I prefer mostly the Pranayama, the breathing daily routines, easy but very effective. Kapalbhatti and Anulom Vilom are main master pranayama. Bastrika I like to do for 2 minutes at fast pace.
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I prefer mostly the Pranayama, the breathing daily routines, easy but very effective. Kapalbhatti and Anulom Vilom are main master pranayama. Bastrika I like to do for 2 minutes at fast pace.
Interesting, I have not tried this. Can you recommend me a guided video session I can try?
Yes I'll give you the whole series of daily pranayama, easiest and very effective. Start with minimum always, then increase it to 5 minutes (Kapalbhatti and Anulom Vilom) each. Even these two alone if practiced daily, super amazing and nothing else needed for a healthy life.
Great! I've bookmarked it, will check it out later
Another explanation.