "form" when I mean it to be "from"
hmm so try to change ur subconscious?
Hahaha any suggestion on how to do that? 😂
Anytime i try to type the word “Hive” i end up with “Give” lol
Lol that is a cool one, "G" for "H"
Exactly, I get frustrated sometimes lol
When that happens it is tell you to give us some Hive on threads
Oh, I’m all in on threads
That is cool find a passion and go all in on it.
Sometimes I feel it's the Auto correct making some silly unnecessary corrections cuz it does happen to me too
My case happens mostly on the laptop, I experience the auto-correct/spelling mostly on the phone.
Same. happens all the time. !PIZZA
Lol am not alone on this!
Happy Monday Threads fam! Hope the week is off to a great start!
Now that the platform is up and running, it is better.
lol yeah I did my usual morning check in and was bummed to see it down
A very Happy Monday to you as well! I hope you have a week as fantastic as you are. 😊 #freecompliments
Have a blessed week my friend
Que difícil escribir sobre nuestras familias 🤦. Nadie recuerda nada de lo que necesito. Es como si la única que desde niña ansiaba saberlo todo era yo 🤔.
Por eso me daba a la tarea de preguntar y preguntar, hasta que abuela se ostinaba y me ponía a fregar cacharros 😒
So today, a friend of mine was scammed by some online fraudster all in the name of #crypto investment
Let's be cautious, let's be alert, they're are everywhere
#threads247 #gosh #gmfrens #threadstorm #
Without a doubt. There are a lot of things to be weary of.
Honestly, the rate at which fraudulent activities are topping on a speedy rate is alarming
That is true no matter what the industry. New #technology brings about more opportunity, both good and bad.
This is very sad. Be careful mate
yeah....it calls for absolute cautiousness
damn. That sucks
Oh shiiitee!
That’s not good, we all need to be very careful!
Like very carrrrrreeeeffffuuuulllll
Lol, you’re right.
How do you pour out your heart in the comment section of a post you really like only for the author to drop a plain ‘nice’ or ‘thanks’ ouch bro! 😂😂😂
Na ghost mode I go give the person next time 😉
Lol aswear, it was painful jare, now I look like a complete idiot and from an outsider reading it, it could pass like I was trynna kiss this person's ass.
Nah, not you, he's the loser.
Others may also see him as not someone to engage with by that action, and he'll be loosing engagements in his posts
That’s another way to look at it, thank you !LUV🥰🥰
(3/3) sent you LUV. | tools | discord | community | HiveWiki | <>< daily@luchyl, @ibbtammy
! help
(no space) to get help on Hive. InfoExactly, that's how I will see it.
You are welcome.
lol. you would probably get more engagement on threads which is kind of ironic since people are just posting their quick thoughts.
Yeah that makes a lot of sense though but the reply I got today was pretty cold, but it's all good😃😃
nice. thanks. 😝
Lol you did not just do that!!
Now I am hurt😂😂😂
oh damn, that’s rough. Hope you feel better internally though by getting it off your chest
Lol a little though 🙈🙈🙈😂😂
Sorry if i ever did that to you.
Lol you didn’t but I think you kinda ignored my comment one time😂😂😂 but it’s all good😂😂
Not on purpose I can assure you :)
It’s alright, it’s all in the past now😃
You are awesome.
Awwww Thank you😊😊
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(10/50)@ibbtammy! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(9/50)@ibbtammy! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
I feel the same about long posts. Take the time and trouble to write them and no-one comments. Write a single sentence here and people respond.
Hehehehehe irony of life😃
Good to see LF back on track! No more error 😁
Thank god I was not here when the error happened :P
Well, I tried couple of times, but no biggie, since I’m at work anyway
I was enjoying my family time. Did not engage with LF.
That’s nice 😊
Very frustrating.
I hope I am not asking more when I say it is unacceptable to have bugs.
We will see how much things were improved. It was an update so hopefully some of the other issues were worked out.
Cool! Looking forward to seeing what changed 😁
If at first, you don't succeed... try again. "Bitcoin, The BlackRock ETF & The Next Six Months" is now published after an initial error. 🙃😎

Yep. Sometimes you have to contour the post onto the chain.
More art than science at times.
That’s the spirit!!
yeah.....we keep trying
Giving up is never an option
That's true!
Not sure what I've achieved today. Went down the #chatgpt rabbit hole and suddenly 6 hours have passed. 😱
you should use chatgpt to save time going down the chatgpt rabbit hole 🤯
I would just ignore it's advice. 😂
So ChatGPT is like a man to a woman, something to ignore? lol
Evidently a lot of down time. We need more stability on the platform.
the US is so funny. tomorrow is a holiday and no one is working today. not mad, just making an observation. good thing it's a WFH day
We have an unofficial saying in Libya "The day between two holidays is a holiday." Many people won't come to work or school if the day before it and after it is a nation-wide break. That includes when a holiday ends a day before weekend.
wow that's awesome. Seems to be an unspoken rule
I see it more as a popular bad habit than a rule, it's funny though. Teachers and Student who do come to school in these days hate the fact that a day is wasted!
I agree lol
become off daysWTF is built N2 the calendar (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday)
so crazy
Pre-holiday lol
literally lol
A lot of places either closed totally or have half a day. Even the stock market closes at 1.
people know the US is lazy as Fuck. not sure why anyone is surprised
What is WFH Day??
work from home
When I first read that, I interpreted that as
.Will SEC Chairman survive on his post?
Any thoughts?
Sure. What has he done to piss off the administration or the masters who pull the strings of it?
He is doing what they want. Their goal is to get #crypto into wall street hands. He is working on that.
Hoy no te puedes perder del evento màs esperados por los hivers, te hablo del "Twitter Space" organizado por la comunidad de #hivesucre, a las 6:00 Pm. #spanish #hive #gosh
Mason Mount has completed medical tests as new Manchester United player at Carrington. 🔴✅ #transfernews
So he has no STDs?
Do they check for that?
They even checked if he got balls lol
In this era, having or not having them might not disqualify one.
El equipo de #hivesucre invita a su primer Twitter Space, hoy a las 6 pm hora de Venezuela. No te lo pierdas #hive #gosh #spanish
The #hivesucre team invites you to their first Twitter Space, today at 6 pm Venezuela time. Don't miss it #hive #gosh #spanish
Why is everyone using the gosh tag? that has no impact unless sharing a hive article.
Good morning my friend, ok, thanks for the clarification. Greetings for always being attentive
We are trying to make this place enjoyable for all. Tag spamming tends to turn people off.
Totally agree brother
Glad to see you on here and engaging @omarcitorojas. @hivesucre ought to treat this like Twitter and make it the conversation center.
Is it in #spanish or english?
In Spanish, however, there will be the great Jon Snow.
@jonsnow1983 is a good egg. Glad he is participating.
Yes brother, he is part of our team, excellent person.
Shh dont tell him that. His ego cant handle it.
If he thinks we like him too much we will never hear the end of it.
The ways these players are getting paid is juicy mehn 👀
How are they being paid? In fruit?
What else is juicy?
Yes a lot of fruits like >>> 🍉 🍎 🍌 lol
Don’t mind me please, I’m talking of their wages the money 💰 they’re getting paid is huge.
Yep. Welcome to #sports. It is big money.
I'm that weirdo who's proud to be a hiver, not a web2 user.
@leofinance #gosh
#gmfrens - Happy Monday Greetings to my fellow LIONS 🦁 Next Monday, I begin my next phase as I start the new job and unfortunately, it's not fully or hybrid remote. It's back to commuting and office life, but bills don't discriminate #life
congratulations on the job :)
Thank YOU @wealthwess
That sucks to hear, but that is life.
Indeed @jfang003 - Happy Monday! Cool to see you having a day off and being able to be around on the 'chain some extra time today!
lol I hear you man! New starts are always fun though!
That withdrawal syndrome I just got from not being able to access LeoFinance was really hard ngl
I got on this morning and couldn't access it. Felt like a rough start to my morning. We NEED threads!
Dopamine and endorphins are a hell of a drug, man. Quite literally.
Lol. I know the feeling. Holiday Monday in Canada, raining, and the UI was down. Omg. Lol
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(6/50)@anomadsoul! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
looks like I'm the onli one who so far haven't experienced it. lol!
Hahaha, threads sure knows how to give someone a heart ache 😅
lol. i know what you mean.
Lol! You’re a true addict 😁
It's ok it's working now :D
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Love finishing up work early and having an hour to myself before the kids get home.
Laptop out, legs up and a big coffee.
It's the simple things.
its laptop time.. play a decent music in the background, use headphones if needed and dip down into your work world.
I usually throw on something silly on the TV and stretch out the legs.
Just woke up here, coffee is ready too!
nessessary evil to get going for the day.
I used to never drink it.
That really good :)
Can be really great.
Sorry for the downtime frens, got some cool updates about to go live though
Live Beta and such
It cool right now, thank you.
Keep the good work 👍
This too shall pass. LOL
I believe
Think we all have understanding that there can be some downtime while you keep improving the platform.
When will I notice some new cool feature? ;)
I learned how addicted I am.
How dare you continue to develop the Leoverse! 😡😡😡
Genuinely, I'm amazed at the consistent innovation and work you put into this. It's what turned me on to the entire concept and got me to buy 15k Leo. Keep it up. 😊 #freecompliments
Development is key. I am not sure why most are not focusing upon this and how it is not going to benefit all involved down the road.
Precisely - development of real use cases is what makes the overlying cryptocurrency valuable. I think we'll see this legitimized over time when the technology seeps further into everyday uses.
Continual improvement is vital. That is why I love Leo. The team keeps rolling more stuff out.
so that's what happened. You mocking around causing the server down 😅
The hamster got tried.
I am glad it went down while I was asleep.
Yeah hard to blame you for it breaking.
I blame @jongolson. He was playing techie again wasnt he?
Looking forward to seeing what’s new!
You just want adult threads.
Of course! LOL 😅
A revolution is forming. There are about 4 of us who admit (and about 4,097 who will not state it publically).
Should have taken some pictures from the nudist beach I went to last month to get ready for this 😅
I hear you. I like the nudist beach too. Have one about an hour away. Been a while since I was there. My pale ass might burn now.
Good luck with them, hope it all goes smoothly!
Crypto really need much patience
Hive Is A Decentralized Database
1/ One of the reasons why the Hive network has value is because it is a decentralized database. With the training of AI becoming more important, data is required.
Data has a value and when it is evaluated by a system called -blockchain, then the network holds value.
When network keeps the value, we become "valuable".
Ha ha
It all does feed into it. We are building something of value and in more than just the monetary sense.
Indeed. 🏆
2/ People need to realize the more content on Hive, the more data the world has to use for this purpose. Right now, social media is a huge treasure chest of data, controlled by the centralized companies.
3/ With Hive, the decentralized database is not controlled by any individual or group. It is also text that can be fed into machine learning engines for training.
4/ So with Hive, while you might not own your data, neither does anyone else. Once posted, it is on the public sphere, controlled by no individual.
5/ This is an overlooked concept. The more data on the database, the more valuable Hive becomes. We see this with training data and know this was one of the reason Musk went after Twitter.
6/ It is vital that people keep up with the #technology motivations behind certain actions. Most do not think like Musk and Zuckerberg, hence not understanding what is taking place.
7/ We all know the value of data. However, do we truly understand the value of decentralized data? If so, why do so many in #web3 insist on feeding the #web2 databases?
8/ The reality is we should be 4 or 5 to 1 in our #web3 data creation versus #web2. This is where we start to mount a charge.
Good morning everyone. It's a holiday for me so I am glad that I have some free time today
@jfang003 - I'm sure your fans here will be happy to see you around for a longer time today.
There are still some chores to do, but I should be able to spend a bit more time here on threads today.
Happy holidays Jfang, some free time is good, enjoy it.
Yea. It's much easier than having to deal with work.
gm fren.
It’s good you’re free today….more threads?
Maybe. I'll probably drop by a few more times during the day because it's less busy.
Gm to you.
Happy holidays
Good morning.
Good morning..
Enjoy your awesome hols
Yea. I plan to just relax while I have some free time.
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
1/2 - Half way through the year. Are you happy with what you have accomplished so far? I'm in less pain, breathing better and I'm blessed to still be able to workout as much as I do. I lost a job but will be starting a new one #life
The essence of life is simply to continue... sometimes it's tough, we push on! All the best on your new job mate!
Most definitely @sapphirecrypto - Very Much Appreciated!
2/2 - I've continued to remain active on HIVE. I've increased my activity on #leofinance which is probably my top moment of the year on $HIVE. I hit Dolphin on HIVE, Lion on $LEO and hoping to hit #ctp whale in 2023 or close to it.
Half a year passes so quick, alas!
Yet, many of gain and pain got on the way,but I stayed strong. That mattered.
Hope to see brighter days ahead.
I understand completely @asif7 - I had a rough 2021 and 2022, so 2023 has been so much better. Hang in there it gets better as long as you stay the course.
As July 4th creeps up, it's a very cruel reminder that I have aged; because the sound of fireworks (which has already begun) gets more annoying every year lol - but when I was a kid it was one of my favorite holidays - go figure #life
4th of July was always a favorite of mine too. Largely because of the fireworks which I buy every year. Only in the last couple of years (as I approach 50) have i started to get a little tired of it.
Things like that tend to run it's course for sure @darth-azrael
The evolution we all go through
Absolutely @wongi - Happy Monday to you.
Time for walk and then some threading.
A wiser move than walking while threading. The only thing worse would be threading and driving. I'd classify that as threading under the influence.
enjoy. Passing down rain here today.
Hoping you'd post some pictures on your walk too
Do you use Actifit? Not sure if I have seen on it or ever talked about it?
Enjoy your walk ☺️
Enjoy your walk 😊
Big Crypto Win Against SEC
#threadcast #threadstorm 1/🧵
#threadcast #threadstorm 2/🧵
A WIN for crypto
#threadstorm #threadcast https://leofinance.io/posts/cryptowendyo/wow-huge-crypto-win-incoming-against-the-sec
Will there be a problem with the #hbd peg on the upside. If the coin becomes popular the lack of supply could cause some issues. This will likely put buy pressure on.
Definitely something to keep an eye on... I need more eyes...LOL!
Think it will continue to spike from time to time as it has done in the past. Will always return. Initial rise may attract others buyers pushing up until sellers kick in.
More vintage slides scans from the 1960s, including an Easter dinner, Miami Beach vacation, and more.
#slides #vintage #photos #film #photography #Kodak #Kodachrome #gosh
the electricity in our neighbourhood has been abysmal for the past 2 months. It used to be great but now it is nothing to write about. I can't afford to run my generator as I used to... It sucks
Didn't you try to get a power bank?
yes I did... But it cannot power my PC
How is solar system in Nigeria? Is it an alternative that is been deployed?
it is but it is very expensive. You need at least $1000 to get a decent setup
The same thing is happening in my neighborhood.
I wonder what's
it is not nice at all... They are increasing my living cost.
Having to buy fuel each time can be daunting . Not cost effective at all.
So glad I can use LeoFinance again!
Time to buzz!
same! I hopped on for my usual morning browsing of threads and saw we were offline. Glad to be back!
The withdrawal syndrome was real
I haven't had power for over 24 hours. Thankfully I have a power bank. But that would run down soon. It takes close to 6 hours to charge fully.
Ah, that sucks to hear. I guess my question from before was answered here
i did not see the reply, sorry.
What's your favorite way to enjoy oranges?
#polls #foodies #food
Peeling and eating them directly.
A fair way
Fresh is organic
This way.

The ideal way.
It didn't display :)
Freshely squeezed 🤔
That's juicy yum
Good Morning frens,
#leofinance #threads #silvergoldstackes #ladiesofhive a rose from my backyard.
perfect for #hivegarden tag ☺️
Thanks for the tag 🌹
Beautiful rose, is red your favorite rose?
Yes. A Princess Anne variety, it's been growing in the back garden of my home since I purchased the home a little over 20 years ago. I have a smaller Pink unknown variety out front.
Awwn, this is beautiful…
Gm to you, have good week :)
Thanks, The bloom is good for no more than a four to five days, it's fragrance lasts barely two days. So brief.
That’s the reality truly. So brief but yet beautiful.
#gmfrens! It is raining cats and dogs in here since noon and the hot weather suddenly turned so cool!
it's been hot hot here. Over 34°c... I have stripped to my boxers 🫠
Whoa, I wish some rain could fall here too :)
Just a reminder that the #splinterlands town hall and weekly maintenance window will be on Thursday (7/6) this week.
Nice always look forward to hear the updates and new things going on. I'm glad they changed to every other week so the devs etc have time to put some more work in.
I wasn’t a fan at first but the town square format seems to fill in nicely on off weeks
I normally like to check in on Threads in the morning with my coffee but we were down earlier so just quickly saying hello now. 👋
oh, almost forgot leofi was down this morning.. lol, I was busy with other stuff and just your thread reminded about that happened.
Glad it's working now .
Holy moly, the Hive dividends I earned from holding LGN tokens feels crazy high. 50ish tokens yielded about 0.5 Hive. I know the dividends recently restarted, so I'm guessing this is once per week. An excellent return!
i also just received my share from @wearelegion about 19+ hive for holding 2k legions!
How frequently are you receiving the dividends? This was actually my first one in nearly 2 months.
About right I have 60ish for about 0.6ish hive
Very powerful, considering the market price of LGN is currently a little bit over 1 Hive.
It is and seriously impressive
Where do LGN tokens come from. I have some but I've no idea why. 😂
Sounds good 👌
🚨 Kylian Mbappé wants a package worth £206,000,000 at his next club. 💰🇫🇷 #transfernews
we should call him Mr. Money 🤡
Seconded, that’s the perfect nickname for him.
The guy mouth too wide, I don’t blame him although, na him time.
Then off to live in the desert you go, champ.
This smile-killer deserves , should be sold as a price of "athletic machine", he already smacked half of people's heart back in 22 final.
He’s very good…so you mean he deserved it?
Not really. Players transfer value is based on other factors, not limited to scoring capacity.
But, my prior statement was an irony,🫤
Yes, you’re right on that.
Another company lashing back against the #sec.
This time #bittrex. Not a security.
Article inside.
These guys are OGs in the space... way before Binance. Going to be interesting. A unified backlash backed by legal authority and money will be a tough battle for the #sec!
It only takes one loss by the #sec and the floodgates open. The legal system is based upon precedents. That is why it worked so hard to get the early agreements. A loss or two gives other defense attorneys the model to follow.
Exactly... I need to check the validity of the Gensler "resignation after internal investigation" story that came out over the weekend...
It was bullshit. The twitter account that put it out is known for its bullshit.
Mmmmm...you always have to check sources in this game.
If there was a lick of validity to it, the #crypto media would have picked up on it within 4 hours.
Yep. I didnt even know the account. But I saw the tweet was at like 7 am yesterday and I checked the search engines around 11 for info...nothing.
XRP Coinbase and Bittrex all fighting back.
And Binance lurking.
#XRP have spent approximately $170 million on legal fees. Apparently, #binance have set aside a billion for legal fees... provision already made.
Yeah and it costs #gensler nothing to take this action.
Fighting City Hall is never fun, nor cheap.
A read is definitely needed for me !!
Great to here. Especially with their knowledge and how long they have been in the space.
Looks like we're back!#gmfrens
Yes, break time is over, lol
Nope. A figment of your imagination. Lol
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(8/50)@tokenizedsociety! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
Morning friend. Have a blessed week
Back to threading...
Feel weird to say god morning when I just got back from work. But I know there are time differences so. Good morning to you! :)
Morning. I didn't even realize that the site was down.
we’re back,took a minute though :D
GM to you too and thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads.
GM tokens are distributed manually every Sunday for the prior week. For more information or to OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
#tsla is the stock to own. It is official.
Jim Cramer said he prefers #ford over #tesla.
We know what that means? Ford likely heading towards bankruptcy.
The guy is dangerous... should be banned from any form of broadcasting... he's radioactive!

I bet he gets a healthy salary from them.
It's got be pretty massive... considering he's throwing away what rep he had...
Well I am not sure people too him too seriously. He has gotten worse over the years but I recall some of his calls back before the GFC and how bad they were.
LOL... I can't deal... just 30 seconds of Cramer is too much!
Yeah even on the show he does in the morning where he isnt the only clown, he gets tough to deal with. Sad because Faber seems like a guy who does research stuff and isnt really into theatrics.
Here I share my Sunday.
#threads #gosh #alive #aliveandthriving #liotes #ctp
So Leothread was down, thank goodness! I thought it was a 'me problem'
Haha had the same reaction and didn't wanna miss out. But now we are back online 👍
Oh yes!!
Thread away mate!😊😊
it was a “All problem” lol
Lol I just discovered that
Glad we back in 😊
The whole Server may have been temporarily down. But, I also thought the same as my browser having a problem. Ha ha
Lol I know right?
I did not know that LF was down. Looks like the downtime was significant. What did I miss?
you missed nothing cuz we were all down 😆
It's been down for hours.
Nothing. It was down. Lmao.
Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH(7/50)@rmsadkri! (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow.
I made one thread this morning and next when I checked it was down.. took some hours to work again now.
I made a blog reviewing the last month of crazy crap!
Link will be in a reply below. <3
Notifications not loading. Using brave browser on desktop.
It looks like these are only from that one user
Is it an issue or is it just from this one user? I am seeing mine ok
It cleared up.
At least the thread got like 5 or 6 pageviews.
And just gave an additional coverage to the ad.
It may feel good 😊 👍 #threadstorm #
Why are you using the tag threadstorm?
You didnt make one there.
My new posts too haven't been loading on my main phone, but when I tried different phone it worked out.
ISM falls to lowest since May 2020 when the global economy was locked down.
And the #fed tells us more rate hikes are needed?
Should You Link #leoglossary Page In Threads?
1/ This was asked of me so I will answer here.
It would be nice but those links eat up the character limit.
Serious? Have you seen most of the comments and threads. They have a lot of space.
Most dont put up but a few words.
I tend to think that images and links tend not to be used here in threads. Then again, I guess people could make a second thread.
2/ #leoglossary links are a great way to enhance the value of whatever you post. From a site perspective, internal links are very valuable.
3/ To start, they can eliminate orphan pages which search engines supposedly reduce in value. At the same time, it gives people (and the search spiders) more to follow.
4/ Posting a #leoglossary link in the threads can be helpful. However, we have to keep in mind that a thread is really a comment.
5/ It is akin to placing a link in the comment section of a post. It has some value but not as much as the post itself. We also have to keep in mind how the containers are set up.
6/ We do not want a lot of the same links in one container since that would be like posting the same link in a blog post (or comment section). For that reason, we need spacing.
7/ If we were doing 1,000 threads per hour, then we would be basically setting up a new container each time. However we are way below that.
8/ Thus spacing the link to the same page is warranted. Perhaps using the term bank a couple times a day might work.
9/ But using the same link repeatedly doesnt do much good.
10/ In the end, this will help to bring awareness to #leoglossary so it is something to consider.
Just do not overdo it.