Eating low gluten and low sugar is essential, as foods such as wheat, yeast and processed foods can inflame the stomach and brain and thus cause irritability in autistic children.
News like this one, in which they donate food for children with autism and down syndrome, undoubtedly brightens the day of any mother of a child with this disorder.
Transparency is definitely a key aspect of the NFT space, and it's one of the reasons why people are drawn to it. Being able to see the history of an NFT, including who created it and who has owned it, adds a level of authenticity.
I completely agree! That alone enables NFTs to be used for a wide variety of things. They could be used as concert tickets, legal documents, educational certificates just to name a few. NFTs can be a lot more than mere images on the blockchain.
exactly that! having your medical history as an nft accessible to all doctors is something that brings more security and ease and even savings to your life! It would even reduce the cartels of doctors who recommend unnecessary medicines because if the prescriptions are on the blockchain they would think twice before prescribing something useless for money.
That sounds very good, it would be available to anyone who wanted to consult the medical records, and it would not even go astray, as has happened in hospitals in my country, where tests and medical examinations are sometimes misplaced.
The same happens in Brazil and I would venture to say in many other places around the world. When a dynamic NFT is used as a medical history or even in other areas such as construction, or to replace property documentation or even identification documents.
This brings more ease, security and transparency to our lives... these are the real discussions that those who really want to build a better world with web3 should be discussing.
The value of an NFT is connected to many factors such as its rarity and demand, but perhaps the most important is its utility and how it can address a particular problem.
This is exactly what I believe about NFT values. It should be solving a problem. There should be some utility which access to that NFT delivers. So if it is just about the graphics or crypto, then there is no value being delivered here.
Many nfts have utility for sure, we can cite games NFTs for example. But also some real assets in our world. The value is proportional do the utility for sure.
Exactly. And I believe that NFTs can be used to solve many problems that we have, such as storing information related to legal issues, such as laws, negotiating contracts, etc.
Convincing people for something they don't want may be difficult, but it's easier to convince when the value is seen in you. For instance, when your assets growth skyrocket, they wish to know your source.
So the message is to keep building!
It all goes down to how much you as an individual give to whatever community you choose to build with. You can't go and tell a person that you are a doctor and your family always fall sick every now and then.
You just have to prove to people through your actions and not just words
NFTs allow individuals to claim ownership of a specific digital file, whether it's an image, video, music, or other forms of digital content. This digital ownership is recorded on a blockchain, making it secure. One thing I love about it.
These are values of NFTs people needs to know because NFTs goes beyond just minting and holding. The community surrounding an NFT can also impact its value. If an NFT has a strong and active community of collectors and investors, its value may increase.
It’s just a great topic to learn more from. Let’s stay tuned.
However, with that said, there are objective ways to deem value. It's true that value could be subjective, but basically you should ask yourself, is this NFT/service/system solving a problem? If the answer is yes, there's value in it.
NFTs are not just arts the have great value and we can say this because we have learned this tonight, the are also digital asset and owners have full ownership of their NFTs is a great deal and can h build more holders of different NFTs.
The value of NFT comes down to the users of that NFT and that's why it's important for creators to make NFTs that offer utilities that users will find appealing.
They seem to be more focused in making mere ARTWORKS with no decent utility.
The best NFTs from the previous bull run were ones that offered a utility. The rest AI art just border on ponzi schemes.
If they have no utility case then they have no base for being sold legitimately in my opinion. If you want to sell an art print then do that and hang it on your wall!
I first became familiar with NFTs in video games. During the pandemic, people began to notice the true potential they offer. They are also in art, they are my favorite! NFT comes down to opportunities.
NFTs are here to stay.The non-fungible nature of these allows them to guarantee ownership for whoever owns them,and I believe that very soon we will begin to see them gaining ground within this web3 that is revolutionizing the world.
I still have a lot more to learn about NFTs, but I agree with you, I think we will soon see them revolutionizing history, many even make it to Web3 through them.
I think this value should depend on the value that a content creator brings. It would depend on the value that a content generated in a blockchain. That is going to have an equitable share formation where NFT equals the value of content.
You're absolutely right, someone once said that for you to get value, you have to give value. And it's so obvious on hive that depending on the value you give, you might not get as much as you think you should.
The first NFT I bought, was an image created with AI, when I purchased it I didn't know they had used AI 😆 so when I found out I didn't know whether to feel ripped off or good, but I'm over it now.
Definitely, that's one understanding we all have to attain, value can be anything base on the holder's opinion and people see utilities in a project too from different area's.
That's why some see NFTs project as the future and others have different opinion.
Yes spot on for me. For me value is all about utility. If what you’re building doesn’t have utility or a use case in the long run it will fade off easily. That’s why some NFTs last longer isn’t the space cause they have use cases.
This is true, I was among those who didn't see any future or even value in NFTs but that was simply because I had no knowledge of what they are. Well, the story is different now. Hopefully, more people will see utilities and value in NFTs, it is the future!
Web3 being the biggest and the best blockchain community shouldn't permit project founders to use us to test their products and scam us at the end of the day. We need to be extremely careful with how we embrace with new Projects on the blockchain network. That aspect of making your own research about project before investing is very important and we need to implement that always before we put our capital into any project.
Good point. Founders of many past Web2 projects made big promises unfulfilled, carted away with thousands of dollars from some of us that got involved with those scams. Extreme care is important.
Here you are absolutely right, before we can accept anything you should know what it's all about. This is a good reason because not all project we can invest in, I'm not saying they are bad but just that some does not worth it.
true' we all need to be cautious of the project we enter into, reminds me of the past platforms I entered, the owner can just wake up one morning and decideto sell it off, not minding the users, web3 is the best way to go.
I agree. Not a lot of holders of NFTs know what to do with them. Using myself as a case study, I got my NFT as a contest prize. It's just sitting there online, I don't exactly understand how to use it.
You're right, it all depends on the kind of NFT itself and it's use case.
What the NFT does and how it can be used. I also have a couple of NFTs even on the hive blockchain but honestly don't also know how and where to use em.
Me as well. I'm just hoping that the one I have somehow gains a lot of value in the future and I cash out from it. I don't even know if that's how it works😅😅
I think that's where enlightenment comes in, you didn't know but I think from listening to the space you can gain some ideas on how to go about, I'm yet to get my NFT and hopefully when I do, I will use it to add value to myself.
To me, NFTs represent more than just a way to trade and collect digital assets. They represent a new way of expressing and exchanging creativity, ideas, and even emotions. NFTs are a bridge between the physical and digital worlds.
Yes for sure. But unfortunately many today don't see it as a way of expressing and collecting creativity, ideas, and emotions just as you said. Many today sees it as something they can collect and find a way to seel and dump it.
I have some NFTs in my possession. They're not just for art; they have various uses, including in gaming. Figuring out how to determine their value is a challenge.
I also have some NFTs, some have been purchased, some gifts and some prizes. And I really like them, even my NFT cards from games (Rising Star) I have that I don't even want to sell.
For me, NFTs represent not just digital ownership but a revolution in authenticity. Providing transparency & security,a means to verify the origin & uniqueness of assets. I'm looking forward to it's real world usecase in assets like Land🤪
Yeah, we considering NFTs in that perspective should make it have such a high value we do see it to have and also increase the demand for them too. Oh, Land here indicates Splinterlands lol, I am also a warlock and I love their NFTs
🔥Absolutely, you get it. Oh no, Land as in real world asset, not digital. You're the Chief Warlock for sure. Hope you're giddyup about Rebellion, here we go...the roller-coaster😂
I am also looking forward to this revolution, many things will change in the world with NFT for assets, maybe even with personal documents or real estate, everything will be easier and safer.
Oh, yeah! I love how Splinterlands, for example, provided value to us as players while traditional triple A titles companies make games that try to remove ownership and utility from them at the same time they profit from us.
Looking at the blockchain like Hive where I can trace exactly when I joined and the first set of activities I engaged, I can mint those first moments into an NFT such that those details cannot be altered.
Yes Blockchain, like Hive is not a difficult place to be. It is transparent to the point that, I access all my details from the start to the end. My contents, transaction and other activities done here.
The value of a project is not determined solely by its founder. The users who engage with the project can also add value by contributing their ideas. In fact, a project's success often depends on the engagement and enthusiasm of its users.
The value of a project is not just determined by the founders, but by the entire community of users and supporters. This idea of community support and contribution is a core tenet of Web3 and decentralized projects.
You're absolutely correct on that, value isn't only dependent on the founder, if founder is the only defining value, then the user is just in without a purpose, a project must meet your definition of value for you to dive In as a user.
One of the core things to do to enhance value is to come up with an idea that aline with what a group of people deemed as valuable, doing such brings about users/investor that's shares your vision and stick around to bring others investors
that's fact. It's the community that decides what and how valuable, collectibles and assets therein. Their actions sustain and create more value on the project and affect its tokenomic which is very important
I think NFTs can be an investment since they are similar to other types of collectibles. It is important to note that NFTs are a relatively new asset class, and there is no guarantee that they will appreciate in value
Your value in a project is dependent on your contribution to building the project; rather being a recipient, build the project you believe in - it doesn't depend on the founder alone.
Absolutely! Your value within a project isn't just about what you receive; it's about actively contributing to its growth and success. Building something you genuinely believe in means actively participating, adding your skills, ideas.
for some reason I don’t subscribe to this. I can have so much value in a project just by holding tons of it. By holding it I bring in value cause I believe in it. I don’t necessarily need to be key in building the project.
Exactly, an attractive NFT is what you are behind it, if they are limited editions, if they have rarity, if it is of some recognized artists or if it simply came out in some news there comes the value and why to buy one.
NFTs derive their value from their users and the utilities they offer. So it's important for creators to focus on creating NFTs that offer something useful and valuable to users.
The beauty of NFTs is that they can take on many different forms and serve many different purposes. From collectibles, to gaming assets, to art, to unique digital identities, NFTs can represent anything that can be represented digitally.
That's right, the nice thing and the cool thing too, is that, practically everything in the real world can be tokenized, create an NFT and give it its value with a backstory, I particularly like game NFTs, it's easier to mediate its value.
Transparency is one of the reasons I love Blockchain, it shows that no one is hiding anything, I believe transparency should be adopt in everything you are doing, why won't you accept transparency? What are you hiding? This should accept in NFT and all.
I agree with you on this, Moremoney. Transparency is one feature that makes blockchain amazing. Everything is visible. Nothing is hidden. In a way, if is also a bit funny. I can see the money in you wallet, but unable to tamper with it.
The decentralized and transparent nature of the blockchain is one of the most interesting aspects of Web3. Some NFT'Ss are more valuable than others, and it's important to do your research before investing in any particular NFT project.
The hype around NFTs has also brought with it a lot of controversy, with some critics calling them a bubble or a scam. The business world see it totally different not trusting on the transparency.
Do fundamental news dominate NFTs' value? I mean is there any chance to sudden pump for sudden dump of a NFT for any fundamental news? And also, Has it any technical analysis?
These are really interesting questions. I think there are technical analysis for NFTs like the Apes that were mention. I'm not sure but it's crypto and more than 1 is minted which is held by many. I believe sudden pumps can influence too
It's just what I have been saying for the last days. There are plenty of use cases for NFTs. One of the main issues is that we (as in the crypto society) have not been able to explore the full potential of NFTs. I don't see it being utilized widely outside of the art and gaming industries.
Exactly! Our experience about NFT market is very less. If we can observe this market in the same way that we have explored the crypto market, we hope to get many useful ideas.
You are very right. There is need to redefine NFTs into other sectors other than cryptocurrency. I think some NFTs can just be historic, an artifact that won't get old or stolen, where we can mint a memorable activity or moment.
I don’t understand why no one would like transparency in NFTs trading. It’s visible it’s there and let’s buyers know what is going on also NFTs ensure no one can copy the asset. It is safe to use and it is a great method. Anyways, I think it’s perfect the way it is, I just like it.
What blockchain ofters is so different from what other businesses offer in real life. But then blockchain has the tendency of becoming more business than any offchain business but it is almost impossible for any offchain business to be like a blockchain.
Hahaha! Just Imagine the power of ones medical history as an NFT? accessible to all doctors! Off course there with enhanced security, ease, and cost savings. What Purab Shabdi will call a healthcare revolution! RW NFT usecases incoming 🔥
The idea of an NFT is great. It even makes great investment however one thing which goes against NFT as an investment is the illiquidity of the NFT market
NFTs are unique digital assets on blockchain. They can represent anything from art to music to virtual real estate. The utility behind this NFTs is just so interesting because of the entertainment attached.
They all have their various values to the users. It has its own utility behind it that’s why it is used for future purpose to some. NFTs might be collectibles too
I agree with the current speaker. A lot of the NFT's are made simply for entertainment, they should also make Nfts with actual value and Usecases. Make things that can do things.
Exactly, they are mostly for entertainment and I guess it makes some people not to have so much interest on it but with actual value and useecases, more people will love to own the digital assets
There are projects that by having an expensive NFT give a benefit in the discount of a product. That implies another purchase, so we should evaluate which use cases are really the ones that add value.
Within communities like Hive and some DAO's, the NFT makes more sense because it has a use case, even if it is just governance, unlike other NFT's that only have the sense of unique art.
People and market conditions determine the value of NFTs. An NFT is given a value that you specify. For this reason, it's believed that demands create value. The rationale behind the employment of NFTs affects their worth as well.
The value of NFTs is deeply tied to the perceptions and preferences of individuals in the market. The demand for a particular NFT, driven by factors such as cultural significance, artist reputation, and overall market trends.
NFTs are precious work of art stored in the internet space. Some of them are very valuable like goals and other precious items. Perhaps, now we are talking about RWA of NFTs, they will be more valued and improve thethe life's of holders.
there should be a reasonable value attached it NFT. That way, many people will get interested in it and when that happens, it also improves the value too. So the number of holders can have effect on the value it carries
Wow, what an amazing topic of discussion.
Value is key and it comes with two faces which are, what you derive from a particular investment and what you contributed to such investment.
The law of supply and demand is indeed applicable to NFTs, as higher demand for a limited supply generally drives up prices. However, other factors like the artist's reputation, the cultural significance of the work, with overall market
To have a black rock BTS, because we're allowing this companies and products, and this companies hate transparency, and you can see why we are ahead of them big time. They can't give accountable and hive is all about that.
I learned that over time. It is not only for branding or fun, but also for collecting, marketing, entertainment, etc., through these assets that are unique and unrepeatable. It's good to teach it
Another example to determine the value of NFTs I would say rarity is key, if you have a NFT from a limited edition or a well known artist, that can really increase its value. It's crazy how the art world is changing with technology.
You are right. I have seen cases in the news of people who have bought assets worth just $20 or less, and then sell them for thousands of dollars. I think this is one in a million
Transparency is an admirable feature of Web3, there is a record of everything. The creation of NFTs poses a different dynamic that we have to sell to other users, it is part of the new era.
You see, it'll be hard for politicians to bring their campaign money or asset to the blockchain and all other they own for the purpose of transparency.They can but they would not and that's just it.They don't agree with decentralisation.
Transparency in NFT trading is like a clear window into authenticity. It ensures buyers know what they're getting—verifying ownership, provenance, and scarcity
Some people have issues with this kind of support bc technically it doesn't need a KYC so you can track it to an origin but no to a person. But at the same time, tracking the assets is enough sometimes, no need to know the people behind them
I think most of us here love that. It's just that people like to have secrets and do things wrong and they can't do that here. That's why they don't like it.
Nfts are just so flexible, they tend to shape into any sphere of human life, when used in the medical field could save lives, when used in education could lead to effective learning processes etc
transparency has always been a key factor of a decentralized space, hence transparency in NFTS trading proves that it is valuable but still dependent on demand and market value
NFTs are digital assets however, most people are unaware of this since they don't understand its use case.. even last two months, I was asking a lot of people tthe use case of NFTs after I won one in a draw
The transparency offered by blockchain technology is truly remarkable. Its ability to provide an immutable, decentralized ledger ensures a high level of trust and visibility in transactions and data, which is one of its standout features.
I'm always confused. When exactly do we sell a token or exchange an NFT?
We keep talking about hodling for the bull market when the price is in the skies
But does that really help the token itself?
I also want to know it. As NFTs are some new invention of the blockchain, so there is no previous record of NFTs. So what will be the perfect time to sell them or how much time we should hold them to get maximum profit.
Well I guess where the question of value comes into play. Say you buy an NFT at $25, what do you value it at? $100?, $200? The way NFTs are, buyers kind of influence price so it depends on how much your buyers value it
One of the most remarkable features of blockchain technology is its transparency. Everything that happens on the blockchain is visible to everyone, and nothing is hidden. I fosters trust and accountability.
Yes web 3 is the strongest community on planet earth that is why at times it feels like project founders are taking advantage of us with dump projects popping out everywhere. We trust too easily and they take advantage.
I've only been on Web 3 for a short time, and every day I marvel at its scope and all that can be done here. So I agree with what you say, why didn't I get here sooner? You have to help others to come
Either by selling or holding NFTs. The values still depends on what we are all individuals. By the way this space has taught me a lot of things about NFTs, I've known it a while but not this deep. I'm really gaining lots of knowledge on this space on this topic.
I have some NFTs in my possession. They're not just for art; they have various uses, including in gaming. Figuring out how to determine their value is a challenge to a lot of people. We sjou do well to Educate them
I also have several video game NFTs, and have purchased some artwork. People know very little about the true value of a NFT. Whenever I can, I clear up doubts from people who think that NFTs don't work, when in fact they are the future.
Yeah, we should consider embedding some better use cases to NFTs, as we can't just go and by a picture which has no basic use to us. As an investors, everything you possess should be worth it and also has a use case and not just decoration
I once had the opportunity to give talks about web3 at universities.In one of these educational centers, an NFT project was being implemented as a means of certification. It is quite amazing what can be achieved with these. It's the future!
You are right, they are coming to stay and to revolutionize this new technological era that is beginning!
With the NFT we can be unique owners of a token and immortalize whatever we want, art is subjective in the eyes of anyone.
Moreover, the university is the means of acquiring and creating knowledge. NFTs would be vital, or rather what is taught at the university is necessary for their proliferation.
Beyond minting NFTs, realtime use-cases should be created for NFTs othe than as crypto to be traded. Many may FOMO into it and the market crashes in no time. We have to create NFTs that have long term use-cases.
I remember my experience with some NFTs on opensea back then in the year 2021. I really couldn’t believe I never got anything out of it. Many fake projects out there. And same experience on my free NFT I earned on pancake swap back then.
I participated in something similar a few years ago, I can't remember anymore, and I lost access to my account.. I would have liked to have had more knowledge of nft and technology like now.
To me, NFTs are like digital certificates of ownership for unique items. They allow creators to own and sell their work, and collectors to own and support their favorite artists. This discussion has made me realize so many things about NFTs
Tokenize everything so as to add value to ourselves because it's a life changing utility. Staking is part of the game we should take seriously in the market so our assets will have value since it's our investment.
And in the measure of time, it is the best option. Imagine a world where NFTs serve as our credentials or means of support, that would be fabulous! It is only a matter of time before implementation begins.
If I'm asked to give the value of what NFT means to me, I'd be giving no reason as I'm still one of those trying to understand it's value. But from these discussion, I'm learning better what to do with NFTs in my portfolio.
I am on the same boat, but with the limited view i have i'd say that as of now most of the Nfts out there are about shills, hype, and they don't actually create any value. They are mostly just about hype.
Knowledge is power I must say, and no one is highland of knowledge. I've really learned a lot today base of NFT values and so on. Honestly I don't know much about this before so I will say that we are in this together.
in simple words, NFT represent originality which is a very vital part of life, especially in the digital age we live today, funny I used to think they were just another nonentity on the bloblockchain, but now I know better
NFTs can revolutionize many things in our daily lives, even beyond the digital. It is only a matter of time before projects will use NFTs to signify property outside of digital, such as products or services. A lot of potential
With all the hype and talk about NFTs, its very difficult to classify or dismiss it as nonentities. At least I know I have friends that make a huge bank off of selling NFTs and managing different projects for corporations involved.
If you want to add value to a project, you should come up with an idea that aligns with what a group of people consider valuable. This will attract users and investors who share your vision and want to be a part of the project.
well that's true, take Zealy for an example, they have like-minded people with the same vision, and see the crowd of people they are able to pull with that vision. And value spread across everyone, no one is left out.
To me NFNFT is a dynamic token. It can be threaded on gaming. It can be invested on. And, just like other projects, it is powered by web 3. And it value increases based on the demand and market supply
1/2 The value of an NFT is in its utility. The "Awards" component of my INLEO account will feature my participation in Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) showing my commitment to the community with time. This may be utilized in some future reward.
2/2 These NFTs cannot be altered in its form and I can in many years refer anyone to how I was committed to the INLEO community in the past. Thus, the value of NFT go beyond its tokenization.
It's very interesting to hear people's opinions about NFTs, I always wonder how to define the value of something like this. I think that when it's about a game NFT it's easier, as it will have some definition within the game, so its value is allocated there, when an NFT is just an image or some other type of media, it seems that its value is more difficult to define.
people talk as if the value is because it's nft and it's not true. in the case of games the value is in the game if it ends or loses interest the value of it decreases and people insist on selling nfts just because it's nft instead of selling the product and using nft to make the product better
This way you approached is very interesting, you have to be careful not to just focus on the NFT, whether from a game or a collection, but on finding ways to use it. I believe that an example of the hive would be Rising Star, it is focused on cards, but the game itself does not have that value, that use for NFTs to be so valued.
NFT conversations always spark curiosity. When it's a game NFT, it's like having a clear scoreboard – value defined by the game's rules. But with image or media NFTs, it's a bit like valuing art; and sometimes a bit mysterious.
It's a good mystery and a great way to debate ideas, a friend here already showed me in a response that sometimes we shouldn't focus too much on what the NFT is but rather on use cases for it, that is, a way of valuing it. the whole or a game and so your NFTs will help to increase in value even more, this makes a lot of sense, we have some hive games whose NFTs are no longer worth much, because the game itself has let itself get carried away.
The value is authenticity, but it is complicated, defining it would require another background, but with games there is value, it is easier as you say, you can create demand and supply and it all depends on what you do in the game.
Holding of crypto is very important, if we could remember when Bitcoin was in his early age, when Bitcoin first has a tangible value many people sold theirs while others hold theirs
Evaluating the true values of NFTS has got different views from people. I believe it's just like a work of art where there is more values if it's scarce and not thrown all around. Also they get their values from being unique digital assets
Most people don't believe in NFTs project anymore because of the scam reputation it has got in the past. If you ask some now if they will be willing to invest in an NFTs project there responses will be that its a scam and I don't blame them
NFT's can be anything you want them to be, it's the value you put on them that determines everything. When NFT was the talk of the town, a dude used an old man's picture playing drum to make NFT and the demand was fire.
Defining the value of an NFT can be complex for the type of person. It is assumed that this asset sometimes has a purpose such as opensea, that purpose has a value even above what is reflected monetarily.
True, just know that value can be defined in multiple way, and I think it starts with the initial communication of the founder. Value should be clearly defined.
I believe that the value of an NFT depends a lot on some factors, for example the NFT of a game, like splinterlands or rising star, depends a lot on what that card does within the game or for the game's ecosystem, now an NFT that you have open, as those that are solely images, I think it depends on their rarity and number of prints. I don't know if I spoke nonsense but that's what I think.
NFTs solve this problem by creating a unique token for each digital asset. This means that the owner of the NFT can prove that they own the asset, and they can prevent others from using or copying it without their permission.
The problem we see with NFts today is that over time they seem to lose their monetary value, perhaps not their symbolic value as collectors. But this negative projection makes people lose confidence in this type of asset.
This is a good point. Although I do not hold any NFT yet but I do not think that much attention is given to the making it accepted to a considerable extent. NFT project founders really has a lot of work to do in making people have confidence in their project and then buy into it.
My thoughts on NFTs are the same and I have shared it countless times and it makes me sound like a broken record. I dont see much value in NFTs. The use case is very limited and the space has such a bad rep. I don't believe we will ever see the NFT boom of 2021 again. We need to move on.
Maybe NFT games can help the space but outside that, I really do not see the value in holding any NFT. Change my mind
That 2021 hype around NFT was crazy man. I don't think we'll see the same value again. For me, I don't really still get what NFTS are meant to represent. I've tried but I just don't see it. It also seems the hype has somewhat reduced.
There's a lot of voices spitting out how valuable Nft is. We know the scams around are being pulled out through Nfts, which makes it hard for people to venture in.
Though I don't know much about Nfts but I do agree about Nft games.
The nft is unique inside the blockchain, which makes it an option for a lot of applications like: art, collectibles, cards...
I really liked what they did with the pokemon cards at solana, that was a huge application of its possibilities. You can have the card as a virtual asset or redeem it as a physical card.
Strongly agree with you. NFTs can be used to represent a wide variety of digital assets, including art, music, games, and even real estate. This means that NFTs have the potential to transform the way we interact with the digital world.
I think now I understand why there's a guy with Ash's profile picture in the debate! HAHA I didn't know Pokemon was involved with nfts, I'll definitely look into it more.
Investment and all there's truly a lot changing around. Now I am waiting for the Nft definition. And yes, value tends to be the rise of commodity to us. It is one thing we see here. The art, collectable, and all.
Very important to have something different in mind, have in mind a Way to benefit the community and also benefit yourself with that you won be totally disappointed
How can you define the true value of an NFT? Does it have to do with originality, creativity, or what is behind the project itself, for example, a fundraising foundation, the creation of a platform that adds value in something specific?
I think NFTs mean simplicity, because they can help eliminate all the complexity of a government that creates a system of rules that are difficult to understand, in order to do something simple, such as acquiring a property. 1/ 🧵
Interesting, I've never seen it that way before. Governments always want to control everything. I don't know how easy it is to get an NFT, but if it is, I agree that it removes the restrictions on getting any assets.
Perhaps this can only be solved by removing the government, but I think it's an interesting way of storing confidential information, just as it is for storing our cryptos.
You need to figure out how to extract out value and not just depend on the founder to brood out the value, should be the one striving to make sure value is gotten, value should comes from everyone individual ideology within.
The fact is that value don’t just come up from no where. The more people know it, the more value it attract. The higher the demand for it the higher the value goes and to get that, the people buying into the project have more work to do
Non fungible tokens are very unique, these assets are digital ownership based, due to this, these NFTs could could not be pirated, stolen or copied except for the owners permission
The value should be defined with transparency, so the value could be seen through the kind of relationship we built with people around us and till make liquid cash. I love how they see this.
I only hear about NFTs looking for a value in them simply because they are NFT and that value doesn't exist... NFT is a tool to be used to make people's lives easier and safer...
That misconception that value should be delivered by the founder is kinda wrong, one need to join and see how them they add their own value, you don't expect value when you don't add value yourselves
People tend to put so much pressure on the founder, he is given so many responsibilities which is so wrong! Founders are founders not jack of all trades or mini gods that know everything so people should treat them as such.
I do not agree. If you are going to create something than it should have value. You cannot start a project and make millions and ask people to figure things out. That is a scan! and many of these founders will be in jail if regulation comes to the crypto space
Investing in humans (friends) is very good, but one can't really make income from investing on their friends, we can support them, assist them to grow but we can't say we should not invest on a real life business or company
Investing in something profitable (even in friendships) always brings some benefit even if it is not monetary. That is why we should always investigate and through knowledge choose what to invest in and what not to invest in.
For me, the value an NFT brings for me lies far beyond that shiny jpeg. The utility which that NFT delivers is the value. So if the NFT is all about the image or token, then there is no value in it. But real value comes from what users are about to gain from paying for that NFT. If an NFT gives me access to a Cinema show, then I want to know if that value delivered through the NFT is equal to the utility delivered.
The value of a product differs from each individual. We go into things first because of what the founder says the value is.
We could get our own value on the long run as we stay in the project. Most times we get our values on the longterm.
For a while now I have been hearing about nfts and its thing I know about nfts is their worth almost all nfts have a price tag attached to them which makes them valuable.The demand of nfts go up which increases its value overtime
SO there is no possibilities for sudden price drop right? Like crypto is always doing some volatile move to liquidate the trader, isn't there any possibities to do some volatile move with NFTs? What do you think?
Making such a move with nfts is possible at least to my own knowledge of them cause just like crypto the trader invest something to get something else in return apart from nfts being used for cash the can improve their utilities of what can be actually done with an nft
Because they are NFTs and that value doesn't exist, that's the only reason I hear about NFTs searching for a value in them. NFT is a tool that can be utilised to improve people's quality of life and safety.
I don't think you really have to be a collector before you value NFT, it's an asset and every asset is valued by everyone. Those who don't have any hope to have some one day, NFT was the talk of the town few months back.
In fact, the usefulness of the NFT goes beyond the fact of being a collector, it is a non-fungible token that gives authenticity to what you own. An NFT gives you unique ownership of that asset.
There will be users that will see the value of a project and would stay, build for the long run. While there will be users who main interest is the value they can gain short term and are not opened minded to see the future of a project.
What defines value is the demand, and as a founder, you should make a transparent blueprint that'll attract users and investors to come jion you in this, and the more people that joins is what brings about value for the NFT or assets.
You all know that apart from the value NFT has
There is tokenization of NFT too, you can stake your NFT and get Token from those NFT if the project manage to a good job
NFT changes a whole lot of things only when it is truly utilized it adds value. I believe on finding and extracting value and not just leaving it to the founders.
NFTs are characterized by multiple variables including ownership, scarcity, the value of an investable asset, and community construction. Anyone who wishes to purchase, sell, or even use the NFTs should understand these concepts.
In fact, the wonderful thing is that a person who collects an NFT, get the reproduction, commercialization and authorship rights of that NFT despite he isn't the creator. That not only gives value to the creator, but the collector too.
That just the law of demand and supply, people will only value what is not always available, once they can always have access to a product, that product is not valued, just like Bitcoin, Bitcoin have value because not everyone can afford it
NFTs is different thing inside the blockchain like it’s very unique and it solves problem by creating token for each digital asset. Which means owner has the authority of the asset. Like then the author can stop others from using it without permission. Moreover, NFT games can help space a lot.
NFTs games, I believe, are what attract people the most to the blockchain world. Games move people, we have countless people who play video games or PC games, they just need to discover and be interested in games like splinterlands, rising star, dcrops, holozing and so on.
Gaming industry has huge profit and it’s the most valuable place. Like gamers earn more than any other platforms also these game bring value to our lives. I think NFTs game would bring more profit.
I agree with you, they say that more than half the world plays some game, on some platform, so going towards gamification to attract new people is a right point, I believe, to attract new people.
Views on evaluating the genuine values of NFTS vary throughout individuals. It's comparable to a piece of art, in my opinion, if it has more significance when it's rare and not freely distributed.
Adding value could compared to building a house, no one man can build a house, that's why we have the plumber, the tiler, the painter. Likewise we all could ensure to add value to NFTs not making it a one man business afterall it's for us
I don't agree wit way d last speaker said. what does he mean by the holder should create value? If I am to buy into a project then it should give me some value, not the other way around. create value and people will support the project.
I know right same here, why should I even buy into a project that requires me to create value for it , Create value for your project and it will draw people patronize it not the other way round.
A number of elements, like demand and rarity, affect an NFT's value, but its usefulness and ability to solve a specific issue may be the most crucial ones.
While demand and rarity are crucial for NFT value, it's also important to look at how useful a token is. Some NFTs do more than just look good, they solve real problems. For example, they might help prove who owns something online.
I used to think NFTs were all about paintings. That's all I use to see when it just somehow popped onto our screens. However, I hope the discussion will provide some good points about NFTs. What drives the value of NFTs? Founder or traders?
I think both the founders and traders. The reputation of the creator (founder) plays a role, and also the active engagement and trading dynamics within the community also contribute, thereby creating an ecosystem that shapes NFT valuations.
I believe that value is dictated by the demand it receives. It is important for the plan to be clear and able to attract users and investors transparently. The more people use it, the greater the value will be.
I agree but also value creates demand, if it has little value then there will be little demand and it there's little demand then the value can't be influenced by the demand
NFTs and Value go hand in hand (so I think). The value of NFTs is determined by several factors, and one of them, which I consider the most important is Demand. It is quite an interesting concept.
yeah very true, demand is a necessary factor to consider the value of NFTS... Unlike in 2021 when it was a big hit, now people do not really venture into it even though it tokenized
I think the real value is the use case, currently on the market there are many NFT but without any sense that makes you think why you would have one, a clear example of spl's RUNNI of course I would buy it.
NFT can help to protect intellectual property rights. By creating NFTs for each digital asset, it easier to prove ownership of digital goods. This can help to protect creators from having their work stolen or copied without their permission
You are correct my friend, by creating NFTs for each digital asset it can fully help in creating ownership of digital asset, and it's importance is to prevent intruders from copying or stealing other creators work, so I truly love the idea
NFTs are unique and has great value and are creating a unique tokens for each digital asset, and owners of any NFT can now prove that the fully own an NFT and others can't use it or copy it and the higher in demand of it can add value.
For me, the value of an NFT is in its authenticity and the community that supports the creator, if the artist has a solid fan base and the work is genuine, that adds emotional value and that in my opinion, is invaluable.
I think the whole value of an NFT is on the value that it gives to the collectors more than the creators. It's like: "Hey, I made this thing. If you collect it you'll be supporting me but you'll be supported too", and it's 🤯.
NFT stands for 'non-fungible token'. Non-fungible means that something is unique, it conveys an intrinsic value. I think these questions now would reduce NFTs to be equated to physical cash and the rest, which may less define NFTs
It is quite true that certain elements like high demands could pose a challenge to NFTs but we should remember the purpose at which NFTs serve, making life easier and better and thus should be able to scale through the problems
NFT value as Gary said you can't give people what you think they want, the only time value is place when we purchased the NFT, so people should be allowed to purchase the NFT and see it's value.
That’s right, You place your own specific value on a NFT, That’s why it is said that demands brings about value. Value of NFTs depends on the reason it is being used. If you are trading it or for keeps. So the use determines the value.
I share your thinking, while it is a digital property the value is in its use. It can be a very nice image but if it stays there really its value remains in the subjectivity of the seller and the buyer, nothing else.
If there is a demand for the NFTs, then it's good to hold them, and it can even give profit to the investors who invest in it and hold them for a long period of time. Health is an imprtant secotor and as the honorable speaker gave an example about his mom suffereing from cancer, how convenient it'd be if they had the nfs to manage the situation.
Yeah, at the moment NFTs have high demand and a lot of collectors are purchasing them every day. Regarding it being a long term investment is what I don't think is possible, it's a risky game though a we have to be careful and DYOR in them
Various opinions have been expressed regarding the assessment of the actual values of NFTS. It's comparable to an artwork, in my opinion, in that there are more values present if it's rare and not freely distributed.
I think when people are made to see the true value of NFT, they will make demands for it.
It’s pretty hard to convince people to jump into something, especially when it concerns transactions. Consistently educating public will bring users.
Exactly, it might seem a bit difficult to talk sense into people who are yet to see the impact of an invention in human life but if value is created and added to it, then NFTs speaks for itself, no much talk as the evidence is obvious
I don't think you really have to be a collector before you value NFT, it's an asset and every asset is valued by everyone. Those who don't have any hope to have some one day, NFT was the talk of the town few months back.
Definitely I agree with you, most individual sees NFTs project as an over hyped project with little or no utility, convincing people to key into NFTs project is definitely a big work to do, but recently space's program is definitely going to help to change people's mentality about NFTs project very soon.
Santa's definition of value is detailed and awesome.
I always believed value is what is derived from buying a particular product or from an investment but from his explanation, I was able to deduce that value has two faces, bravo.
NFTs are going to play a significant role in the future. We see there is a world of opportunities. The case of Starbuck is one of the most famous The community seeks them out and wants them; they are an example beyond artwork
The beauty of it is that NFT will have a good representation in crypto word ,but I'm just confused the real life use of them. I just see them as art assets.
NFT is a great asset for those who know its importance. We are getting closer to the world that NFT will be dominating. It's then people will get you know its usefulness.
it's hard to know the real value of NFTs, I guess it's very subjective, I think a real value could be to take advantage of the unique tokens to do things like concert tickets or other things.
How do you see the role of blockchain technology in ensuring the authenticity and security of NFTs, and what potential advancements or improvements can be expected in this regard?
Honestly, what really are NFTs? I've read, heard many people talk about NFTs and it looks like it's a vast concept that confuses me. In a way I kind of see NFTs as art that appeals to you, you purchase and then sells in the future.
In contrast to what Gary Said, you have to purchase NFTs before you determine the value? That's not the original definition of NFT though. I think NFTs have values in itself, that's the value that motivates people to purchase them. Isn't?
nft are non fungi token. We call them an art representation on blockchain. Most of time People don't know about this because they don't know the usecase for it but, NFTs are digital asset that can be mint and traded on blockchain.
I kinda agree that the value of an NFT depends on person to person and their purpose in buying one. I only buy a piece when I like it and do not plan to speculate on it because I'd more likely be disappointed, lol! Should the price rise, it's up to me whether I would sell it or just keep it for myself.
It's true that people buy things they find interesting to them, but looking at it in the business way, investors buy tokens in order to make profit from that token and to them the profit it brings is the value of that token and coins
Facts my dear, you don’t buy an NFT you don’t know its value, when you buy an NFT you don’t know it value, you only see it as a waste, value indeed depends on the person and also the market conditions, I agree with you on this my dear…
I believe the value of NFT is determined by several important factors, in the past, NFT might have done more harm than good to people, NFTs and Value should work together, when there is demand for it, it means the value has been spotted.
I think that the true value of any NFT depends on the need they meet. For example, If I buy into an NFT project that will help make my travelling experience easy, fast and affordable, then that's the value it has created. And after experiencing all thees, I won't fail to refer others to buy into it too.
I think NFTs should be traded in a way it can increase in value or go down in value. Hive coin for example is doing good today because it fluctuates. People buy because the know it will go up in value tomorrow. It should same with NFTs.
Interesting thought! Making NFTs go up and down like Hive coin could be exciting for traders. It adds risk and reward, making it more dynamic. But we should also think about how it affects the artists.
NFTs redefine digital value, empowering creators and collectors through unique ownership. However, concerns about the environment, copyright, and sustainability highlight the need for responsible growth in this evolving landscape.
I agree with Gary, NFTs have gone down the wrong path. Many people are simply speculating and waiting for someone to buy them at a higher price. That's not a sustainable business model. I believe the technology isn´t being properly utilized
Perhaps the belief of wanting to make money at any cost, or with the minimum effort is what lowers the quality. Others also think that this is easy money. All this is detrimental to the final product that is sold.
That’s how it is, my friend, and it’s a shame because NFTs have so much use that we are not even aware of, but with time and the support of the communities, the true uses will be given to them.
I agree with you too much, plus all the negative publicity that has been based on that has made NFTs just a laughing stock in the crypto space, we will have to work hard to regain that lost value but the technology is good.
I think that quality is important for any product and it depends on the dedication of the people who buy it. If they only care about money and not about the value, they will end up with a poor NFT that will not satisfy to nobody
When we talk about the value of a product, we are looking at it's demand, and so if NFTs value are high at the moment, then I think a lot of people are investing into them and that is what increases its value.
These days the value of NFTs demands on the market condition and how many people are going into it. People get drawn by what the multitude thinks. Before now, Nobody cares about NFTs but now the profit is calling everyone.
Exactly what was said 💯. Value equates demand; as the NFT value increases, people demand more for the token. Hopefully, every internet user will be dealing with NFT in the future.
NFTs, they're like some crazy digital flex, you know? It's all about that rarity game, the vibes of the artist, and that mad demand. That's just what I feel though.
An NFT's value hinges on uniqueness, scarcity, and the digital asset's perceived worth. Creator reputation, rarity, and community demand all play pivotal roles in shaping the dynamic NFT market.
If we get away from all the speculative uses that NFTs have had in recent times and have dilapidated cryptos, I think the technology can be put to greater use
Value is subjective and comes within and that why it is advisable that we all do our research before making any financial decision. Do not rely solely on the founder or hearsay.
Know what value is before you proceed.
As a art and photography lover, I always want to collect some unique and gorgeous NFTs. Even I am already saving some of my capital to buy them. Although I don't know what will be the benefits to hold them as digital asset.
The originality and the innovation should be there rather than same copy cats coming up with the same ideas whatsoever. Then comes the value plus the market condition also plays an important role to have that project successful. Otherwise all negative impression and people even start avoiding the very strong and genuine projects.
It has always been this way, many times they do it to benefit only in the projects they want to take advantage of and not for all of us to benefit as much as possible.
It is good to be mindful of aggressive marketing tactics when it comes to NFTs. Most times, they are known to attract attention without a clear use case. Do your research before diving in.
Its been long since I don’t know what exactly is the usecass of NFT, the more I tried to research about what the true value of NFTs are, the more I lost interest in investing in it. The haven’t really have a good relationship with NFTs.
attrbuting NFTs to real life objects and making sure they get involved with our day to day activities will bring the value we seek and more interested people seeking value willl flood the NFT market
It should have been this way from the beginning. But it seems that they were looking at other intentions, I also thought of what you said when I saw this topic.
I agree that assigning real-world uses assigns value. I just think that we shouldn't seek value from NFTs but rather seek to use them in things of value to bring security to our property and facilitate transfers of goods... there is no need to seek value from something that makes life easier and safer. .
HEREmost people do not know the value of nft because they lack knowledge about it, it will be appreciated if people knows more about it and theit.will value it
The value of NFTs is subjective and depends on individual perspectives, market trends, and the perceived uniqueness of the digital content they represent.
I hope this space is being recorded because we will need to listen again sometime
Just like the speaker Malek said and made reference to the hammer as a utility, no NFTS can boom in isolation... It need both the evaluation from individuals and the founder to determine if its valuable or not
okay i agreed to the fact that NFT values depends to person to person and the main reasons you are buying them, you can decide to buy to save you money or make you money. It also depends on demand though. Some people doesn't see it as Investment and some people does . We all have different opinions on this values of NFT.
The problem is they go buying for FOMO and then lose money and satanice the whole thing. That is why entering all of this you can't go on the market being a newbie, you have to study first. An even then, this is all a bet, winning is not granted
Am really getting it. NFT is a unique token. It can be turned into whatever things the owners want it to be. So, this token is very valuable and, the price increases depends on the demand. I need to make research on NFTS.
I do love the point the speaker make
Many people already lost faith in NFT and for them to get that trust again, NFT have to give them something that affects their life. Something they want to check daily. Not just minting but what is the
NFTs for me are only about profit. I get that artists and photographers can maybe make a living out of something.
But a digital thing for me is not something I hang on my wall. The successful NFTs in the future will have both physical and digital!
NFTs' versatility, goes far beyond mere artworks. Defining the value of these digital assets is an ongoing puzzle. One may wonder what possible metrics should govern their valuation, especially now that it extends into & beyond gaming? 🤔
NFTs are crypto right? It's decentralized and so I don't think there should be no rules and regulations. NFTs should be treated as crypto. Improving the security of wallets is the way for me. We should also like any crypto make our research
i understand this. NFT is what people should choose and not pushed to them, because they would be able to get it value that way and not by being force to get it, that way they know t
Raw's example seems interesting use of blockchain tech in real life. Being able to track all the details of the fish is a super cool idea of implenting web3 into real life.
Yeah exactly! As blockchain is a transparent system, all the transactions are recorded on the ledger and viewed openly. So anyone can see them. This makes it difficult to fraud with data.
Value does depend on the person, like it varies to person to person, I am also sure that NFTs is going to play a great role sooner or later. Well, it is tough to make people understand and many do not like it but there is a lot profit in it one must agree with that.
I’m sure when others see the profit, they will come for it. When crypto came newly, many people didn’t see value in it, but look at it now.
Everything takes time, humans are more convinced by what they see.
In my opinion, Blockchain is the most powerful technology with the potential to transform many industries. We can expect to see more innovative and creative uses for blockchain in the next days.
When NFTs projects start to focus more on integrating real-world applications, and providing tangible benefits beyond art, such as gaming, virtual real estate, and digital identity, then NFTs will boom. Until then, it is going to be infancy
You still have to consider giving value to something that is hard to get, something that you can't get easily and that NFTs give you that opportunity to try to get something you want that you can't get out there.
This is a very nice point, NFTs facing their attention in real word application is very cool and gaming NFTs is a big asset including the real estate and agriculture, and making owners own their NFTs and prevent copying my any other user.
I agree and second to the speaker that they are manipulative Wall street and they keep calling it as the blockchain and not mentioning it as a cryptocurrency. " Crypto is the blockchain "
For me defining the value of a NFT is easier in GameFi, all NFTs in a game have a specific use, a value that adds to the gameplay, but in art or design where do you extract the value from, from the dedication to do it? It's very complicated
In the artistic field it is a little more complex because subjectivity dominates, each individual contemplates art in a certain way, there is his or her feeling and the way he or she contemplates the world.
Yeah, for me, I see the best purpose of NFTs should be those we earn in games and nothing else. Those images they put that high prices on them, sometimes it's mindboggling, hmmm, well they do get buyers too and that is really what is making the NFTs market to boom at the moment, that demand from their holders and collectors are there.
Indeed,I agree with you here. It's way easier in games cos you know it's use case but I feel like in arts, the value is determined by those with artistic eyes. I could see an NFT and not think it's worth $10 but someone values it at $100
You're right about NFTs in GameFi, especially for those who play.
but in art or design where do you extract the value from, from the dedication to do it?
I think the value depends on people who are buying into it. Some buy them because they appreciate the art and do not care about the price tag. Although these days, people seem to buy NFTs because they want to make money out of them.
I didn't know about NFT's till I joined hive, still confuses me a bit,well i think the value depends on the use and demands well, it might also be perspective, what you find value might be different from somebody else
I am still learning too. I really like to participate in the spaces to learn more about it. I agree with you. I think the market and the usefulness of it affects people's receptivity.
same with me, I started learning about many things relating to crypto, NFTs, web3, Finance etc after I joined hive.
Yes, The value if NFTs depends on the holders.
I know they will vlue even more with time, when the RWA is perfected.
How interesting is this fish tracking project! I imagine there must be a similar project for organic farms, right? If it doesn't exist yet, it's definitely an idea that would work very well.
collectibles are very valuable as well as tokens. It's a great feature of web3 over web2 which centralization affects it's monetization and organization. NFTs are form of collectibles that are unique and special
the speaker just said my mind
They asked what value are we expecting
I made a comment on X saying
The value of a NFT is that it does what they say it will do. If I get a NFT for hospital and it’s not working then it’s a scam project
okay, thank goodness they made mention different definition of values, and I must say that to an extent I agree with you but then what if you had other NFTs that do work or had values in them can you still call it a scam?
This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for December 5th, 2023. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added.
That is a nice amount of interest. I started placing small amounts of HBD in savings some weeks back. Can't go wrong with 20% APR and just a 3 day waiting period.
Well, other than starting a way to donate money to certain causes, we could start a group specifically for calls to action to volunteer time locally. Animal shelters are good ones, especially those that follow a no-kill policy and obviously at homeless shelters or kitchens are pretty common.
The individual users could post about efforts they want to organize in a call to action of sorts and hopefully people will answer. Of course, this works better in some locations than others. They could then document it and share their experiences, what they've learned, what works and doesn't to help improve the process, etc.
Ocean blue project like charity that cleans beaches and water nearby
Also if we can reward people for feeding stray cats, dogs etc on Hive in general that could start the domino effect.
It doesnt have to financial help but if we can get inLeo community to do good locally then supporting them even microcents would help them push for efforts, doesnt have to be proposal level funding to make people to start this domino effect.
There are always people in need of help, but may not know anyone for whatever reason. This is common in homesteads and a page or community dedicated for those in need of a hand to post asking for Bees/Leos in their area to volunteer some time to them would be a good way to help them out.
There are websites out there that have this function internationally, like, and We could mimic that here. A classifieds of sorts
Looking at the weekly chart of RUNE. I would not be surprised if it went sideways to lower over the next couple weeks. I'd like to be wrong. #rune #crypto
Their is lot of things you can tag as growth in the community, you have to be consistent first. Besides,the zealy campaign is still on and you can still win something as the prize distribution will be announced today, get back to zealy and win something for yourself
Dive into #Hive, a thriving ecosystem of uncensored social networks, vibrant communities, and token-based economies, all built for the future of #Web3.🚀🚀
1/ Society is in for a rude awakening. The next decade is going to see massive progress in the fields of AI and robotics. This means that labor is going to be vastly affected.
2/ It also means that we are looking at a completely economic change as the foundation of society is altered. This is where the problem lies. Few are trying to consider the impacts of a future where tens of millions of bots are created.
3/ It takes 20 years to create a human worker. With robots, once the system is in place, it could take a few hours. This is enormous. How do we structure society?
4/ The answers are varied by those who do look at it. However, we do know what happens when digitization takes place. Here is where some insights are gained.
On tonights #cryptomanaics broadcast we are going to have an announcement that will change the approach to Evergreen content on Leo and the earnings potential there.
Non-content creators are going to be in the game now. Get ready for another advancement of Music on Leo.
If you got shortlist in an interview that's a good sign or bad?
I came back at home just now after giving #interview at this new supermarket and I'm trying to apply in restaurant side and they said it will take more time for it to open and have shortlisted as of now.
The starting salary is $112 USD for a month/12hrs. One reason I soon want to move in some other place to #work and side hustles with studies at the moment.
Soursop contains antioxidant properties and it helps in reduction in stomach acid production. It improves digestion and also control diseases, like ulcers and gastritis.
Hey @chigold1, those are amazing fruits. By the way, I wish to remind you about the Zealy campaign for November which you joined but stopped somewhere. You can continue and have a great chance of winning the prizes which includes a share of the 5000 HBD, delegations and many other giveaways. Hoping to see you back.
Kills cancer cells, contains antioxidant, help manage diabetes and HBP. I wish you actively engage in Zealy campagn you can fight for the prizes and win.
Soursop is a tropical fruit that can be good for you. It has vitamins, antioxidants, and may help your immune system, support health. And by the way, the zealy campaign is still on, you can start all over and have a share of the pool price.
Aha, did I just discover another Dutchie here? How was "Sinterklaasavond"? Our daughter didn't grow up with Sinterklaas as we moved to Spain when she was 3 months old. I let her watch some old movies from years ago so she knows a little bit about the holiday we grew up with..
Yes we Dutchies are rare here on HIVE.
You found one, now you get to make a wish. 😂
Sinterklaas evening was very ´gezellig´ as we say.
Everyone was very pleased with the presents. 🥰
Beautiful that you share these fond memories of the Netherlands with your daughter.
Also taught her Dutch?
We are, but thankfully when I joined, I managed to bring a few onboard as well.. I don't mind though, I prefer talking English anyway, always have.
The little one speaks mostly Dutch at home, my boyfriend prefers so. I try to mix it up with some English and Spanish nowadays as that's even more fun.
How was the weather over there? I bet it's really cold now? It just started to get a bit colder over here last week but when the sun appears, we have a lovely winter weather other days...
Well because the main language here on Hive is English and Spanish, I chose to speak English.
Me speaking Spanish would be a disaster. 😂
It is a beautiful language but unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish at all.
Teach your children as many languages as possible, it will only benefit them later on.
Fortunately, my boys also speak several languages. 🥰
The weather is typically Dutch, cold and wet.
Unfortunately not cold enough to skate. ⛸️
During my time in school, we had this guy on the desktop. This was our Alexa 😂
Later makers of this assistant got lawsuit and they were caught stealing variety of legal data and was shutdown.
bruh, take some time off.. sometimes work do get over head. Gotta find that mental peace and the year is almost here to end.. good time to take off and get back fully fresh.
1/ 🧵 City of Lugano of Switzerland is now accepting the Bitcoin and Tether in it's Municipalty bills. And it'd be possible for the consumers to pay for bills through QR based payments.
2/ 🧵 QR based payments currently accept the swiss franc and other payment systems which used to be for the local payments but now crypto is new added option.
3/ 🧵 Bitcoin and Tether, these are the two options that are now available in the billing system. Through which the govt bills can be paid. Which is how the future of crypto was supposed to be.
Would you mind starting to go through some of the songs you posted that have autoreplay on them and replacing them. The easiest way to edit them is to go to your profile, enter song name in the search and it should come up.
Simply replace the autoreplay video with one not in playlists on YT.
I am trying to edit, only to find that I cannot paste anything in the box. If I can't paste it cant be edited. Let it fixes only then I'll replace all of the songs.
Yeah well I dont handle the technical things. I just build around the issues. For now, I post a lot of music and think of ways to get others growing it. Tonight will be a big step forward I believe.
This morning you would have $200 profit from a $400 trade with 500,000,000 ffree STARL holding for a longer term trade with more profits all the way up & down!
Click my name to ssee my last post to learn more
"Kindness is the sunshine in which virtue grows." —Robert Green Ingersoll
Rebellion Launch Party happening NOW!!! #splinterlands The picture is a picture, not a link. Go to #spl discord page to join.
Something important in a child is nutrition, even more so when they have a condition such as #Autism, but how costly can this be? 👉🏻🧵 #threadstorm
Eating low gluten and low sugar is essential, as foods such as wheat, yeast and processed foods can inflame the stomach and brain and thus cause irritability in autistic children.
A healthy diet is often costly, in addition to having to cover the costs of treatment and medical consultation. That is why support is important.
News like this one, in which they donate food for children with autism and down syndrome, undoubtedly brightens the day of any mother of a child with this disorder.
50 boys and 50 girls with autism and Down syndrome benefited.
~~~ embed:1731840401680617737?t=Wu_iq5Pp0HOh_O7w15ReYA&s=19 twitter metadata:Tm90aWNpYXMyOG5sfHxodHRwczovL3R3aXR0ZXIuY29tL05vdGljaWFzMjhubC9zdGF0dXMvMTczMTg0MDQwMTY4MDYxNzczN3w= ~~~
Did some more work on my #vrchat #model, I've been using a retopology tool plugin which is making things considerably faster to do.
$BTC in beast mode!

love to see it
Can you define the true value of what NFTs mean to you?
Salamander's Space
Transparency is definitely a key aspect of the NFT space, and it's one of the reasons why people are drawn to it. Being able to see the history of an NFT, including who created it and who has owned it, adds a level of authenticity.
I completely agree! That alone enables NFTs to be used for a wide variety of things. They could be used as concert tickets, legal documents, educational certificates just to name a few. NFTs can be a lot more than mere images on the blockchain.
exactly that! having your medical history as an nft accessible to all doctors is something that brings more security and ease and even savings to your life! It would even reduce the cartels of doctors who recommend unnecessary medicines because if the prescriptions are on the blockchain they would think twice before prescribing something useless for money.
That sounds very good, it would be available to anyone who wanted to consult the medical records, and it would not even go astray, as has happened in hospitals in my country, where tests and medical examinations are sometimes misplaced.
The same happens in Brazil and I would venture to say in many other places around the world. When a dynamic NFT is used as a medical history or even in other areas such as construction, or to replace property documentation or even identification documents.
This brings more ease, security and transparency to our lives... these are the real discussions that those who really want to build a better world with web3 should be discussing.
Totally agree
In fact, for health issues, NFTs become a very string ally, even more so because they are documented within a blockchain.
The value of an NFT is connected to many factors such as its rarity and demand, but perhaps the most important is its utility and how it can address a particular problem.
This is exactly what I believe about NFT values. It should be solving a problem. There should be some utility which access to that NFT delivers. So if it is just about the graphics or crypto, then there is no value being delivered here.
Many nfts have utility for sure, we can cite games NFTs for example. But also some real assets in our world. The value is proportional do the utility for sure.
Exactly. And I believe that NFTs can be used to solve many problems that we have, such as storing information related to legal issues, such as laws, negotiating contracts, etc.
Convincing people for something they don't want may be difficult, but it's easier to convince when the value is seen in you. For instance, when your assets growth skyrocket, they wish to know your source.
So the message is to keep building!
I think it should be someone's decision to own any NFTS it shouldn't be forced
i believe people around you will soon ask you about crypto the way market is moving
Not for nothing is it said that actions speak louder than words. People are convinced when they see that it is real.
It all goes down to how much you as an individual give to whatever community you choose to build with. You can't go and tell a person that you are a doctor and your family always fall sick every now and then.
You just have to prove to people through your actions and not just words
NFTs allow individuals to claim ownership of a specific digital file, whether it's an image, video, music, or other forms of digital content. This digital ownership is recorded on a blockchain, making it secure. One thing I love about it.
These are values of NFTs people needs to know because NFTs goes beyond just minting and holding. The community surrounding an NFT can also impact its value. If an NFT has a strong and active community of collectors and investors, its value may increase.
It’s just a great topic to learn more from. Let’s stay tuned.
However, with that said, there are objective ways to deem value. It's true that value could be subjective, but basically you should ask yourself, is this NFT/service/system solving a problem? If the answer is yes, there's value in it.
NFTs are not just arts the have great value and we can say this because we have learned this tonight, the are also digital asset and owners have full ownership of their NFTs is a great deal and can h build more holders of different NFTs.
It is undoubtedly an asset that allows you to transmit your human gifts through it. The best thing is that you can always enjoy its benefits.
The value of NFT comes down to the users of that NFT and that's why it's important for creators to make NFTs that offer utilities that users will find appealing.
They seem to be more focused in making mere ARTWORKS with no decent utility.
The best NFTs from the previous bull run were ones that offered a utility. The rest AI art just border on ponzi schemes.
If they have no utility case then they have no base for being sold legitimately in my opinion. If you want to sell an art print then do that and hang it on your wall!
I first became familiar with NFTs in video games. During the pandemic, people began to notice the true potential they offer. They are also in art, they are my favorite! NFT comes down to opportunities.
NFTs are here to stay.The non-fungible nature of these allows them to guarantee ownership for whoever owns them,and I believe that very soon we will begin to see them gaining ground within this web3 that is revolutionizing the world.
I still have a lot more to learn about NFTs, but I agree with you, I think we will soon see them revolutionizing history, many even make it to Web3 through them.
I think this value should depend on the value that a content creator brings. It would depend on the value that a content generated in a blockchain. That is going to have an equitable share formation where NFT equals the value of content.
You're absolutely right, someone once said that for you to get value, you have to give value. And it's so obvious on hive that depending on the value you give, you might not get as much as you think you should.
The first NFT I bought, was an image created with AI, when I purchased it I didn't know they had used AI 😆 so when I found out I didn't know whether to feel ripped off or good, but I'm over it now.
Definitely, that's one understanding we all have to attain, value can be anything base on the holder's opinion and people see utilities in a project too from different area's.
That's why some see NFTs project as the future and others have different opinion.
Yes spot on for me. For me value is all about utility. If what you’re building doesn’t have utility or a use case in the long run it will fade off easily. That’s why some NFTs last longer isn’t the space cause they have use cases.
This is true, I was among those who didn't see any future or even value in NFTs but that was simply because I had no knowledge of what they are. Well, the story is different now. Hopefully, more people will see utilities and value in NFTs, it is the future!
Web3 being the biggest and the best blockchain community shouldn't permit project founders to use us to test their products and scam us at the end of the day. We need to be extremely careful with how we embrace with new Projects on the blockchain network. That aspect of making your own research about project before investing is very important and we need to implement that always before we put our capital into any project.
Good point. Founders of many past Web2 projects made big promises unfulfilled, carted away with thousands of dollars from some of us that got involved with those scams. Extreme care is important.
Here you are absolutely right, before we can accept anything you should know what it's all about. This is a good reason because not all project we can invest in, I'm not saying they are bad but just that some does not worth it.
I agree with you, project founders may come up with a project and get everyone involved before you know it will result in a scam.
Let everyone be careful before investing in any project.
true' we all need to be cautious of the project we enter into, reminds me of the past platforms I entered, the owner can just wake up one morning and decideto sell it off, not minding the users, web3 is the best way to go.
I agree. Not a lot of holders of NFTs know what to do with them. Using myself as a case study, I got my NFT as a contest prize. It's just sitting there online, I don't exactly understand how to use it.
Hopefully more people'll be senstised
You're right, it all depends on the kind of NFT itself and it's use case.
What the NFT does and how it can be used. I also have a couple of NFTs even on the hive blockchain but honestly don't also know how and where to use em.
Me as well. I'm just hoping that the one I have somehow gains a lot of value in the future and I cash out from it. I don't even know if that's how it works😅😅
I used to be like you untill I was tutored, a little about how to trade and HODL them.
For now, even if you don't know how to use them, just keep them because one day, they're gonna surprise you. Yeah, trust me✌️
That's what I like to hear. I will hold onto them till they pump high.
Thanks for this information!🤗
I know what you mean, I tend to forget I even own NFT's unless they are part of a game I'm actively playing.
At least you use them for games😅😅. I guess they will come in handy in the future.
I think that's where enlightenment comes in, you didn't know but I think from listening to the space you can gain some ideas on how to go about, I'm yet to get my NFT and hopefully when I do, I will use it to add value to myself.
To me, NFTs represent more than just a way to trade and collect digital assets. They represent a new way of expressing and exchanging creativity, ideas, and even emotions. NFTs are a bridge between the physical and digital worlds.
Yes for sure. But unfortunately many today don't see it as a way of expressing and collecting creativity, ideas, and emotions just as you said. Many today sees it as something they can collect and find a way to seel and dump it.
I loved your definition, I find it very accurate and agreed with the blockchain era.
Thank you
I have some NFTs in my possession. They're not just for art; they have various uses, including in gaming. Figuring out how to determine their value is a challenge.
I also have some NFTs, some have been purchased, some gifts and some prizes. And I really like them, even my NFT cards from games (Rising Star) I have that I don't even want to sell.
For me, NFTs represent not just digital ownership but a revolution in authenticity. Providing transparency & security,a means to verify the origin & uniqueness of assets. I'm looking forward to it's real world usecase in assets like Land🤪
Yeah, we considering NFTs in that perspective should make it have such a high value we do see it to have and also increase the demand for them too. Oh, Land here indicates Splinterlands lol, I am also a warlock and I love their NFTs
🔥Absolutely, you get it. Oh no, Land as in real world asset, not digital. You're the Chief Warlock for sure. Hope you're giddyup about Rebellion, here we go...the roller-coaster😂
I am also looking forward to this revolution, many things will change in the world with NFT for assets, maybe even with personal documents or real estate, everything will be easier and safer.
It is only a matter of time.
🔥Totally! No more being scammed especially cases of fake land sellers. NFTs sure make it all safe and transparent.
Oh, yeah! I love how Splinterlands, for example, provided value to us as players while traditional triple A titles companies make games that try to remove ownership and utility from them at the same time they profit from us.
Ikr, you're spot on🔥#Splinterlands are literally gods of the digital land world, outstanding!
Looking at the blockchain like Hive where I can trace exactly when I joined and the first set of activities I engaged, I can mint those first moments into an NFT such that those details cannot be altered.
Yes Blockchain, like Hive is not a difficult place to be. It is transparent to the point that, I access all my details from the start to the end. My contents, transaction and other activities done here.
I agree with what you said. The beauty of NFTs that I love is that they take different forms which can also represent anything digitally.
Value doesn’t depend on the founder alone, users should be able to add value to it too. I'm a fan of support.
The value of a project is not determined solely by its founder. The users who engage with the project can also add value by contributing their ideas. In fact, a project's success often depends on the engagement and enthusiasm of its users.
Sure. Just like Hive now. It's a matter of give and take.
What will be the benefit of the founder if the users isnt adding any value to it.
The value of a project is not just determined by the founders, but by the entire community of users and supporters. This idea of community support and contribution is a core tenet of Web3 and decentralized projects.
You're absolutely correct on that, value isn't only dependent on the founder, if founder is the only defining value, then the user is just in without a purpose, a project must meet your definition of value for you to dive In as a user.
I agree with you. Even if the founder gives so much value to their NFTs if the community doesn't see any value in it, then it becomes useless.
NFTs has it value in GameFi, it has specific function in the building the world of Blockchain.
One of the core things to do to enhance value is to come up with an idea that aline with what a group of people deemed as valuable, doing such brings about users/investor that's shares your vision and stick around to bring others investors
that's fact. It's the community that decides what and how valuable, collectibles and assets therein. Their actions sustain and create more value on the project and affect its tokenomic which is very important
I just love NFTs, anything digital, NFTs got you covered. Its dynamic nature is just so appealing
Do you hold any NFTs
I think NFTs can be an investment since they are similar to other types of collectibles. It is important to note that NFTs are a relatively new asset class, and there is no guarantee that they will appreciate in value
The features of Blockchain technology is transparent, everything about the Blockchain, like transaction, and other activities can be figure out.
Your value in a project is dependent on your contribution to building the project; rather being a recipient, build the project you believe in - it doesn't depend on the founder alone.
Absolutely! Your value within a project isn't just about what you receive; it's about actively contributing to its growth and success. Building something you genuinely believe in means actively participating, adding your skills, ideas.
for some reason I don’t subscribe to this. I can have so much value in a project just by holding tons of it. By holding it I bring in value cause I believe in it. I don’t necessarily need to be key in building the project.
Exactly, an attractive NFT is what you are behind it, if they are limited editions, if they have rarity, if it is of some recognized artists or if it simply came out in some news there comes the value and why to buy one.
NFTs derive their value from their users and the utilities they offer. So it's important for creators to focus on creating NFTs that offer something useful and valuable to users.
The beauty of NFTs is that they can take on many different forms and serve many different purposes. From collectibles, to gaming assets, to art, to unique digital identities, NFTs can represent anything that can be represented digitally.
That's right, the nice thing and the cool thing too, is that, practically everything in the real world can be tokenized, create an NFT and give it its value with a backstory, I particularly like game NFTs, it's easier to mediate its value.
Transparency is one of the reasons I love Blockchain, it shows that no one is hiding anything, I believe transparency should be adopt in everything you are doing, why won't you accept transparency? What are you hiding? This should accept in NFT and all.
thats what I am confused about why no one would like transparency because there should be nothing to hide if you are not doing anything wrong.
I agree with you on this, Moremoney. Transparency is one feature that makes blockchain amazing. Everything is visible. Nothing is hidden. In a way, if is also a bit funny. I can see the money in you wallet, but unable to tamper with it.
The decentralized and transparent nature of the blockchain is one of the most interesting aspects of Web3. Some NFT'Ss are more valuable than others, and it's important to do your research before investing in any particular NFT project.
The hype around NFTs has also brought with it a lot of controversy, with some critics calling them a bubble or a scam. The business world see it totally different not trusting on the transparency.
Do fundamental news dominate NFTs' value? I mean is there any chance to sudden pump for sudden dump of a NFT for any fundamental news? And also, Has it any technical analysis?
These are really interesting questions. I think there are technical analysis for NFTs like the Apes that were mention. I'm not sure but it's crypto and more than 1 is minted which is held by many. I believe sudden pumps can influence too
It's just what I have been saying for the last days. There are plenty of use cases for NFTs. One of the main issues is that we (as in the crypto society) have not been able to explore the full potential of NFTs. I don't see it being utilized widely outside of the art and gaming industries.
NFT's come and go more like a trend and rarely the various use case are explored.
Exactly! Our experience about NFT market is very less. If we can observe this market in the same way that we have explored the crypto market, we hope to get many useful ideas.
So it's important that a wide publicity is given to it and more users can come in. Use every available opportunities to try something new if need be.
You are very right. There is need to redefine NFTs into other sectors other than cryptocurrency. I think some NFTs can just be historic, an artifact that won't get old or stolen, where we can mint a memorable activity or moment.
I don’t understand why no one would like transparency in NFTs trading. It’s visible it’s there and let’s buyers know what is going on also NFTs ensure no one can copy the asset. It is safe to use and it is a great method. Anyways, I think it’s perfect the way it is, I just like it.
What blockchain ofters is so different from what other businesses offer in real life. But then blockchain has the tendency of becoming more business than any offchain business but it is almost impossible for any offchain business to be like a blockchain.
Hahaha! Just Imagine the power of ones medical history as an NFT? accessible to all doctors! Off course there with enhanced security, ease, and cost savings. What Purab Shabdi will call a healthcare revolution! RW NFT usecases incoming 🔥
Yeah V3CTOR'S contribution is amazing, he emphasized on how technology should be utilized and I think that is very important and key
He also added that value is key in every investment .
The idea of an NFT is great. It even makes great investment however one thing which goes against NFT as an investment is the illiquidity of the NFT market
NFTs are unique digital assets on blockchain. They can represent anything from art to music to virtual real estate. The utility behind this NFTs is just so interesting because of the entertainment attached.
They all have their various values to the users. It has its own utility behind it that’s why it is used for future purpose to some. NFTs might be collectibles too
I agree with the current speaker. A lot of the NFT's are made simply for entertainment, they should also make Nfts with actual value and Usecases. Make things that can do things.
Exactly, they are mostly for entertainment and I guess it makes some people not to have so much interest on it but with actual value and useecases, more people will love to own the digital assets
There are projects that by having an expensive NFT give a benefit in the discount of a product. That implies another purchase, so we should evaluate which use cases are really the ones that add value.
Obviously there can be many use cases.
Within communities like Hive and some DAO's, the NFT makes more sense because it has a use case, even if it is just governance, unlike other NFT's that only have the sense of unique art.
People and market conditions determine the value of NFTs. An NFT is given a value that you specify. For this reason, it's believed that demands create value. The rationale behind the employment of NFTs affects their worth as well.
The value of NFTs is deeply tied to the perceptions and preferences of individuals in the market. The demand for a particular NFT, driven by factors such as cultural significance, artist reputation, and overall market trends.
Without a doubt, this is a promising market, as many people are more concerned about their health nowadays.
NFTs are precious work of art stored in the internet space. Some of them are very valuable like goals and other precious items. Perhaps, now we are talking about RWA of NFTs, they will be more valued and improve thethe life's of holders.
there should be a reasonable value attached it NFT. That way, many people will get interested in it and when that happens, it also improves the value too. So the number of holders can have effect on the value it carries
this right here is also a good suggestion but the question I asked
Wow, what an amazing topic of discussion.
Value is key and it comes with two faces which are, what you derive from a particular investment and what you contributed to such investment.
The law of supply and demand is indeed applicable to NFTs, as higher demand for a limited supply generally drives up prices. However, other factors like the artist's reputation, the cultural significance of the work, with overall market
To have a black rock BTS, because we're allowing this companies and products, and this companies hate transparency, and you can see why we are ahead of them big time. They can't give accountable and hive is all about that.
That is a good point from Santa V transparency in whatever you do with your customers. Let them know what is going on in the blockchain.
Nfts takes different form that's why it serves different purposes, little wonder it's uniqueness is just one of a kind
I learned that over time. It is not only for branding or fun, but also for collecting, marketing, entertainment, etc., through these assets that are unique and unrepeatable. It's good to teach it
Investment means putting time and resources, so for me NFTs are investment.
Another example to determine the value of NFTs I would say rarity is key, if you have a NFT from a limited edition or a well known artist, that can really increase its value. It's crazy how the art world is changing with technology.
You are right. I have seen cases in the news of people who have bought assets worth just $20 or less, and then sell them for thousands of dollars. I think this is one in a million
Transparency makes the blockchain interesting unlike web2 which is centralized. But yeah NFTs unique method makes it valuable.
Transparency is an admirable feature of Web3, there is a record of everything. The creation of NFTs poses a different dynamic that we have to sell to other users, it is part of the new era.
You see, it'll be hard for politicians to bring their campaign money or asset to the blockchain and all other they own for the purpose of transparency.They can but they would not and that's just it.They don't agree with decentralisation.
Transparency in NFT trading is like a clear window into authenticity. It ensures buyers know what they're getting—verifying ownership, provenance, and scarcity
Some people have issues with this kind of support bc technically it doesn't need a KYC so you can track it to an origin but no to a person. But at the same time, tracking the assets is enough sometimes, no need to know the people behind them
NFT sounds abstract to a non-web3 users, how can we simplify its meaning with real life samples?
Transparency is one reason I love the blockchain, I wonder why some people do not like the Transparency.
I think most of us here love that. It's just that people like to have secrets and do things wrong and they can't do that here. That's why they don't like it.
I really value the transparency that exists in this technology. It is one of its great characteristics.
Nfts are just so flexible, they tend to shape into any sphere of human life, when used in the medical field could save lives, when used in education could lead to effective learning processes etc
transparency has always been a key factor of a decentralized space, hence transparency in NFTS trading proves that it is valuable but still dependent on demand and market value
NFTs are digital assets however, most people are unaware of this since they don't understand its use case.. even last two months, I was asking a lot of people tthe use case of NFTs after I won one in a draw
The transparency offered by blockchain technology is truly remarkable. Its ability to provide an immutable, decentralized ledger ensures a high level of trust and visibility in transactions and data, which is one of its standout features.
I'm always confused. When exactly do we sell a token or exchange an NFT?
We keep talking about hodling for the bull market when the price is in the skies
But does that really help the token itself?
I also want to know it. As NFTs are some new invention of the blockchain, so there is no previous record of NFTs. So what will be the perfect time to sell them or how much time we should hold them to get maximum profit.
Well I guess where the question of value comes into play. Say you buy an NFT at $25, what do you value it at? $100?, $200? The way NFTs are, buyers kind of influence price so it depends on how much your buyers value it
One of the most remarkable features of blockchain technology is its transparency. Everything that happens on the blockchain is visible to everyone, and nothing is hidden. I fosters trust and accountability.
This is what I love most about the blockchain. Transparency is something that is most valued and I like that everything can be seen.
Yes web 3 is the strongest community on planet earth that is why at times it feels like project founders are taking advantage of us with dump projects popping out everywhere. We trust too easily and they take advantage.
I've only been on Web 3 for a short time, and every day I marvel at its scope and all that can be done here. So I agree with what you say, why didn't I get here sooner? You have to help others to come
Either by selling or holding NFTs. The values still depends on what we are all individuals. By the way this space has taught me a lot of things about NFTs, I've known it a while but not this deep. I'm really gaining lots of knowledge on this space on this topic.
I have some NFTs in my possession. They're not just for art; they have various uses, including in gaming. Figuring out how to determine their value is a challenge to a lot of people. We sjou do well to Educate them
I also have several video game NFTs, and have purchased some artwork. People know very little about the true value of a NFT. Whenever I can, I clear up doubts from people who think that NFTs don't work, when in fact they are the future.
Yeah, we should consider embedding some better use cases to NFTs, as we can't just go and by a picture which has no basic use to us. As an investors, everything you possess should be worth it and also has a use case and not just decoration
I once had the opportunity to give talks about web3 at universities.In one of these educational centers, an NFT project was being implemented as a means of certification. It is quite amazing what can be achieved with these. It's the future!
You are right, they are coming to stay and to revolutionize this new technological era that is beginning!
With the NFT we can be unique owners of a token and immortalize whatever we want, art is subjective in the eyes of anyone.
The openness of universities and the knowledge that can be spread there is an integrating medium.
Moreover, the university is the means of acquiring and creating knowledge. NFTs would be vital, or rather what is taught at the university is necessary for their proliferation.
Beyond minting NFTs, realtime use-cases should be created for NFTs othe than as crypto to be traded. Many may FOMO into it and the market crashes in no time. We have to create NFTs that have long term use-cases.
I remember my experience with some NFTs on opensea back then in the year 2021. I really couldn’t believe I never got anything out of it. Many fake projects out there. And same experience on my free NFT I earned on pancake swap back then.
During pypt last month, I won NFT and til date I couldn't use it...I will still look into this in detail
I participated in something similar a few years ago, I can't remember anymore, and I lost access to my account.. I would have liked to have had more knowledge of nft and technology like now.
Cool vibes there from the presenters.
To me, NFTs are like digital certificates of ownership for unique items. They allow creators to own and sell their work, and collectors to own and support their favorite artists. This discussion has made me realize so many things about NFTs
The profits and royalties that can be earned from the sales of NFTs are truly incredible. It is only possible thanks to the crypto world.
You are right. This is only possible because of the crypto space
We have changed the way, this is the way to reflect in an intangible and permanent way the human talent.
Excuse me for this but it looks like there's another Edwin on the Space😂
Hahaha yeah yeah I thought it was edwin and my surprise ANOTHER one.
Guess it's aided by a bot or something 😂
Tokenize everything so as to add value to ourselves because it's a life changing utility. Staking is part of the game we should take seriously in the market so our assets will have value since it's our investment.
And in the measure of time, it is the best option. Imagine a world where NFTs serve as our credentials or means of support, that would be fabulous! It is only a matter of time before implementation begins.
You are absolutely right, tokenizing everything adds a lot of value and it is true that it changes our lives.
If I'm asked to give the value of what NFT means to me, I'd be giving no reason as I'm still one of those trying to understand it's value. But from these discussion, I'm learning better what to do with NFTs in my portfolio.
we are on this together... NFT hasn't been clear before now but this space is full of value added
I am on the same boat, but with the limited view i have i'd say that as of now most of the Nfts out there are about shills, hype, and they don't actually create any value. They are mostly just about hype.
Knowledge is power I must say, and no one is highland of knowledge. I've really learned a lot today base of NFT values and so on. Honestly I don't know much about this before so I will say that we are in this together.
in simple words, NFT represent originality which is a very vital part of life, especially in the digital age we live today, funny I used to think they were just another nonentity on the bloblockchain, but now I know better
NFTs can revolutionize many things in our daily lives, even beyond the digital. It is only a matter of time before projects will use NFTs to signify property outside of digital, such as products or services. A lot of potential
With all the hype and talk about NFTs, its very difficult to classify or dismiss it as nonentities. At least I know I have friends that make a huge bank off of selling NFTs and managing different projects for corporations involved.
If you want to add value to a project, you should come up with an idea that aligns with what a group of people consider valuable. This will attract users and investors who share your vision and want to be a part of the project.
well that's true, take Zealy for an example, they have like-minded people with the same vision, and see the crowd of people they are able to pull with that vision. And value spread across everyone, no one is left out.
To me NFNFT is a dynamic token. It can be threaded on gaming. It can be invested on. And, just like other projects, it is powered by web 3. And it value increases based on the demand and market supply
The value should not be determined by the community rather values should be determined by both.
1/2 The value of an NFT is in its utility. The "Awards" component of my INLEO account will feature my participation in Leo Power Up Day (LPUD) showing my commitment to the community with time. This may be utilized in some future reward.
2/2 These NFTs cannot be altered in its form and I can in many years refer anyone to how I was committed to the INLEO community in the past. Thus, the value of NFT go beyond its tokenization.
It's very interesting to hear people's opinions about NFTs, I always wonder how to define the value of something like this. I think that when it's about a game NFT it's easier, as it will have some definition within the game, so its value is allocated there, when an NFT is just an image or some other type of media, it seems that its value is more difficult to define.
people talk as if the value is because it's nft and it's not true. in the case of games the value is in the game if it ends or loses interest the value of it decreases and people insist on selling nfts just because it's nft instead of selling the product and using nft to make the product better
This way you approached is very interesting, you have to be careful not to just focus on the NFT, whether from a game or a collection, but on finding ways to use it. I believe that an example of the hive would be Rising Star, it is focused on cards, but the game itself does not have that value, that use for NFTs to be so valued.
NFT conversations always spark curiosity. When it's a game NFT, it's like having a clear scoreboard – value defined by the game's rules. But with image or media NFTs, it's a bit like valuing art; and sometimes a bit mysterious.
It's a good mystery and a great way to debate ideas, a friend here already showed me in a response that sometimes we shouldn't focus too much on what the NFT is but rather on use cases for it, that is, a way of valuing it. the whole or a game and so your NFTs will help to increase in value even more, this makes a lot of sense, we have some hive games whose NFTs are no longer worth much, because the game itself has let itself get carried away.
The value is authenticity, but it is complicated, defining it would require another background, but with games there is value, it is easier as you say, you can create demand and supply and it all depends on what you do in the game.
Got it, very interesting to understand a little more about NFTs, knowledge is always welcome! Thanks for commenting!
Holding of crypto is very important, if we could remember when Bitcoin was in his early age, when Bitcoin first has a tangible value many people sold theirs while others hold theirs
year later we all say how those who sold their regretted their action
Evaluating the true values of NFTS has got different views from people. I believe it's just like a work of art where there is more values if it's scarce and not thrown all around. Also they get their values from being unique digital assets
Most people don't believe in NFTs project anymore because of the scam reputation it has got in the past. If you ask some now if they will be willing to invest in an NFTs project there responses will be that its a scam and I don't blame them
NFT's can be anything you want them to be, it's the value you put on them that determines everything. When NFT was the talk of the town, a dude used an old man's picture playing drum to make NFT and the demand was fire.
Happy to be here. @pearlie223 @josephdon211 @sammyhive @mr-chuks here is a threadcast
Hello everyone
Hello everyone
Poutine for the win! And she's right, the best poutine is in Montreal
Did anyone enjoy the dance there? 😂
Sure I do. What about you?
I over danced
@hamez please come on board, the fun is about to start. Don't miss out!!
hello guys come over here, I enjoyed the music 🎶🎶
hello everyone is nice to here
Am happy to join this space.
@jassian come
Defining the value of an NFT can be complex for the type of person. It is assumed that this asset sometimes has a purpose such as opensea, that purpose has a value even above what is reflected monetarily.
True, just know that value can be defined in multiple way, and I think it starts with the initial communication of the founder. Value should be clearly defined.
I believe that the value of an NFT depends a lot on some factors, for example the NFT of a game, like splinterlands or rising star, depends a lot on what that card does within the game or for the game's ecosystem, now an NFT that you have open, as those that are solely images, I think it depends on their rarity and number of prints. I don't know if I spoke nonsense but that's what I think.
Good to be here now
NFTs solve this problem by creating a unique token for each digital asset. This means that the owner of the NFT can prove that they own the asset, and they can prevent others from using or copying it without their permission.
The problem we see with NFts today is that over time they seem to lose their monetary value, perhaps not their symbolic value as collectors. But this negative projection makes people lose confidence in this type of asset.
This is a good point. Although I do not hold any NFT yet but I do not think that much attention is given to the making it accepted to a considerable extent. NFT project founders really has a lot of work to do in making people have confidence in their project and then buy into it.
Ho yeah, when I saw Bitcoin at 43k today I was really excited. Perhaps we will soon enter bull market 🙂
@quduus1 are you here?
Glory is here
I think there is a great possibility in collect nfts… myself i love nfts focused more in classic arts
Why do you like collecting NFTS? I really need to know how to collect them too. Because for you to like NFT, it's valuable
you just need to buy them lol! Pick nftshowroom has lots of them
Yeah, here in hive we have an example of the collectible cards of Splinterlands. It gives the true ownership of assets using nfts.
i am
😂 I'm loving the vibes already
@herculeand are you here?
I'm here, gonna learn a lot
My thoughts on NFTs are the same and I have shared it countless times and it makes me sound like a broken record. I dont see much value in NFTs. The use case is very limited and the space has such a bad rep. I don't believe we will ever see the NFT boom of 2021 again. We need to move on.
Maybe NFT games can help the space but outside that, I really do not see the value in holding any NFT. Change my mind
That 2021 hype around NFT was crazy man. I don't think we'll see the same value again. For me, I don't really still get what NFTS are meant to represent. I've tried but I just don't see it. It also seems the hype has somewhat reduced.
There's a lot of voices spitting out how valuable Nft is. We know the scams around are being pulled out through Nfts, which makes it hard for people to venture in.
Though I don't know much about Nfts but I do agree about Nft games.
it's great to be here and learn about NFT especially as a novice.
The nft is unique inside the blockchain, which makes it an option for a lot of applications like: art, collectibles, cards...
I really liked what they did with the pokemon cards at solana, that was a huge application of its possibilities. You can have the card as a virtual asset or redeem it as a physical card.
Strongly agree with you. NFTs can be used to represent a wide variety of digital assets, including art, music, games, and even real estate. This means that NFTs have the potential to transform the way we interact with the digital world.
Indeed, NFTs have a significant utility when it comes to technology. Their usability can be directed towards infinite uses.
I think now I understand why there's a guy with Ash's profile picture in the debate! HAHA I didn't know Pokemon was involved with nfts, I'll definitely look into it more.
Good one, good topic to discuss
Investment and all there's truly a lot changing around. Now I am waiting for the Nft definition. And yes, value tends to be the rise of commodity to us. It is one thing we see here. The art, collectable, and all.
Oh NFTs,I love them ,they out the creativity of the mind and the monetisation of it
NFTs bring a sense of connection, making the intangible tangible in a way that feels personal and, dare I say, a bit magical.
It's an interesting topic and I am listening to it to learning in depth.
Good afternoon from 🇨🇺
finally here
Very important to have something different in mind, have in mind a Way to benefit the community and also benefit yourself with that you won be totally disappointed
Because the nft is exclusive to the blockchain, it may be used for a wide range of purposes, including cards, collectibles, and art.
Happy new year from Pluto
Great to be here with you all
How can you define the true value of an NFT? Does it have to do with originality, creativity, or what is behind the project itself, for example, a fundraising foundation, the creation of a platform that adds value in something specific?
I think NFTs mean simplicity, because they can help eliminate all the complexity of a government that creates a system of rules that are difficult to understand, in order to do something simple, such as acquiring a property. 1/ 🧵
Interesting, I've never seen it that way before. Governments always want to control everything. I don't know how easy it is to get an NFT, but if it is, I agree that it removes the restrictions on getting any assets.
Perhaps this can only be solved by removing the government, but I think it's an interesting way of storing confidential information, just as it is for storing our cryptos.
If we can tokenize the papers and documents needed for such a thing, we can eliminate a lot of unnecessary things to do something that should be 2/ 🧵
sure I agree with you, there should be a reason to why people do things, why do we have to hold NFT and what are we getting from it
I will really like to know how value is created in NFT projects
You need to figure out how to extract out value and not just depend on the founder to brood out the value, should be the one striving to make sure value is gotten, value should comes from everyone individual ideology within.
The fact is that value don’t just come up from no where. The more people know it, the more value it attract. The higher the demand for it the higher the value goes and to get that, the people buying into the project have more work to do
Non fungible tokens are very unique, these assets are digital ownership based, due to this, these NFTs could could not be pirated, stolen or copied except for the owners permission
The value should be defined with transparency, so the value could be seen through the kind of relationship we built with people around us and till make liquid cash. I love how they see this.
There are many games on #hive who use nfts and a new game is coming to launch #zing. @acidiyo is taking it to the next level., hopefully.
Good point Santa:
I only hear about NFTs looking for a value in them simply because they are NFT and that value doesn't exist... NFT is a tool to be used to make people's lives easier and safer...
Yeah but the value and use case need to be clearly defined
That misconception that value should be delivered by the founder is kinda wrong, one need to join and see how them they add their own value, you don't expect value when you don't add value yourselves
People tend to put so much pressure on the founder, he is given so many responsibilities which is so wrong! Founders are founders not jack of all trades or mini gods that know everything so people should treat them as such.
I do not agree. If you are going to create something than it should have value. You cannot start a project and make millions and ask people to figure things out. That is a scan! and many of these founders will be in jail if regulation comes to the crypto space
Yeah, everybody has reasons why they are here. Haha value depends on the individual.
Investing in humans (friends) is very good, but one can't really make income from investing on their friends, we can support them, assist them to grow but we can't say we should not invest on a real life business or company
Investing in something profitable (even in friendships) always brings some benefit even if it is not monetary. That is why we should always investigate and through knowledge choose what to invest in and what not to invest in.
For me, the value an NFT brings for me lies far beyond that shiny jpeg. The utility which that NFT delivers is the value. So if the NFT is all about the image or token, then there is no value in it. But real value comes from what users are about to gain from paying for that NFT. If an NFT gives me access to a Cinema show, then I want to know if that value delivered through the NFT is equal to the utility delivered.
If people pay for the image or buy it, where does the profit come from?
Thats why I believe that NFTs value should not be just a work of art. Otherwise, many people can do it. There should be a utility backing upthe NFT.
Yes I agree with you cause if the nft does not offer any utility purpose it serves no purpose to the individual in possession of the
Yes. There should be a solid project which that NFT fronts. The NFT represents that utility and this is what the user pays for.
The value of a product differs from each individual. We go into things first because of what the founder says the value is.
We could get our own value on the long run as we stay in the project. Most times we get our values on the longterm.
For a while now I have been hearing about nfts and its thing I know about nfts is their worth almost all nfts have a price tag attached to them which makes them valuable.The demand of nfts go up which increases its value overtime
SO there is no possibilities for sudden price drop right? Like crypto is always doing some volatile move to liquidate the trader, isn't there any possibities to do some volatile move with NFTs? What do you think?
Making such a move with nfts is possible at least to my own knowledge of them cause just like crypto the trader invest something to get something else in return apart from nfts being used for cash the can improve their utilities of what can be actually done with an nft
Because they are NFTs and that value doesn't exist, that's the only reason I hear about NFTs searching for a value in them. NFT is a tool that can be utilised to improve people's quality of life and safety.
Of course the price is part of the values there is no doubt about, but the real value is the relationship we shared with people and everyone.
Value equates demand - the higher the value of a project, the higher the demand of users
#web3 #nft
I don't think you really have to be a collector before you value NFT, it's an asset and every asset is valued by everyone. Those who don't have any hope to have some one day, NFT was the talk of the town few months back.
i think I agree with you, it's just all about the value the owner placed on it, since they are not tradable .
In fact, the usefulness of the NFT goes beyond the fact of being a collector, it is a non-fungible token that gives authenticity to what you own. An NFT gives you unique ownership of that asset.
There will be users that will see the value of a project and would stay, build for the long run. While there will be users who main interest is the value they can gain short term and are not opened minded to see the future of a project.
Getting an NFT is thhinhing also for it to have value is important, d oes itdependentn us to give value to the nFT we hold?
What defines value is the demand, and as a founder, you should make a transparent blueprint that'll attract users and investors to come jion you in this, and the more people that joins is what brings about value for the NFT or assets.
You all know that apart from the value NFT has
There is tokenization of NFT too, you can stake your NFT and get Token from those NFT if the project manage to a good job
How do you perceive the true value of NFTs in the context of your personal or professional experiences?
NFT changes a whole lot of things only when it is truly utilized it adds value. I believe on finding and extracting value and not just leaving it to the founders.
NFTs are characterized by multiple variables including ownership, scarcity, the value of an investable asset, and community construction. Anyone who wishes to purchase, sell, or even use the NFTs should understand these concepts.
In fact, the wonderful thing is that a person who collects an NFT, get the reproduction, commercialization and authorship rights of that NFT despite he isn't the creator. That not only gives value to the creator, but the collector too.
That just the law of demand and supply, people will only value what is not always available, once they can always have access to a product, that product is not valued, just like Bitcoin, Bitcoin have value because not everyone can afford it
NFTs is different thing inside the blockchain like it’s very unique and it solves problem by creating token for each digital asset. Which means owner has the authority of the asset. Like then the author can stop others from using it without permission. Moreover, NFT games can help space a lot.
NFTs games, I believe, are what attract people the most to the blockchain world. Games move people, we have countless people who play video games or PC games, they just need to discover and be interested in games like splinterlands, rising star, dcrops, holozing and so on.
Gaming industry has huge profit and it’s the most valuable place. Like gamers earn more than any other platforms also these game bring value to our lives. I think NFTs game would bring more profit.
I agree with you, they say that more than half the world plays some game, on some platform, so going towards gamification to attract new people is a right point, I believe, to attract new people.
Views on evaluating the genuine values of NFTS vary throughout individuals. It's comparable to a piece of art, in my opinion, if it has more significance when it's rare and not freely distributed.
Adding value could compared to building a house, no one man can build a house, that's why we have the plumber, the tiler, the painter. Likewise we all could ensure to add value to NFTs not making it a one man business afterall it's for us
I don't agree wit way d last speaker said. what does he mean by the holder should create value? If I am to buy into a project then it should give me some value, not the other way around. create value and people will support the project.
I know right same here, why should I even buy into a project that requires me to create value for it , Create value for your project and it will draw people patronize it not the other way round.
to me I think demand equals value, in the sense that the higher the demand the greater the value.
This is my genuine thought on this
A number of elements, like demand and rarity, affect an NFT's value, but its usefulness and ability to solve a specific issue may be the most crucial ones.
While demand and rarity are crucial for NFT value, it's also important to look at how useful a token is. Some NFTs do more than just look good, they solve real problems. For example, they might help prove who owns something online.
I used to think NFTs were all about paintings. That's all I use to see when it just somehow popped onto our screens. However, I hope the discussion will provide some good points about NFTs. What drives the value of NFTs? Founder or traders?
I think both the founders and traders. The reputation of the creator (founder) plays a role, and also the active engagement and trading dynamics within the community also contribute, thereby creating an ecosystem that shapes NFT valuations.
I believe that value is dictated by the demand it receives. It is important for the plan to be clear and able to attract users and investors transparently. The more people use it, the greater the value will be.
I agree but also value creates demand, if it has little value then there will be little demand and it there's little demand then the value can't be influenced by the demand
NFTs and Value go hand in hand (so I think). The value of NFTs is determined by several factors, and one of them, which I consider the most important is Demand. It is quite an interesting concept.
yeah very true, demand is a necessary factor to consider the value of NFTS... Unlike in 2021 when it was a big hit, now people do not really venture into it even though it tokenized
It goes back to the basics of everything that has value in the economy. It's always about Demand & Supply.
The issue with NFT though is that they always attract the force of Demand through aggressive marketing without any tangible use case
I think the real value is the use case, currently on the market there are many NFT but without any sense that makes you think why you would have one, a clear example of spl's RUNNI of course I would buy it.
NFT can help to protect intellectual property rights. By creating NFTs for each digital asset, it easier to prove ownership of digital goods. This can help to protect creators from having their work stolen or copied without their permission
You are correct my friend, by creating NFTs for each digital asset it can fully help in creating ownership of digital asset, and it's importance is to prevent intruders from copying or stealing other creators work, so I truly love the idea
NFTs are unique and has great value and are creating a unique tokens for each digital asset, and owners of any NFT can now prove that the fully own an NFT and others can't use it or copy it and the higher in demand of it can add value.
For me, the value of an NFT is in its authenticity and the community that supports the creator, if the artist has a solid fan base and the work is genuine, that adds emotional value and that in my opinion, is invaluable.
I think the whole value of an NFT is on the value that it gives to the collectors more than the creators. It's like: "Hey, I made this thing. If you collect it you'll be supporting me but you'll be supported too", and it's 🤯.
NFT stands for 'non-fungible token'. Non-fungible means that something is unique, it conveys an intrinsic value. I think these questions now would reduce NFTs to be equated to physical cash and the rest, which may less define NFTs
It is quite true that certain elements like high demands could pose a challenge to NFTs but we should remember the purpose at which NFTs serve, making life easier and better and thus should be able to scale through the problems
NFT value as Gary said you can't give people what you think they want, the only time value is place when we purchased the NFT, so people should be allowed to purchase the NFT and see it's value.
Sorry to ask, how can one purchase NFT? Can it be changed to fiat? When one accumulats NFTS, what's his benefits? It's the token swappable
That’s right, You place your own specific value on a NFT, That’s why it is said that demands brings about value. Value of NFTs depends on the reason it is being used. If you are trading it or for keeps. So the use determines the value.
I share your thinking, while it is a digital property the value is in its use. It can be a very nice image but if it stays there really its value remains in the subjectivity of the seller and the buyer, nothing else.
If there is a demand for the NFTs, then it's good to hold them, and it can even give profit to the investors who invest in it and hold them for a long period of time. Health is an imprtant secotor and as the honorable speaker gave an example about his mom suffereing from cancer, how convenient it'd be if they had the nfs to manage the situation.
Yeah, at the moment NFTs have high demand and a lot of collectors are purchasing them every day. Regarding it being a long term investment is what I don't think is possible, it's a risky game though a we have to be careful and DYOR in them
The risk factor is alarming, and that's why we should be careful while investing in any NFTs. Thank you for your valuable input.
Various opinions have been expressed regarding the assessment of the actual values of NFTS. It's comparable to an artwork, in my opinion, in that there are more values present if it's rare and not freely distributed.
I think when people are made to see the true value of NFT, they will make demands for it.
It’s pretty hard to convince people to jump into something, especially when it concerns transactions. Consistently educating public will bring users.
Exactly, it might seem a bit difficult to talk sense into people who are yet to see the impact of an invention in human life but if value is created and added to it, then NFTs speaks for itself, no much talk as the evidence is obvious
I’m glad you can see that too.
It’s not that people are not hearing these, they truly are. But they need to see it manifest.
I don't think you really have to be a collector before you value NFT, it's an asset and every asset is valued by everyone. Those who don't have any hope to have some one day, NFT was the talk of the town few months back.
It might actually be difficult to convince people about what they might not be interested in.
Though NFT is a unique fund, not everyone appreciate
Definitely I agree with you, most individual sees NFTs project as an over hyped project with little or no utility, convincing people to key into NFTs project is definitely a big work to do, but recently space's program is definitely going to help to change people's mentality about NFTs project very soon.
Santa's definition of value is detailed and awesome.
I always believed value is what is derived from buying a particular product or from an investment but from his explanation, I was able to deduce that value has two faces, bravo.
NFTs are going to play a significant role in the future. We see there is a world of opportunities. The case of Starbuck is one of the most famous The community seeks them out and wants them; they are an example beyond artwork
The beauty of it is that NFT will have a good representation in crypto word ,but I'm just confused the real life use of them. I just see them as art assets.
NFT is a great asset for those who know its importance. We are getting closer to the world that NFT will be dominating. It's then people will get you know its usefulness.
Question: What could be the role of NFTS on Web3? Is there any possibility to create NFTS for the content just like the tokenization?
it's hard to know the real value of NFTs, I guess it's very subjective, I think a real value could be to take advantage of the unique tokens to do things like concert tickets or other things.
That's a very good idea. Things like concert tickets could be a good way to use the NFTs.
How do you see the role of blockchain technology in ensuring the authenticity and security of NFTs, and what potential advancements or improvements can be expected in this regard?
NFT is so broad and which is why we shouldn't speculate on the future.
it is so wide that anything can happen in the nearest future. Who knows what 2024 will say concerning NFT.
Honestly, what really are NFTs? I've read, heard many people talk about NFTs and it looks like it's a vast concept that confuses me. In a way I kind of see NFTs as art that appeals to you, you purchase and then sells in the future.
Are the speaker avatars NFT?
Value of NFTs depends on the reason it is being used for. It will really have a Good representation in crypto world.
In contrast to what Gary Said, you have to purchase NFTs before you determine the value? That's not the original definition of NFT though. I think NFTs have values in itself, that's the value that motivates people to purchase them. Isn't?
nft are non fungi token. We call them an art representation on blockchain. Most of time People don't know about this because they don't know the usecase for it but, NFTs are digital asset that can be mint and traded on blockchain.
I kinda agree that the value of an NFT depends on person to person and their purpose in buying one. I only buy a piece when I like it and do not plan to speculate on it because I'd more likely be disappointed, lol! Should the price rise, it's up to me whether I would sell it or just keep it for myself.
It's true that people buy things they find interesting to them, but looking at it in the business way, investors buy tokens in order to make profit from that token and to them the profit it brings is the value of that token and coins
Facts my dear, you don’t buy an NFT you don’t know its value, when you buy an NFT you don’t know it value, you only see it as a waste, value indeed depends on the person and also the market conditions, I agree with you on this my dear…
I believe the value of NFT is determined by several important factors, in the past, NFT might have done more harm than good to people, NFTs and Value should work together, when there is demand for it, it means the value has been spotted.
very correct
They really did more harm than good which made people lost interest and trust in it
Some people things NFT are just overpriced images nowadays
I think that the true value of any NFT depends on the need they meet. For example, If I buy into an NFT project that will help make my travelling experience easy, fast and affordable, then that's the value it has created. And after experiencing all thees, I won't fail to refer others to buy into it too.
a tool by itself cannot give you the specific result you are looking for
I hear you speaker..
I think NFTs should be traded in a way it can increase in value or go down in value. Hive coin for example is doing good today because it fluctuates. People buy because the know it will go up in value tomorrow. It should same with NFTs.
Interesting thought! Making NFTs go up and down like Hive coin could be exciting for traders. It adds risk and reward, making it more dynamic. But we should also think about how it affects the artists.
NFTs is likened to a hammer, it should be used properly to provide value and utility. We should be versatile than sticking on it because of trends.
NFTs redefine digital value, empowering creators and collectors through unique ownership. However, concerns about the environment, copyright, and sustainability highlight the need for responsible growth in this evolving landscape.
I agree with Gary, NFTs have gone down the wrong path. Many people are simply speculating and waiting for someone to buy them at a higher price. That's not a sustainable business model. I believe the technology isn´t being properly utilized
Perhaps the belief of wanting to make money at any cost, or with the minimum effort is what lowers the quality. Others also think that this is easy money. All this is detrimental to the final product that is sold.
That’s how it is, my friend, and it’s a shame because NFTs have so much use that we are not even aware of, but with time and the support of the communities, the true uses will be given to them.
I agree with you too much, plus all the negative publicity that has been based on that has made NFTs just a laughing stock in the crypto space, we will have to work hard to regain that lost value but the technology is good.
I think that quality is important for any product and it depends on the dedication of the people who buy it. If they only care about money and not about the value, they will end up with a poor NFT that will not satisfy to nobody
A true NFT value depends on the demand it meets. And yes you are right, it depends on the person persay. And so ot
When we talk about the value of a product, we are looking at it's demand, and so if NFTs value are high at the moment, then I think a lot of people are investing into them and that is what increases its value.
These days the value of NFTs demands on the market condition and how many people are going into it. People get drawn by what the multitude thinks. Before now, Nobody cares about NFTs but now the profit is calling everyone.
yes Definitely people actually get drawn by what the multitude thinks like this now everyone is interested in NFTs because of the profit.
Exactly what was said 💯. Value equates demand; as the NFT value increases, people demand more for the token. Hopefully, every internet user will be dealing with NFT in the future.
NFTs, they're like some crazy digital flex, you know? It's all about that rarity game, the vibes of the artist, and that mad demand. That's just what I feel though.
value depends on person and market conditions
An NFT's value hinges on uniqueness, scarcity, and the digital asset's perceived worth. Creator reputation, rarity, and community demand all play pivotal roles in shaping the dynamic NFT market.
If we get away from all the speculative uses that NFTs have had in recent times and have dilapidated cryptos, I think the technology can be put to greater use
Value is subjective and comes within and that why it is advisable that we all do our research before making any financial decision. Do not rely solely on the founder or hearsay.
Know what value is before you proceed.
As a art and photography lover, I always want to collect some unique and gorgeous NFTs. Even I am already saving some of my capital to buy them. Although I don't know what will be the benefits to hold them as digital asset.
Buying NFTs as a collection for your enjoyment or because you like them is cool and the value is dependent on you, not on the price of the JPEGs.
The originality and the innovation should be there rather than same copy cats coming up with the same ideas whatsoever. Then comes the value plus the market condition also plays an important role to have that project successful. Otherwise all negative impression and people even start avoiding the very strong and genuine projects.
It has always been this way, many times they do it to benefit only in the projects they want to take advantage of and not for all of us to benefit as much as possible.
Nice information about how the people benefit from it earlier.
It is good to be mindful of aggressive marketing tactics when it comes to NFTs. Most times, they are known to attract attention without a clear use case. Do your research before diving in.
Its been long since I don’t know what exactly is the usecass of NFT, the more I tried to research about what the true value of NFTs are, the more I lost interest in investing in it. The haven’t really have a good relationship with NFTs.
attrbuting NFTs to real life objects and making sure they get involved with our day to day activities will bring the value we seek and more interested people seeking value willl flood the NFT market
It should have been this way from the beginning. But it seems that they were looking at other intentions, I also thought of what you said when I saw this topic.
I agree that assigning real-world uses assigns value. I just think that we shouldn't seek value from NFTs but rather seek to use them in things of value to bring security to our property and facilitate transfers of goods... there is no need to seek value from something that makes life easier and safer. .
HEREmost people do not know the value of nft because they lack knowledge about it, it will be appreciated if people knows more about it and theit.will value it
The value of NFTs is subjective and depends on individual perspectives, market trends, and the perceived uniqueness of the digital content they represent.
I hope this space is being recorded because we will need to listen again sometime
Just like the speaker Malek said and made reference to the hammer as a utility, no NFTS can boom in isolation... It need both the evaluation from individuals and the founder to determine if its valuable or not
okay i agreed to the fact that NFT values depends to person to person and the main reasons you are buying them, you can decide to buy to save you money or make you money. It also depends on demand though. Some people doesn't see it as Investment and some people does . We all have different opinions on this values of NFT.
The problem is they go buying for FOMO and then lose money and satanice the whole thing. That is why entering all of this you can't go on the market being a newbie, you have to study first. An even then, this is all a bet, winning is not granted
Am really getting it. NFT is a unique token. It can be turned into whatever things the owners want it to be. So, this token is very valuable and, the price increases depends on the demand. I need to make research on NFTS.
I do love the point the speaker make
Many people already lost faith in NFT and for them to get that trust again, NFT have to give them something that affects their life. Something they want to check daily. Not just minting but what is the
NFT giving them back in return. All this things matters a lot and this is what brings values to the world of NFT
NFTs for me are only about profit. I get that artists and photographers can maybe make a living out of something.
But a digital thing for me is not something I hang on my wall. The successful NFTs in the future will have both physical and digital!
I believe that the value is very linked to the use, creating uses and functionalities beyond the visual aspect of the NFT.
I think it is essential that they have a use that demonstrates why they can tend to a certain value.
Even if we are talking about physical pieces, you should always have access to their digital version along with their properties.
NFTs' versatility, goes far beyond mere artworks. Defining the value of these digital assets is an ongoing puzzle. One may wonder what possible metrics should govern their valuation, especially now that it extends into & beyond gaming? 🤔
As NFTs continue to grow, how do you think rules and protections will shape up to deal with challenges and safeguard people involved in the NFT world?
NFTs are crypto right? It's decentralized and so I don't think there should be no rules and regulations. NFTs should be treated as crypto. Improving the security of wallets is the way for me. We should also like any crypto make our research
NFTs are digital assets that can be minted and traded on blockchain, however most people are unaware of this since they don't understand its use case.
i understand this. NFT is what people should choose and not pushed to them, because they would be able to get it value that way and not by being force to get it, that way they know t
Raw's example seems interesting use of blockchain tech in real life. Being able to track all the details of the fish is a super cool idea of implenting web3 into real life.
Yeah exactly! As blockchain is a transparent system, all the transactions are recorded on the ledger and viewed openly. So anyone can see them. This makes it difficult to fraud with data.
Value does depend on the person, like it varies to person to person, I am also sure that NFTs is going to play a great role sooner or later. Well, it is tough to make people understand and many do not like it but there is a lot profit in it one must agree with that.
I’m sure when others see the profit, they will come for it. When crypto came newly, many people didn’t see value in it, but look at it now.
Everything takes time, humans are more convinced by what they see.
In my opinion, Blockchain is the most powerful technology with the potential to transform many industries. We can expect to see more innovative and creative uses for blockchain in the next days.
When NFTs projects start to focus more on integrating real-world applications, and providing tangible benefits beyond art, such as gaming, virtual real estate, and digital identity, then NFTs will boom. Until then, it is going to be infancy
You still have to consider giving value to something that is hard to get, something that you can't get easily and that NFTs give you that opportunity to try to get something you want that you can't get out there.
This is a very nice point, NFTs facing their attention in real word application is very cool and gaming NFTs is a big asset including the real estate and agriculture, and making owners own their NFTs and prevent copying my any other user.
I agree and second to the speaker that they are manipulative Wall street and they keep calling it as the blockchain and not mentioning it as a cryptocurrency. " Crypto is the blockchain "
Where there is a way to make a profit, there will always be manipulators as in these cases.
You are absolutely right about this.
Thanks friend ,:)
For me defining the value of a NFT is easier in GameFi, all NFTs in a game have a specific use, a value that adds to the gameplay, but in art or design where do you extract the value from, from the dedication to do it? It's very complicated
In the artistic field it is a little more complex because subjectivity dominates, each individual contemplates art in a certain way, there is his or her feeling and the way he or she contemplates the world.
Yeah, for me, I see the best purpose of NFTs should be those we earn in games and nothing else. Those images they put that high prices on them, sometimes it's mindboggling, hmmm, well they do get buyers too and that is really what is making the NFTs market to boom at the moment, that demand from their holders and collectors are there.
Indeed,I agree with you here. It's way easier in games cos you know it's use case but I feel like in arts, the value is determined by those with artistic eyes. I could see an NFT and not think it's worth $10 but someone values it at $100
You're right about NFTs in GameFi, especially for those who play.
I think the value depends on people who are buying into it. Some buy them because they appreciate the art and do not care about the price tag. Although these days, people seem to buy NFTs because they want to make money out of them.
It means we need influencers to step up only then we could be successful?
I only think about my bag tho 🌚
I didn't know about NFT's till I joined hive, still confuses me a bit,well i think the value depends on the use and demands well, it might also be perspective, what you find value might be different from somebody else
I am still learning too. I really like to participate in the spaces to learn more about it. I agree with you. I think the market and the usefulness of it affects people's receptivity.
same with me, I started learning about many things relating to crypto, NFTs, web3, Finance etc after I joined hive.
Yes, The value if NFTs depends on the holders.
I know they will vlue even more with time, when the RWA is perfected.
How interesting is this fish tracking project! I imagine there must be a similar project for organic farms, right? If it doesn't exist yet, it's definitely an idea that would work very well.
collectibles are very valuable as well as tokens. It's a great feature of web3 over web2 which centralization affects it's monetization and organization. NFTs are form of collectibles that are unique and special
the speaker just said my mind
They asked what value are we expecting
I made a comment on X saying
The value of a NFT is that it does what they say it will do. If I get a NFT for hospital and it’s not working then it’s a scam project
okay, thank goodness they made mention different definition of values, and I must say that to an extent I agree with you but then what if you had other NFTs that do work or had values in them can you still call it a scam?
That’s it’s
If what they say their NFT do is what it does then it’s not a scam
Many project owner came a particular time in 2019 with NFT, we minted and that was all
Nothing else
I only purchase NFT's that are very very cheap with the hope that someone, someday would be willing to purchase it for more.
I think it's subjective & subject to proverbial market value.
The latter is more risky & fleeting as we've seen since 2022.
Our value is the unique utility for proactive business owners who like to learn.
This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for December 5th, 2023. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added.
Mental Health Ambassador Team: @ckole @fantagira @FoneStreet @ganjafarmer @goingcrossroads @ibbtammy @juva @laurapalmerr @littlebee4 @lorennys @luchyl @palomap3 @pepetoken @wongi @alessandrawhite
Nice find! Please post your activities via fc-mentalhealth, man. 🙏
I think so. I was in a rush. Try the above link. Thanks @ganjafarmer
It did the same when I opened it here after seeing your reply. The network really sucks sometimes.
Thanks a lot. I appreciate you big time. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Who can use the hashtag of freecompliments?
Everyone who is parte of the community, read rules and make ya post if u din't get.
Otherwise everyone is able to use the #freecompliments
Absolutely everyone who can write it out! 😊
A great initiative it is. Keep up the excellent work.
I'll be active here as soon as I am done with #zealy.
Thank you for the heads-up.
It's a great thing to help spread the knowledge about a sensitive health issue.
Will we see 45K this week ?
Little bit here, little bit there...
I love watching my payouts grow. It makes me feel like I've accomplished a little something with my crypto lol
That looks nice. Keep on saving!
It adds up over time, doesn't it? I love it.. Happy claim day for you later!
I'd love to let my HBD be there gathering interest but it's really hard now that the bear market is ending. The world is calling! 😀
Yep, let the compounding snowball do its thing 💰
That is a nice amount of interest. I started placing small amounts of HBD in savings some weeks back. Can't go wrong with 20% APR and just a 3 day waiting period.
voting this for more visibility.
insane APRs and pretty consistent throughout the bear market.
what would be a good volunteering / charitable program we could start on INLEO?
Looking for ways we can help other Hivers. I know some are already out there
Also looking for more than just financial stuff. Ways to help
Well, other than starting a way to donate money to certain causes, we could start a group specifically for calls to action to volunteer time locally. Animal shelters are good ones, especially those that follow a no-kill policy and obviously at homeless shelters or kitchens are pretty common.
The individual users could post about efforts they want to organize in a call to action of sorts and hopefully people will answer. Of course, this works better in some locations than others. They could then document it and share their experiences, what they've learned, what works and doesn't to help improve the process, etc.
Hive has the water project , LEO can have an orphanage outright. A couple $100s monthly
For Hivers. Most in third world countries struggle with internet access and getting decent devices.
free course on udemy or coursea.
Two Ideas I can think of.
Also if we can reward people for feeding stray cats, dogs etc on Hive in general that could start the domino effect.
It doesnt have to financial help but if we can get inLeo community to do good locally then supporting them even microcents would help them push for efforts, doesnt have to be proposal level funding to make people to start this domino effect.
2- any ideas could be used as onboarding events as well
There are always people in need of help, but may not know anyone for whatever reason. This is common in homesteads and a page or community dedicated for those in need of a hand to post asking for Bees/Leos in their area to volunteer some time to them would be a good way to help them out.
There are websites out there that have this function internationally, like, and We could mimic that here. A classifieds of sorts
GEYSER Counter:
Last payout - 51 days ago
#geyser #wleo #liquidity #wrappedleo #feedback
You talked about this few days ago, I guess it's very important to you ser.
it’s been long over due.. The people are waiting for GYSER #whengyser
Should be a nice payday at least.
Maybe I'm too cautious but...
Looking at the weekly chart of RUNE. I would not be surprised if it went sideways to lower over the next couple weeks. I'd like to be wrong. #rune #crypto
@scaredycatguide We do need more Rush on here. Fill that up so I can set up a page for it. Only have a small handful of songs now.
You got it brother!
Rush, nice. A man after my own heart.
Happy Tuesday!
Big night ahead for the #cryptomaniacs podcast!
Reminder we start at 8pm eastern and @taskmaster4450le has more goodies planned for the #musiconleo project!
Good luck. Let me see if the timing is good. That's the time I put my kid to bed. Apple podcast to the rescue. :)
LOL Always!!!!
I’d be there, No matter what LOL
I salute it!!!!
Looking forward to it! I've missed being able to watch you guys live.
From having one thread on my dashboard an hour go to signing up for the orange tick
Is that what you all call progress or growth? Which one of them?
It is called making a commitment and taking action.
Now to fill up your threads and grow the engagement. Welcome to Leo Premium.
One of the things if you go into "More" then "settings", you can change your color themes.
Commitment and taking action! That's something I will never forget.
Aye aye captain. Thank you.
Let me play around with the colors until I decide the one to stick to then.
Their is lot of things you can tag as growth in the community, you have to be consistent first. Besides,the zealy campaign is still on and you can still win something as the prize distribution will be announced today, get back to zealy and win something for yourself
Isn't it too late to join in at this point?
Progress. Everything one does here is moar progress.
The ads are working! The ad are working!
This is an ad for a site I actually use already and was for listing in my local area. Hooray, functional ads!

It's nice to see them coming. Bravo #leo
You are about 15 hours too late on that breaking news.
LMAO, well I didn't get them yesterday so 🤷♂️ P.S. what's easiest way to see what RUSH songs are already on threads?
Since you are going to fill it, I will build a Rush page for it. Here are the songs so far.
Rush - Anthem
Rush - Lakeside Park
Rush - Lessons
Thanks! I added YYZ, Freewill and Spirit of the Radio today. Will look to add some B side stuff.
Here is the page for it. See what is added there if you dont want to spend your time on duplicates.
Awesome, thanks. I made a list in notepad, but this is easier!
Dive into #Hive, a thriving ecosystem of uncensored social networks, vibrant communities, and token-based economies, all built for the future of #Web3.🚀🚀
#actifit #rewards #blockchain #decentralization #innovation
Wow, I only have one thread to my name.... That sucks
Oops.. now two 🔥
You need to work on that.
This answer makes it three...
I am getting there
You better start threading now
I am doing my best as it is
More threads on the way
Looking forward to them
Finger crossed
Everyone is starting somewhere. Welcome to threads!
Thank you @solymi
Welcome! Yet you have premium already! We all started at one and two. Have fun threading! :)
A message from #premium
Why are the first names in blue?
What's this about? I understand these are premium members but what do the green boxes represent?
Column 1 - first month subscription.
Column 2 - subscription renewed to the second month
Makes perfect sense, lol. Thanks for explaining, I was curious :)
Christmas decoration at the job :) Ima take a picture on Friday of a huge Christmas tree in the city cuz it's insane the size of the tree xD
#mydiary #christmas
Oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree all of the trees are so cute 🥰🥰🥰🥰...
That's my Christmas songs 😍💞😂😂😂
hehe :) I am really not that much for Christmas or holidays overall but it's nice being with the family on Christmas eve at least!
I love the shape of those seats. Shaped like a Swan.
lol, it's where we have work meetings and now and then sit and eat at also on lunch :P
Our Economic Models Are Dead
What happens when labor costs are reduced by more than 90% and is near abundant?
5/ To me, part of the solution is tokenization.
Read full article:
1/ Society is in for a rude awakening. The next decade is going to see massive progress in the fields of AI and robotics. This means that labor is going to be vastly affected.
2/ It also means that we are looking at a completely economic change as the foundation of society is altered. This is where the problem lies. Few are trying to consider the impacts of a future where tens of millions of bots are created.
3/ It takes 20 years to create a human worker. With robots, once the system is in place, it could take a few hours. This is enormous. How do we structure society?
4/ The answers are varied by those who do look at it. However, we do know what happens when digitization takes place. Here is where some insights are gained.
On tonights #cryptomanaics broadcast we are going to have an announcement that will change the approach to Evergreen content on Leo and the earnings potential there.
Non-content creators are going to be in the game now. Get ready for another advancement of Music on Leo.
Looking forward to the announcement.
Yeah it will have a nice impact I believe. It takes things to another level.
Hope i will be able to listen it live or the recordings tomorrow.
If you got shortlist in an interview that's a good sign or bad?
I came back at home just now after giving #interview at this new supermarket and I'm trying to apply in restaurant side and they said it will take more time for it to open and have shortlisted as of now.
The starting salary is $112 USD for a month/12hrs. One reason I soon want to move in some other place to #work and side hustles with studies at the moment.
Congratulations man👏🏿
Thanks bruh.
It worked.
Give a follow to @injmuncher!
He’s a thought leader in the Injective and Solana community and just created a Hive account!
Give a warm welcome!
thank you ser ❤️❤️❤️
Welcome! High hopes for Solana 💪
Welcome @injmuncher. Hope you will share your thoughts on threads
welcome ser!
He should give leothreads a try.
Hello friends I know this has alot of health benefits.can you tell me?
#mydiary #fruit #gmfrens
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
HERwoo, Iove this fruit...I ate it alot as a child.. coming to Lagos city, it became scares to find
Is available here in Aba, only that is costly.
Soursop contains antioxidant properties and it helps in reduction in stomach acid production. It improves digestion and also control diseases, like ulcers and gastritis.
Thank you for this information.I do eat a lot.
You are welcome my dear ☺️☺️☺️
Hey @chigold1, those are amazing fruits. By the way, I wish to remind you about the Zealy campaign for November which you joined but stopped somewhere. You can continue and have a great chance of winning the prizes which includes a share of the 5000 HBD, delegations and many other giveaways. Hoping to see you back.
Thank you for reminding me.I will continue
Kills cancer cells, contains antioxidant, help manage diabetes and HBP. I wish you actively engage in Zealy campagn you can fight for the prizes and win.
Thank you I will join.
Looking forward to your taking part actively
adopteok thanks
Soursop is a tropical fruit that can be good for you. It has vitamins, antioxidants, and may help your immune system, support health. And by the way, the zealy campaign is still on, you can start all over and have a share of the pool price.
Stake Based Curation
Drop your best gems, we'll assess depending on post quality.
For more info check below ⬇️
Stake based curation parameters
Hello Team.
Here is another of my submissions. Always appreciate you all whether my submissions are accepted or not.
Thank you for your consideration: #gosh
Special Sauce in this one, worth a peek
Whoohoo. 🥳
Today’s the day!
The traditional bag of presents is ready!
#ladiesofhive #bloom #Sinterklaasfeest
Different things like perfumes, bracelets blah blah.
Aha, did I just discover another Dutchie here? How was "Sinterklaasavond"? Our daughter didn't grow up with Sinterklaas as we moved to Spain when she was 3 months old. I let her watch some old movies from years ago so she knows a little bit about the holiday we grew up with..
Yes we Dutchies are rare here on HIVE.
You found one, now you get to make a wish. 😂
Sinterklaas evening was very ´gezellig´ as we say.
Everyone was very pleased with the presents. 🥰
Beautiful that you share these fond memories of the Netherlands with your daughter.
Also taught her Dutch?
You have already used the number of tips you had for the day. Please try again tomorrow or buy more LOH tokens to send more tips.
We are, but thankfully when I joined, I managed to bring a few onboard as well.. I don't mind though, I prefer talking English anyway, always have.
The little one speaks mostly Dutch at home, my boyfriend prefers so. I try to mix it up with some English and Spanish nowadays as that's even more fun.
How was the weather over there? I bet it's really cold now? It just started to get a bit colder over here last week but when the sun appears, we have a lovely winter weather other days...
Well because the main language here on Hive is English and Spanish, I chose to speak English.
Me speaking Spanish would be a disaster. 😂
It is a beautiful language but unfortunately, I don't speak Spanish at all.
Teach your children as many languages as possible, it will only benefit them later on.
Fortunately, my boys also speak several languages. 🥰
The weather is typically Dutch, cold and wet.
Unfortunately not cold enough to skate. ⛸️
now I'm definitely not bringing my wife here. There's ads for lol
Haha, could be saving you a few bucks :)
What were you searching that triggered the ad? lol
hahaha no idea haven't used wish at all
Today we will give a tour of some of the areas affected by Lake Tacariguas, soon you will see something more extensive of what we are doing.
Have a great tour. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for all your help #leofinance
Sinterklaas and his helpers (Pieten) visited our school today.
#ladiesofhive #Sinterklaas #photography
Let me save this for my kid to show
He may like it.
He will like it for sure.
you must have really had a swell fun time
Yes, the kids are so amazing.
that's great
I will say the ads do integrate with the site well, especially in the dark mode.
Not intrusive at all.
I agree. Well balanced.
During my time in school, we had this guy on the desktop. This was our Alexa 😂
Later makers of this assistant got lawsuit and they were caught stealing variety of legal data and was shutdown.
Hello, I'm Bonzi Scheme! 😀
Oh boy. Sounds like a Bonzi scheme!
oh, now this is something new to me.
I Have used window XP but never saw this Alexa lol, looks like it was shutdown before I even found.
haha, I dont remember having such a thing here in Greece
Rave number 116 just released!

I'm at the red party
#risingstar #risingstargame #game #nft
It is time to leave threads if @scaredycatguide posts pictures of food on here.
That's a fact jack!
Fact jack or flap jack?
Or find out who posted the food wen he went away from his computer. lol
Hack his account and post dozens of food pics. It will drive him nuts.
That would be hilarious!!! !LOLZ
Mutton Honey.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of pepetoken
Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@taskmaster4450le, I sent you an
might be
Anyone has a checklist of what you do on INLEO for the day?
Like... your own personal daily quest? Been trying to find motivation to post more but can't seem to find a good framework for threads.
I check out inleo at least once a day as it helps with ads revenue. Aside from that, I don't really have a checklist.
Yeah the same.
I make sure to turn off all my ad-blockers to at least get some revenue for the team. Maybe a post a day would help.
Inleo live on stream. While playing @heroesofholdem is quite nice! Join the fun! Create some hype in the live threadcast.
#gmfrens hope you all have a great day , leave a comment for some #BBH
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
Engage in making clips and get rewarded! #watchandearn all day! Farm channel points and earn crypto for watching my stream. Engage in the threadcast and earn even more.
I'm OK. My anxiety has been through the roof lately though. Sorry I haven't been active. #gmfrens #mentalhealth
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
I was in that same place yesterday and throughout the weekend. Making a single thread was a struggle but it'll pass! Threads will be waiting here 🙂
bruh, take some time off.. sometimes work do get over head. Gotta find that mental peace and the year is almost here to end.. good time to take off and get back fully fresh.
All cool.
it's actually better to not be active and take care of your health first.. Please rest well
#gmfrens $BTC Dominance is still in control!
#Bitcoin is certainly the coin to be in for right now if you are looking long!
#altcoins will see their day, but the money is flowing into the number 1 coin ATM! #logicaltrading
GM to you & thank you for using the #gmfrens tag on Threads. Listen to the most recent Hive Community Town Hall!
GM tokens are now on Hive Engine! To OPT OUT of comments visit @gmfrens.
So this was an artificial push and not regular cycle. It smells like VC bought coins.
what they say , it never get true
Hyping for more liquidity.
1/ 🧵 City of Lugano of Switzerland is now accepting the Bitcoin and Tether in it's Municipalty bills. And it'd be possible for the consumers to pay for bills through QR based payments.
#outreach #threadstorm
2/ 🧵 QR based payments currently accept the swiss franc and other payment systems which used to be for the local payments but now crypto is new added option.
3/ 🧵 Bitcoin and Tether, these are the two options that are now available in the billing system. Through which the govt bills can be paid. Which is how the future of crypto was supposed to be.
4/ 🧵 Check out how City of Lugano has started accepting the Bitcoin and Tether.
I do like seeing the ads back on the site.
Can hear the cash register going nuts. Now to just add more pages to place ads upon.
Add on the site are not bad because it also benefits the sites financially. And they are quite popular.
Yep. It also benefits every Leo Power holder when the money starts to be distributed.
Ads are welcomed back, says like no one anywhere else.
Only on Leo. When they are gone, we actually miss them.
Would you mind starting to go through some of the songs you posted that have autoreplay on them and replacing them. The easiest way to edit them is to go to your profile, enter song name in the search and it should come up.
Simply replace the autoreplay video with one not in playlists on YT.
I'll surely do that in my first leisure.
I appreciate that. You added a lot of good stuff there.
Thank you
I am trying to edit, only to find that I cannot paste anything in the box. If I can't paste it cant be edited. Let it fixes only then I'll replace all of the songs.
Hmm I was able to paste in when I edited some of my songs.
Let me play with it and see what I come up with.
It was ok before, it's not working for me today.
Yeah seems to be the norm for the site. Something works one day and then isnt there the next.
Seems to vary based upon account. Some can do things others cannot.
May everything be fixed and smooth; that's the only way to move forward.
It should be unanimous for all.
Yeah well I dont handle the technical things. I just build around the issues. For now, I post a lot of music and think of ways to get others growing it. Tonight will be a big step forward I believe.
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This morning you would have $200 profit from a $400 trade with 500,000,000 ffree STARL holding for a longer term trade with more profits all the way up & down!
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Afternoon to everyone
If air temperature is above 37 Celsius Degree where you live, send me a hot Emoji.
#hive #weather
ha ha what if it is one degree
Temperature below zero gets green light.
Cold type of weather is not so funny
Cannot participate since it's -11 C here 😀
Crazy Cold
It is not a joke where you live
Take good care
Yeah, its even colder than usually in this time of the year.