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Here is the #threadcast for todays' episode of The Lion's Den. It starts at 1 pm eastern time.

Please drop your questions or comments in here.

Here is the link for the space

Cool cover image. Is it new? I don't remember if it was already there last week. But then again I dont remember much anyways

It is an @anderssinho original. I might have used it last week.

This will be the image going forward.

I believe he's been generating a new one every week for the past few weeks

"You're rewarded on LEO with LEO" - @taskmaster4450le

It's funny how easily we miss these obvious facts!!

Sometimes we need to be reminded of these things.

Quality is subjective

What matters is enjoyable user minutes

Tik tok started as teenagers making dance videos

The reason it took off is because it was funny and gave quick dopamine hits to people

it basically gave the “vine” style of content a breath of fresh air

Love the qoute "enjoyable user minutes". That says it all.

Ah, what a fine Lion's Den Day. Did you get a response from you congressman regarding officially changing the name of this weekday yet @taskmaster4450le?

No the selfish bastard. Probably campaigning to keep is overpaid, I have to do nothing job.

Remember to set the reminder for the space, everyone. Help the X algorithm make it visible to more people

My typing today really sucks.

Ah, I thought you'd changed the name. Lions Drn does have a certain ring to it 😅

It has an eastern Europe flair to it.

Always amazed at the name of hockey players with no vowels in them but 14 letter.

I guess Y and Z fill the void.

Who‘s gonna control all of that scraping anyway, the legislators don‘t even have the capacities to do it let alone understand how and where it‘s done, they‘ll never beat the real nerds …

Governments are inept against what is taking place.

and fines are peanuts for the big companies …

They build it into their business models.

Yep, it's probably already been factored in from the start ...

The government is just a partner. They get a piece of the pie.

pie? pie? where? 👀🍕😋

You can come on threads and keep on asking WHy 🤣🤣🤣, it's all threads...

A little starstruck that you use my AI image :D

Speaking of companies collecting data... It seems some AI models are training themselves on Youtube videos without permission. It must suck for the small Youtubers who work so hard for exposure only for AI to replace them.

99% people use Twitter to follow interesting people. Not to follow random bullshit.

Speaking about AI, it sometimes reads in between lines though :)


Help yourself, cheers 🍻 😎👍🏽

Drink up...virtually at least.

glugg glugg glugg glugg glugg gluggglugg glugg gluggglugg glugg gluggglugg glugg gluggglugg glugg glugg 🍻😵‍💫

I just need a cup of whiskey 🤣🤣☕.

AI will change the world and this will not just be the usual 10 years of struggling to get comfy with the new „thing“, it will be an ongoing shapeshift for some time imo.

I have a feeling it will be a norm within 3 years.

AI will evolve further and further, it‘ll be an ongoing change we all have to learn to adapt to on a regular basis i think, it‘s the first technology that creates new ideas, that makes decisions, that‘s completely new territory … who knows, it might start a whole new religion or whatever …

That is true.

We never saw a technology where you fed in data and it spits out information.

It is important to keep in mind AI is really a new form of computing.

That poster is so #pro

Why is it that it takes $HIVE token much time to resurrect when it goes into dip in crypto market?

The referral system on INLEO is providing a good succulent way of Passive Income Earning.

After Thursday, Lions Den then Saturday. Lol
🤣🤣🤣 No Friday anymore.

We don't need no Friday xD

Oh yeah 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I am trying to start a trend. A bit slow going, most of the world seems to like Friday.

I might have had a better chance of replacing Monday.

Hahaha, we have our jungle language 🥂🥂..

Shorts are gonna bring a different fun on engagement levels. The number of MAUs will significantly increase.

How does premium subscription bring revenue to Inleo community?

100% of premium revenue buys $LEO and deploys it into the LEO-CACAO Liquidity Pool on Maya Protocol

My point was that you need the consumers, or the passive ones, even more than the producers - and you need interesting content to keep the consumers around.

YT, X, or even Instagram have their business models built on the 99% of consumers / followers.

Another part of consumers is them being able to find info, something that Hive does not excel with.

Hell I cant find stuff half the time and I know what I am looking for.

On the topic of generative AI, I'm currently coding a game using Claude 3.5.

It takes a ton of time and requires a lot of effort and presence, a point that many seems to miss. Especially those that haven't spent much time with LLMs.

I believe getting as much experience with these tools as possible is crucial

Task please I would want the link or better still how to link my words using Leoglossary please.

Wen LeoAI?!!!!!!

But seriously, the potential is so vast, I hope we're not overhyping it for ourselves!!!

We just need to keep feeding the data in and it will be a success

#freecompliments !DOOK

Hope we do feed it good stuff!

We are trying our best


Many wanna earn big in here but few understands that engagement is the key.

Any short video can be turned to be SHORTS, make your videos count by uploading it as short.

I dunno... Saying "It's not your data" sounds quite dystopian to me.

Africans don't get rewarded for using tiktok.

I am sure America will be at that point.

But Africans do get rewarded on Leo.

Exactly, that's the advantage of inleo , regardless of where tou are or where you come from, you'd definitely get rewarded with $LEO

Just get active and look to enhance what is taking place and there is a good chance of it.

We gonna raise lots of traffic with the shorts ☺️☺️☺️☺️, more friends are coming from my end.

Some people say that INLEO and Hive are complex and that what happens here sounds too good to be true. I guess they will still come around.

Also, 99% of people on Twitter are very passive. Just followers.

"How to opt of LEOAI?"


...yeah, that's a hard pill to swallow for some people. One of the reason some people use reddit is the ability to delete anything they don't like other people to see after a time.

Shoot, I am in Austria hiking in the Alpes next Friday :/

I am still looking forward to the trip though :)

Btw you have a bunch o funny typos on the new image :)

AI still needs work.

So, HBD savings interest was reduced to 15%. Does it change anything in your strategy?

Weeell... I actually think X knows what you do on Facebook and vice versa ;) They track you there and back ;)

Hahahaha I like that Elon is trolling Maduro so if he want my data he can have it hahahaahahah jk

I was expecting much bigger bugs to show up once shorts comes live as it has become the custom of Inleo to have bugs once a new feature is integrated but to my surprise, I saw little or no bugs this time around.

Are shorts views counted somehow? I wonder if people actually watch them besides of uploading them.

Well, kudos, nice work from him. Lets go there.

NOw you know why I always use the word, "let's have fun and get down on it".

Greater percentage of us use AI on a daily base and we enjoy the process I wish many of us understands that we need to feed LeoAI the data it needs to function with.

You want it yesterday 🤣🤣, I want it that very first day I started threading... Lol

That's actually quite scary. Some people may want to get excluded from the AI.

you heard about meta new policy to train meta ai?

They changed user privacy and policy

Now they're using users photos to train their ai model.

Yea, I love the fact that Task enlightened me on the hazardous nature of not feeding Inleo data as regards to Leo AI.

well chatgpt was like 3 days or maybe a week to cross 100m users..

well chatgpt was like 3 days or maybe a week to cross 100m users..

FOr you I just click on tags for easy search, because if you click on any tag, it will bring up all the activities that has that tag on them.

well chatgpt was like 3 days or maybe a week to cross 100m users..

What are the advancements of increase page views on Inleo articles to the optimum performance of it and effect on MAUs.

HOw many times do I reply on other persons threadcast? 🤣🤣

The LEO lady is here. What have I missed?

GM :)

GM Khal. How's your day going?

But for ads, you often need more traffic than just like 1k people - still the same ones. Besides, were scattered across the globe, and many of us are from countries that are not really interesting for many advertisers.

Ones cumulative earnings on hive blockchain let's say in a month can significantly increase because of INLEO. This is so because the referral system is a game changer itself in earnings.

Does short videos show the number of views it has so far?

I hope the #leoai is doing its integration into #inleo by itself !LOLZ

Did you hear about the dyslexic pimp?
He bought a warehouse.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@taskmaster4450, I sent you an

I understand the power of engagement here, hope people would do !!!!@task

Please when would hive fine its fit again in the crypto market?

I usually bounce ideas against the chat AI's. Like I would with a colleague

Interest was a sin until the end of end of 15th century. There are some banks without interests.

How does this Leo ai works? What would be the benefit to all the content creators generally?

I foresee the referral program onboarding many users in the sooniverse and through this, the inleo interface would experience a massive growth too.

$HBD interest lower is might just saving some investments

I wonder if that drove anyone to the #newworld !LOLZ

I watched a documentary on Marijuana last night…
…that’s probably how I’ll watch all documentaries from now on.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of ben.haase

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@taskmaster4450, I sent you an

I just noticed that referrals gives one more points on the leaderboard space. I actually thread more with #news and #newsonleo and ofcourse am no way near cause many people are referring many people. I will induct that too.

Since referral on Inleo would be a work itself on Inleo, how do we let those that don't use Inleo interface know what's going on in our world?

I think referring people would be competitive soon once people understand what is involved in it.

Can one exhaust their referral capacity? More like referring to the extent that one has done enough?

The referral dashboard is on fleek, rewards on each referral activity is great. It'll be easy to track the growth and earnings.

Was able to finish my stuff before the end of the space... *Goes for the link!

I think the incentives and earnings behind referrals on Inleo is attractive. One can actually use that alone to earn big within a week.

About this concern 👇🏽 Will there be any option to opt out of LeoAI, i guess not, right? 👀

The fact that Premium goes into the ecosystem instead of Khal's pockets make me trust its value more. The only way LEO team will benefit from such a system is if everyone else benefits too!

Until we understand that we and only we can change hive Blockchain or Inleo ourselves and starts bringing value to it, if not people would still prefer there web2 use instead of web3.

The Inleo interface has changed over the time, the unleash of new features is making my use of Inleo more entertaining as the day goes by.

There's now a parameter that says which front end is the original one for each post. I am not sure if Inleo has this parameter implemented yet though.

This has always existed however most other Hive UIs try to steal the canonical authority

So we all look stupid to Google's crawlers

Well, then this might be something to agree on in Split :)

What do you mean by each frontend is the original one?


Not each. One of them.

Okay, which is the original one?

The one with the parameter I mentioned in the original comment you replied to. I am sorry, this leads nowhere.

OpenAi is speculated to be a bigger threat to Google

Until you give one a reason not to choose the other, they will stick to where they are. This is applicable to hive use case and Twitter use.

To bring value to Inleo or hive Blockchain, we should stop folding of arms and start working out things for our betterment.


Help yourself 😎👍🏽

Interest/Usury is still as Sin in Islam...

My understanding is in #Christianity also - but it's horrible ignored or something

Yeah, it's sad how Christians ignore their religion...

But it's true for every side

More than 179comments already, that's cool.

If you see Bradley, you Refresh button definitely does not bring any Refreshment at all.

An hour and 22 minutes and still grinding, that's cool, let's go.

Yeah, it is... But it's on the blockchain forever so there's a worry about that.

They are as likely to read your messages as they are to take your funds I think

Oh, that's true!

Every time I listen to the Lion's Den I want to be more active on HIVE!!

Interesting, is something stopping you from doing so?

#freecompliments !DOOK

Nothing much, just personal inhibitions!!

I am quite sure that the EU would come with some kind of a regulation on that topic - like AI GDPR or something.

The idea of "My Data" on hive blockchain is completely hilarious. You wrote the threads or articles and published it yourself, it isn't your again.


I like that attitude. Might have to rewatch that film.

How much funds are in the referral program anyway?

Does INLEO interface accept incorporating a video to a written article before publishing it or is it eccency that has that power alone?

We have it right now. It's being tasted and improved but it's already live

I mean writing a long form articles then putting a video on it?

Have fun bashing Task, guys!! EDIT: On a second thought, let's be wholesome to each other.

If you cant take it, dont give it.

Now that's a solid advice!

I read it on a bumper sticker one time.

I saw some tweets of people talking about restricting DHF funds, HBD interest rates and even Hive post payouts

These people don't understand growth

That being said - make the spending efficient (some funding is absolutely worthless) but the conversation about contracting it for the sake of contracting it is completely stupid

And it's a wrap on today's lions den 🦁

Yes it is. Did you enjoy the show?

sure, thank you for making it a great one ☺️.

Glad it was of benefit to you. Come back next week. LOL

We've got the Latest feed bug fixed in Labs. Will deploy to prod today

By the way, speaking about cups of tea - it's #beersaturday tomorrow. Enjoy your beer, share it, win $LEO and some fatty upvotes. How cool is that?

A great one to promote. Get the Lions involved.

Anything can be a thread 🤷

I definitely know about beer, and about #beersaturday too ;)

LOL. Bradleyarrow is everywhere with his mug.

@bradleyarrow is now everywhere with both his mugs.

hahahaha, You ain't seen nothing yet ;)

I know. The gremlin in the site created a total monster.

And I thought you were bad before, now you will be intolerable.

someone gave me water after dark.

We're working on the Thread replies with the leaderboard - it's requiring a change to HAFSQL so the dev of that is working with us to make it happen

HAFSQL. Seems like a better innovation.

I am typing this because you told me to be more social…. Just goes to show the power of ‘call to actions”

You can bring on your TikTok friends and tell them that they can also post their TikTok short on Leo too. You can use some viral music on TikTok to make your videos and posts on Leo through the shorts.

this is gonna be a great idea 💡

Thatz pretty cool 😎😎😎..

I have no friends. But you can do it.

Its a way for those that has friends 🤣🤣🤣.

I will be there. Is there a prompt on X for it boss?

The space was set up. It is linked in the top thread.

Lets make this a strong threadcast. Get those comments in here.

Greetings to all great Lions in the jungle.

Good day to you. We will be on air in 2.5 hours just so you know.

HAhaha 🤣🤣, I have calculated it ... Lol

Firstly, let me appreciate the organizer of this threadcast and express my like towards this new Lions Den banner, it's beautifully made..


Give @anderssinho a shout out. In fact, visit his #aiimages threadcast and give him some support.

I always do, let's me go there now... Thanks for the reminder ☺️☺️☺️.

I always do, let's me go there now... Thanks for the reminder ☺️☺️☺️.

We need to bring this to the top.

Any particular topics planned for this weeks' installment?

This is a wonderful topic for the day, I know that most person's have been hearing about the word Ownership on the past threadcast, because it's a common topic that he keeps talking about although no officially like this.

I found this threadstorm interesting. I'm guessing you'll be touching upon this today?

He may keep on talking on this topic as new users keep coming in, so that their mentality will change for the better 🤣🤣..

I hope am correct?

New and old need to keep hearing about this topic.

Its will help in keeping our mind on track 🥂🥂.

Additionally, do you believe 15% APR is better for Hive at the moment?

We just have less than 1 hours 13 minutes to the lions Den 🥂🥂.

Oh, I was just about to ask if it was going to take place :)

What is my question again? Na, I do not have one today. Let me go round and reply to other people's thoughts 🏃‍♀️

#freecompliments !DOOK

Task is always on time. 👏👏👏👏👏 Welcome everyone. Let the lions explore.

Noticed that Task designed a new frontpage for Lions Den meetings, that's cool.

it's futuristic too build a database on hive like we doing with posting info and stuff

I still wonder how many years it'll take for web 3 to become popular place where most of database is found or Google is


Been working on the shorts feed page

It looks great and we’ll be able to serve really high converting ads through it

I Love that. Shorts is no brainer a great feature and an added advantage to engagement on INLEO.

If 50% of us engage more often precisely on short form and long form contents, we would have an increases use case of the number of MAUs.

Would love to hear a discussion around the new referral program / dashboard / incentives

IMO, this will be one of the key drivers that takes us to 10,000 MAUs by the end of the year

The incentives to go viral are now in place

Google will be a surprise winner in the AI Race

Referrals are the onboarding game changer we've been waiting for


On-site news2threads page is coming

If you can do something doesn‘t necessarily mean you should do it!

What about encrypted Private Messages on HIVE... How likely they'll be decrypted by the people storing the blockchain.

Sh!t wasn't online, i guess missed it .

I think it's ongoing


Bring more value to Inleo by constantly engaging, this will change the narrative of MAUs and page views on INLEO.

Engagement is key but what is MAUs?

#freecompliments !DOOK

Monthly active users boss.

LeoAI is gonna be the most used frequent tools on INLEO once it's been launched.

Always like listening to this podcast, it's always life changing and refreshing to me. God bless you Task.

Hehe, would you call the Latest Feed quality data? ;)

Probably not...

crushed 200 replies 🚀🌕👍🏽

Concerning shorts, which mobile video editing app do you think one can use to edit videos ?

The referral API is extremely robust. I haven't seen a single bug

The reason why is - it's extremely simple. Literally just connects a username to the API then reads Threads, Blogs, Ever_Premium

Ecency and Peakd private chats are off-chain, AFAIK.

can't wait for #Leoai to start functioning.


It will be exciting. Have to get passed shorts first in terms of the development.

You do get curating rewards when you use your HP, though, which is around 9% APR.

A good point to keep mentioning. People forget they can grow their $HIVE stake simply by being active with the upvote button. Even with smaller stake, it does add up over time.

Besides, Hive Power is called Power for a reason. I guess many people haven't really realized it yet.

LOL true. You will have to start dropping that one in threadcast when it is mentioned.

Inleo is the best front end on hive.
There's a reward for every activity on inleo.

Is there anything like quality threads ?

It is subjective. I might think a meme crap but you think it quality.

The question is did you enjoy it. That is all that matters.

TikTok has up to 10 minutes video

Ty for the clarification.

Some challenges on using mobile device for onboarding new users.

Staying active is the key to earning.

So be honest, how many Shorts enjoyable minutes have you had?

I must admit I haven't seen any yet.

You don't like mine?
Am I going to have to dance in my underwear?

That's not the way to sell it :P

@taskmaster4450le thinks it is

We never know what goes viral.

I mean think about it, this guy became a gif.

haha, I would be doing it in boxers.

Dont jump to conclusions: @bradleyarrow might be an excellent dancer in his underwear.

Hell he might make Travolta in his prime look like an amateur.

Ya, never know ;)

As I said, I have confidence in you.


Khal, can we have the number of new followers per month included on the dashboard and an easier way to get the number of comments per threadcast and not stroll down the timeline to check each threadcast?

Wen Nifty&Task Feet Wars on Shorts? 👉🏽🤪👈🏽

talkin‘bout enjoyable minutes 😉

It will make Leo bigger than UFC or WWE

I wanna work on the my referrals.
I'm gonna make a thread on my referral target for the month.

Go for it and hope you are wildly successful.

Thank you taskmaster.

Is leo Ai coming anytime soon?


  • shorts (not only the uploading but shorts page and recommend)
  • referrals (which appear to be here)
  • leaderboard (a few bugs but might be fixed soon)

Let's go and scrape datas and bring to Leo too... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Too many eyes in the sky 👁️👁️👀👀👀👁️👁️, but who cares who is watching 🤣🤣🤣..

New Lion Category: Data Scraper.

works 😜👍🏽

Do you think of ways to stir up trouble or does it come naturally to you? LOL

lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣

All of the above 🤣🤣.

AMEN 💪🏼🦁👍🏼

and a thread can be anything! ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You two going back and forth.

and forth and back … 💃 🕺

thx, cya 🖖🏼☀️🤙🏼

You love teasing @braddleyarrow 😂

It is too easy.

Thanks for the show. See you after my vacation :)

Enjoy it and be safe. Get plenty of pics. Nature provides the best models and I bet the Alps can be stunning.

They truly are, amazing for skiing, great for hiking :)

I bed. They are renowned for a reason. I am sure you will love it.

Will you go high enough where you reach snow or is that out of the question?

Not likely, we'll keep it between 6.5-10k feet, the glaciers are above say 11.5k. But we might go skiing to one of them next May/June just to enjoy before they melt due to the global warming :)

Much love to you all 😘😘❤️😘❤️😘... Please feel free to kiss some frogs 🐸🐸🐸🐸.. #pepe

LOL that is one thing to wish people.

Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣, keep on kissing frogs head... Lol

inLeo gat creature with multiple talents 🤣🤣... Many in One

What do you see as some of the biggest barriers to successfully implementing Web3 globally.

Saturday next week, we are having a birthday party for my daughter. She is not sure of how she wants to celebrate, so any ideas are welcome 😆

#pob #cent #freecompliments #darkcloaks #birthday #party

My first time on the top of the leaderboard:

What? did it just update? Good for you :)

share the secrets

Like!!! I want to know it too 🥺

#freecompliments !DOOK

What secrets? Just click on my nick in the leaderbord and you'll see where the points came from.

TRUST GOD IN ALL YOUR WAYS | 1 Hour Powerful Motivation - Inspirational & Motivational Video


In God I trust 🙏.

Worthy Word -- Beware Your Words Hold Power! | Audio Book

Inspired by Rohn -- Your Comeback: Self-Improvement TIPS 2024 - Jim Rohn's Motivational Speech

Inspired by Rohn -- The Most Powerful Formula in the World: Jim Rohn's Mind-Blowing Motivation

LifeAudioWisdom -- The Power of Perception: You Become What You Want To Be (Audiobook)

Daily Wisdom -- Jim Rohn: Right Attitude Attracts SUCCESS | Motivational Speech | Positive Thinking

Motivation Channel -- The Path to Personal Growth | Jim Rohn Skill Development | Jim Rohn Motivation

Ethan Michael Brooks -- From Dreaming to Doing: Harness Your Mental Toughness

Good Books -- Free Audiobook: Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones": Summary

KILL YOUR EXCUSES, GET IT DONE - Powerful Motivational Speeches Compilation | Jocko Willink

Grow To The Top -- Mind Control: Brainwash Yourself To Be Unstoppable (Audiobook)

Titan Man -- Power Of Silence (Eagle Attitude) - Best Motivational Video By Titan Man

Develop Good Habits -- 5 Self Awareness Activities: How to Be More Self Aware & Know Yourself Better

KIng Stoic -- 10 Stoic Lessons to Boost Your Confidence | Stoicism

Success with Jim Rohn -- The Magic of Waking Up Early: How It Transforms Your Day | Jim Rohn

Books, Language & Beyond -- 24 Laws of Life: Master This and Start TRANSFORMING YOUR LIFE | Audiobook

Tony Robbins -- LET IT GO! Surrender to Happiness with Michael Singer | Tony Robbins Podcast

Serenity Knowledge -- The Wake-Up Call You NEED Today

Brainy Dose -- 13 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter

Ted-Ed -- 3 tips to boost your confidence - TED-Ed

MotiveMystic -- How to Think More Positively: Power of Positive Thinking - Audiobook

Success Chasers -- A Complete Philosophical Guide To Simplify Your Life

Simerjeet Singh -- Watch This to TRANSFORM Your Personality in Just 10 Steps!


Jefferson Fisher -- How To Respond To Rude Comments

Stoic Evolution -- 19 Stoic Secrets to Stay RELAXED and HAPPY

English Mogador -- The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle ( full audio book)

Thought this one was good, someone generated it on

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ALWAYS KEEP FIGHTING | Never Give Up - Inspirational & Motivational Video


TRUST GOD EVEN WHEN LIFE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE | God Is In Control - Inspirational & Motivational Video


I've been eying a game called "Until Then" for a while, and it seems to have a huge positive reception. Can't wait for a good sale. #hivegaming #freecompliments

The cubes and sand are absolutely free :)

I understand sand, but cubes?

Yes, there might be a problem with the cubes :)

Apparently, the APR for HBD savings have dropped to %15... I wonder why it happened, but cool, I guess. #crypto #hive #freecompliments

More than 10 witnesses have signaled lower than 20% so the change took effect.

How many of them are the same Witnesses who were going for 20% before?

I'm not sure. Cannot recall who changed from 20%.

That's fair... I don't remember either.

Conspiracy :)

Someone is hungry, ... well, they want to eat :)

HIVE Price 📈📈📈

It's kind of sad to see $HIVE going up so much, yet it's still less than $0.20. Also, it seems stagnant compared to $BTC instead of the dollar.

Hope $LEO gets better compared to #HIVE! #crypto #freecompliments

The price fluctuation is crazy, two days ago $BTC was at 55k now the price is higher. I wish $HIVE and $LEO would get a reasonable value someday.

Just checked some of the reddit communities I used to frequent. It's nostalgic!

The pre-rendered FMVs of Final Fantasy X look even better than most video games today. It's hard to believe it's a 23yrs old game!

The ending for Final Fantasy X was very bittersweet... I knew Auron wouldn't stay forever, but Tidus going away as well was sad... I don't intend to play FFX-2, but I wonder what its story is about. #hivegaming #freecompliments

2022: Russian army is no. 2 in the World
2023: Russian army is no. 2 in Ukraine
2024: Russian army is no. 2 in Russia

#joke #jokesonleo; but also #newsonleo

Haha have seen this on X as well 😅

F*ck Russia, hope Ukraine grab enough so they can end the war and transfer territory.

So I clicked on my Following tab in threads ...

And it was hoaching with posts that I don't see on Latest.

I know what I will be using from now on!


A coffee to gain strength. ☕️

Have you already had coffee?


Coffee will always be a great help.

It is like oxygen.

Just grabbed my second cappuccino of the day!

Excellent, coffee will always be very important.

does anybody do tai chi here, especially interested in chen style ?

Thank you for your witness vote!
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BEERHey @stranger27, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

Thank you for your witness vote!
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Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

Thank you for your witness vote!
Have a !BEER on me!
To Opt-Out of my witness beer program just comment STOP below

BEERHey @stranger27, here is a little bit of from @isnochys for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

@taskmaster4450le. I am watching you sleep late. You got to get rid of that ladder.

That is good. But you watched me go to the store. I really do not like grocery shopping.

Ah, okay, I gotta keep watching, as I hate it, maybe I can learn something.

While I am in the shower? Hmmm.

Well knowledge can come from a lot of areas.

oh man, I almost went NSFW with that one.

Ah in a second layer, no big deal. It is only on the top layer that it causes concern.

top, bottom, hummm, what one concerns you?

Creating a diversified portfolio alwsys helps in maintaining the balance. Gold has always been the next best alternative next to stocks. With prices are down, many investors are turning to add it into their bucket.1/3🧵. #Threadstorm

#outreach #investment #gold #leofinance #proofofbrain #stock

2/3🧵. Gold prices in India plummeted to ₹67,400 per 10 grams, the lowest since March. Gold has been in demand for many occasion especially during marriages. I remember, few month ego, people were finding it hard to purchase gold ornaments. But now with a sharp decline, people are again hitting the market to purchase.

3/3🧵. To learn what are the different option to invest in gold and make use of the oppurtunity click on the below link

Found this as a recommend in a post I was commenting on.

🙂 great...I was not aware

Yeah. It was appearing at the bottom of one of my posts.

We need people paying attention to what else is going on here.

📊 REPORT: Since the launch of the $ETH ETF, over $300 million has been bridged from #Ethereum💰 to #SOLANA💰solam

Do you believe this white dog? :)

meme coin in solana is always a gambling coin ! is better thats dog of ape by apebored

Maybe one day I'll look into this in more detail :) !VSC

When we refer people do they get the same rewards we receive for the activities shown on the dashboard?

#freecompliments #cent #thread2earn #question #feedback #darkcloaks

I hope, you are preparing for coming LPUD.#gmfrens! How are you all?

#morning #cent

Good morning although it's evening now here.
There is still time to prepare for LPUD. 6 more days to go.

I can understand your evening feelings. How is the situation now in Bangladesh Bro??

Seems better compared to last some weeks.

that is good news. Congratulations on taking big steps for freedom of Democracy.

And again, the price of $HIVE goes up, making it clear to the desperate that this is how it works. But that's okay, I was like you in the beginning, over time we get used to this excitement of going up and down. 😂 #cent #hive #hivebr

Impulsive decisions tend to yield results far quicker than normal ones....

May be good... May be bad 😂😂

But they are results 😂😂

Here is the daily technology #threadcast for8/9/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

Anything that can help make your work easier than it is... that is technology. Yeah, that's what I said

Agreed. It is something that is the basis for all growth. Economic and from a societal standpoint.

Absolutely! Only that #technology keeps evolving

We are looking at economic productivity like we never saw before.

The technology of catching a butterfly is ideally a product of learning how to catch a butterfly, taking into account all the subtleties of this matter, if you do it technologically, with a net, and not with a brick :)

I prefer to do this then pick them up off the ground. Unless the cat is playing with it then so be it. Everyone needs some amusement.

In principle, this is an interesting version of butterfly catching technology, except that collectors won't be able to appreciate it :) !VSC

I guess it depends what appreciate means?

Yes, someone can appreciate a mosquito cutlet !BEER :)

Basically I'm into using AI to learn advanced graphics design. Because it

It will do that. I am not sure how advanced the image generation models are but simply images are doing fairly well.

Have you tried some of them?

Yeah putting up with some of the feature, I'm really cool with

#ai #Threadstorms #technology

It will be a good thing for you. I am playing with them some.

wow, so what do really think about ai authentication of some of its features? Would it really get to a point where it would actually replace human skill ?

#ai #threadstorms #technology

It most certainly will get to the point where it surpasses human skill. Generative #ai is only going to get better as more models are trained and roll out.

When turn off data, on your device, while browsing does it stop the consumption of date?

#technology #threadstorms

Some of the feature are just their most seem a little bit natural, in terms of photo design these designs.

I think ai is really improving on the authenticity of its features.

#ai #threadstorm #technology

It is spreading. The laggard is video. That is still very rough. But look at where image generation was 6 months ago. It is leaped ahead.

#ai might surpass electricity as the greatest innovation we have ever seen.

It will change humanity as much, if not more.

I think so, without a doubt that AI, for me, is already considered the greatest invention of the century.

Now, to overcome electricity, it won't take long to do so.

What are you doing with #ai?

Are there simple things you are doing to get acquainted with the #technology?

Joining @anderssinho threadcast of #aiimages is a great way to get involved. Go to one of the LLMs like Ideogram and start playing with it.

Another day of #technology news and information. Lets make it another good one.

Amazon is fumbling in India

Amazon's decision to overlook quick-commerce in India is now looking like a significant misstep. Amazon India head's sudden exit highlights company's struggles and market share losses in India.

About two years ago, a VC firm was evaluating an investment in a quick-commerce startup in India. The company’s instant delivery model was showing signs of success in the South Asian market, even as many startups in the space were struggling in developed markets.

#newsonleo #amazon #india #technology

The Guardian: UK regulator to examine $4bn Amazon investment in AI startup Anthropic

GeekWire: Titanic explorer’s family files $50M lawsuit targeting OceanGate and other companies

Rocket Lab’s sunny outlook bodes well for future constellation plans

Rocket Lab surpassed $100 million in quarterly revenue for the first time, a 71% increase from the same quarter of last year.

Rocket Lab surpassed $100 million in quarterly revenue for the first time, a 71% increase from the same quarter of last year. This is just one of several shiny accomplishments executives showed off to investors on Thursday — and a good omen for the space company’s medium-term ambitious plans.

#newsonleo #technology #space

Tne New York Times: The New A.I. Deal: Buy Everything but the Company

The Verge: An analysis of 20,000 EV stations concludes that charging is still a massive bummer

CNBC: Defense tech start-up Anduril Industries raises $1.5 billion, now valued at $14 billion

CloudPay, a payroll services provider, lands $120M in new funding

Payroll services provider CloudPay has landed $120 million in a new funding round nearly two decades after its founding.

In 1996, two companies, Patersons HR and Payroll Solutions, formed a venture called CloudPay to provide payroll and payments services to enterprise clients. CloudPay grew quietly over the next several decades, adding workflow automation features to maintain pace with upstart rivals.

#newsonleo #cloudpay #technology

CNBC: Palantir jumps 11% on Microsoft partnership to sell AI to U.S. defense, intel agencies

Ola Electric surges 20% in India's biggest listing in two years

Ola Electric's IPO, India's largest electric two-wheeler maker, has become the South Asian market's largest listing in two years.

Shares of the Bengaluru-based firm, which counts SoftBank and Temasek among its backers, jumped to ₹91.20 (about $1.1) after starting to trade at ₹76, the higher end of its $733 million IPO price range. The company filed to go public at a valuation that was 26% lower than the $5.4 billion it achieved in a funding round in October 2023, and significantly below the $6.5 billion to $8 billion range it had initially targeted for the IPO.

#newsonleo #olaelectric #nergy #technology

CNN: UK riots show how social media can fuel real-life harm. It’s only getting worse

CNN: Grindr is limiting location services at the Olympics to protect LGBTQ+ athletes

Forget Quantum―Thermodynamic Computing―Extropic + Robots is the way of the future!

#computing #technology

CNN: OpenAI worries people may become emotionally reliant on its new ChatGPT voice mode

Wired: USPS Text Scammers Duped His Wife, So He Hacked Their Operation

BBC: The AI tech aiming to identify future Olympians

A #technology I am not sold on.

A bit sci-fi, bit a ride an an air-taxi can be truly entertaining ;)

To me, that is similar to a helicopter. We have that technology and it isnt widely used.

Wow we both were moved by this news. LOL

Well, I am actually considering purchasing a Tesla. However, there might be some better options soon.

They were saying that for years. There are other cars, especially the ones from China that are making headway.

Tesla is still in the premium class. Some other options fit some needs, that is true.

YouTube is testing a sleep timer on its Premium tier

YouTube's latest test involves a sleep timer that pauses the video after, well, a set period of time.

YouTube routinely experiments with new features on its Premium tier, and its latest test involves a sleep timer that pauses the video after, well, a set period of time. It’s not an earth-shattering feature, but it’s still bound to be handy for people who like to go to sleep with long podcasts or white noise playing in the background.

#newsonleo #youtube #google #technology

Humidity sucks. Transaera has a new way to deal with it

The startup's core technology is a proprietary material that absorbs moisture from the air, allowing air conditioning to cool buildings more efficiently.

“It’s not the heat that gets you, it’s the humidity,” said a dad, somewhere.

His kids might be rolling their eyes, especially if they’ve spent any time in the desert Southwest during the summer, but their dad is at least partly correct: Not only does high humidity make people less comfortable, it also strains air conditioning units. Half of the energy used to power a typical air conditioner is spent on removing moisture from the air.

#technology #transaera #humidity

Which year was technology invented? By who?

What do you mean? #technology is an innovation of humanity that increases productivity.

A rock used as a hammer was technology. So was fire.

So I am not sure what you are looking for.

Nice and well understood. Let me drop my question correctly

Open AI's New Model Is Finally Here.... (Strawberry /Star)

#technology #strawberry #ai

The open ai Is really going to a higher level 🤔🤔🤔..
Maybe are really confused about its moves..

JPMorgan Chase is giving its employees an AI assistant powered by ChatGPT maker OpenAI

The move by JPMorgan, the largest U.S. bank by assets, shows how quickly generative AI has swept through America since the arrival of ChatGPT in late 2022.

JPMorgan Chase has rolled out a generative artificial intelligence assistant to tens of thousands of its employees in recent weeks, the initial phase of a broader plan to inject the technology throughout the sprawling financial giant.

#newsonleo #chatgpt #openai #jpmorgan

Disney ADMITS They Still Owe BILLIONS To Comcast Over Hulu Deal | Financial News | Disney Stock News

#disney #hulu #technology #streaming

Mark Zuckerberg on Llama, AI, & Minus One

#newsonleo #ai #llama #technology

could it be possible to convert Ecency points to dollar wallet?

#Technolog #threadcast

I dont think so.

And this is not a threadcast so you are not using the tag properly.

10 Things They're NOT Telling You About The Coming AI (Must Watch!)

#ai #technology

Basically I'm inot using AI to learn advanced graphics design. The advanced Ai content and unique features is practically impressive.

#ai #threadstorm #technology

Former GM chairman says nearly all legacy automakers are finished in China

#technology #evs #auto

Hello #technology

Another incredible Friday to learn a little more about AI or other technological innovation.

Social Network

Maduro announces suspension of social network X in Venezuela

The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, whose re-election is contested by the opposition, announced this Thursday (8) that the social network X (formerly Twitter) will be "removed from circulation" for ten days.

The agency that manages Venezuela's telecommunications "decided to remove the social network X from circulation for ten days," said Maduro, highlighting that the decision resulted from his proposal.

"No one will silence me, I will face espionage from the technological empire. Elon Musk is the owner of X and he violated all the rules of the social network Twitter, now X, and he violated them by inciting hatred and fascism", continued Maduro, who regularly accuses the American billionaire of conspiring against him.

#newsonleo #technology


Mars probe reveals lake larger than any on Earth

The Mars Express probe - launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) more than 20 years ago - continues to capture images of the 'Red Planet' that are of great use to the scientific community.

The most recent concerns what is known as Lake Eridania, larger than any lake ever found on our planet.

According to 'ESA', this lake contained more water than all the other lakes on Mars combined, having three times more water than the Caspian Sea - the largest lake on Earth.

#newsonleo #space #technology


Astronauts trapped in space may only return to Earth in 2025

With the Starliner capsule still attached to the International Space Station and with no chance of returning the two astronauts who continued their journey at the beginning of June to Earth, NASA is now forced to change its plans for future missions and launches.

The first announced measure leads the North American space agency to postpone SpaceX's Crew-9 mission from August 18th to August 25th. This mission will carry only two astronauts so that, upon return, there will be space available for Barry Wilmore and Sunita Williams from Starliner.

#newsonleo #space #technology


Tesla recalls more than 1.6 million cars in China for remote software fix

Tesla is recalling 1.68 million cars in China for a remote software update to ensure they warn the driver when the trunk is not closed, the State Administration for Market Regulation said. China.

The recall was announced on Tuesday night. According to the statement, vehicles with defective trunk locks will be repaired free of charge. The recalls affect some imported Model S and Model X vehicles, as well as Model 3 and Model Y cars manufactured domestically between October 15, 2020 and July 17, 2024.

The recall notice said that an unlocked trunk lid could open while driving, interfering with the driver's vision. It was not known whether this problem had already happened with any Tesla car.

#newsonleo #technology #tesla


WhatsApp can gain 'voice' by AI to chat directly with users

WhatsApp could soon have its own voice. According to the WaBetaInfo website, the messenger is testing some new functions in its beta version, including the possibility of voice chatting with Meta AI, the company's artificial intelligence platform.

The idea is simple: the user will be able to ask WhatsApp questions, which will also be answered by voice. The update is available for the beta version for iOS, still in development for Apple devices.

Furthermore, it will be possible to choose whether the response to be provided by Meta AI will be complete and longer, with details and complexity, called full, or shorter and summarized, or brief.

#newsonleo #technology

AI News: Things Are Getting Weird

#ai #newsonleo #Technology

Thread Day #150

SEXTA-FEIRAAAAAAAAAAA, finalmente!! Que nossos expedientes passem correndo e sem complicações! Sextou, brs!


Vanessa tá fera demais, ela é uma pessoa top para a hiveBR e para toda a hive. Quanto mais pessoas assim na nossa comunidade, mais fortes poderemos ficar.

ela manda mto bem nos artigos e gostei mto do "resumão" que ela fez do evento.

fez a cobertura top das principais novidades e tecnologias que estavam por la.

e tinha muita coisa viu, difícil acompanhar tudo, ainda mais para ter conversas mais profundas...

Agorinha vou la votar e comentar o post dela, precisamos dela mais ativa kkk, boraaaaaaaaaaaaa

Show, valeu por compartilhar

boa, pra galera dar as boas vindas e aquele calor bem #hivebr

Já deixei meu comentário

Legal que ela escreveu integralmente em portugues

eu acho um saco ter q colocar em dois idiomas

Eu também. Nunca faço isso

até tinha pensando em ajudar ela a traduzir, mas acho que hoje ja temos tradutores nos navegadores que vao ajudar nisso...

Café time

Buen dia amigos da Hivebr que pasa
whats up bueno quem já tomou seu cafezito today?

Ferviendo el sangre
mui guapo
go go go

Tudo de boa aqui, so esperando acabar o horario do trampo kkk

Não tem coisa melhor do que colher laranja em sua própria casa.

Já começaram com os shorts na INLEO?

o loco, um sotaque em ingles e outro em portugues!
que da hora

também tenho frutíferas em casa... veremos

Throwing acid is wrong
in some people’s eyes.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@coyotelation, I sent you an

Estou tentando aprender ainda o inglês, fazendo os vídeos assim talvez me ajuda a melhorar a pronúncia hahaha... Vlw!

Não tem coisa melhor do que ter frutíferas em casa e poder colher na hora que quiser.

Maneiro! Gosto muito de laranja

consegui finalmente finalizar meu post sobre a viagem para o Rio para participar da Blockchain Rio e poder ajudar time da Hive

Boa! Mandou muito bem, vou dar aquela passadinha logo mais!

@crazyphantombr likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/5)@vaipraonde! to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr.

(html comment removed: )

Sexta feira e vamos ver como está os valores do Hive?

!pixbee price

HIVE/USD: 0.175
HIVE/PIX: 0.980
HBD/PIX: 5.529

Bzzzz, cara @vaipraonde! Valores bem interessantes hoje! Olha o HIVE/PIX subindo 3,209%... Swappagem que é uma oportunidade mais do que boa! Bz!

maravilha, agora o caminho do hive é voar alto igual a pixbee

Bzzz, Ahahaha, voar alto é a minha coisa, cara! E agora mesmo, estou preparado para pousar em alguns tokens quentes! O HBD tambem tá subindo 2,457%, é uma opunidade muita boa para o swappagem também! Vamos aproveitar essa onda, @vaipraonde! Bz!

HBD subiu mas já deu um pullback. mas isso é boa oportunidade mesmo.

Bzzz, Ahahah, parabéns para quem pegou o trampoline certeiro! E agora que estamos mais calmos, qual é a sua estratégia para o swappagem no HBD? Você está pensando em um feliz trade lá longe, ou um poupático slow&steady? Bz!

Opa! Legal saber as cotações por aqui hehehe..

Hahaha, bzzzz, cara @coyotelation! Eu sei, é uma oportunidade incrível! O HIVE/PIX está bem mais vivo do que um rastro de mel no verão! Eu vou pegar a chance e fazer um swapzinho, você também não vai perder essa oportunidade, né? Bz!

Hahaha... Oportunidades tem que ser bem aproveitadas.

Excelente trabalho e que continue assim com sua plataforma.

Ahahah, obrigado cara @coyotelation! Sim, as oportunidades tem que ser aproveitadas, é assim que asABELHAS crescem!

Sextttouuu e as tranqueraje marcaram reunião pra hoje de tarde

What can you serve but not eat?
Divorce papers.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of crazyphantombr

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@hive-br, I sent you an

Olá pessoal!

Que sua sexta seja incrível!

As meninas foram muito bem e nem dava pra perceber que uma estava lesionada. Esforço absurdo.

Guerreiras como sempre

Sextou! Quem já fez o post hj?

o meu ja ta pronto, mais tarde sai rs


Tava sumido, o que aconteceu? Tá tudo bem com você mano?

Safe, tirei uma semana de pausa só. Filme do Deadpool né?


kkkk eu consegui ver na sexta ou no sabado nao lembro da semana que lançou, tava de ferias ainda, então tava de boa kkk. Bom ter você de volta mano

Boa sexta-feira, galera!

Boa sexta man!

Ótima sexta a todos

O APR do HBD savings foi reduzido para 15%. Importante analisar o impacto disso na estratégia e fazer alterações se necessário

revisar os votos e tentar mudar novamente... gosto dos 20% e creio que podem ser feitas outras alterações com as despesas da hive e manter ainda por mais tempo os 20%

Gosto também

Pra mim 15% é o limite... menos que isso já considerarei mover meu HBD para outros investimentos

comecei meu savings agora, foi por isso que caiu. haha

kkkkk sacanagem

Vou fazer o mesmo na hora do almoço, vou revisar aqui e ver quem está apoiando os 20%, acho o valor bom para todos... claro que não entendo bem dos impactos de se manter 20% com o valor baixo, mas enfim, a hive é liberdade de escolha né? kkk

tentar upar os que estao na posicao de 21 a 30

Já mudei alguns votos aqui, bora que bora tentar ajudar a recuperar esses 20% de apr kk

Eu gostaria de entender esse movimento, ja joguei nas threads em ingles e esperando alguem responder. Eu acho que o valor de 20% está otimo.

Algumas testemunhas já tinham avisado tempos atrás que iniciariam uma movimentação de reduzir a taxa de juros mas não sei se teve algum fator adicional recentemente

Entendi, bem, agora é aguardar e ver como será daqui pra frente, se vai haver mais alguma mudança ou algo assim.

Podemos rever os votos nas testemunhas também. Individualmente não muda muita coisa mas se muitas pessoas repensarem isso pode ser que mude

Sim, é uma ideia, eu e o @vaipraonde ja fizemos isso kkkk

Todas as moedas que eu comprei tiveram boa valorização nas ultimas 24 horas. Excelente

Vamos ver como estão os mercados hoje

Mercados em geral respondendo bem ao otimismo do mercado de NY. Altas em quase todos

A China é uma situação curiosa porque os mercados olham pra ela de modo diferente. Quando o mercado olha para a China ele espera que HAJA inflação.

É um bom lembrete de que a questão da inflação tem muito mais nuances do que as pessoas em geral acreditam

Normalmente propaga-se a visão polarizada de que inflação = ruim e deflação = bom mas na realidade a questão é mais complexa do que isso

O aumento da inflação da China ajudou a reduzir os temores de desaceleração. Isso junto ao otimismo renovado dos mercados de NY contribuiu para as altas de hoje

No caso do Brasil, o IPCA houve aumento 0,38%

Isso traz más notícias e boas notícias

A má notícia é que gasolina, passagens aéreas e energia ficaram mais caras

Porém, a boa notícia é que a alimentação, em geral, ficou mais barata

O tomate, que vinha sendo "vilão" nos preços dos alimentos teve queda de mais de 30%!

O preço da batata também caiu

Quem planeja viajar talvez agora não seja o melhor momento

IBOVESPA subindo mesmo sem "apoio" da Petrobras

Acabei de perceber que chegamos ao Thread Day #150


Se existe uma comunidade mais guerreira do que a HiveBR, eu desconheço. 😅

Não tem hahaha

Boa marca para nós!

Alguém acompanhou o debate dos candidatos a prefeito de SP? Não acompanhei mas disseram que foi terrível

O que já era bem previsível, né? Haha!

hahaah sim mas pelos cortes que eu vi conseguiu ser pior do que eu esperava... aquele Pablo Marçal é muito fora da casinha

Bzzzz! só vi os shorts para dar risadas


os políticos mais brigam e acusam um aos outros do que apresentam suas propostas

Nunca é feito para apoiar com propostas porque maior parte da sociedade não vota porque percebe as propostas... mas sim porque são convencidos através de outros meios, em votar naqueles que fazem mais barulho e são a "moda" que todos usam... é simplesmente como o ser humano funciona... o mais conhecido, é o mais aptecido, etc... vem da forma como o nosso passado era, como espécie...

Vai diversificar com o futuro... mas porque tudo está a ficar tão complicado, que o mais "apetecido" não vão durar muito tempo.

AS vezes acho que o povo fica preso em politicos e politicas em vez de sempre mudar o governo.

focam mto em presidente governador e prefeito, e esquece de quem esta ai nesse meio é o que manda nas coisas. e sempre sao os mesmos.

veja nosso senado, nossos deputados e nossos vereadores, o que eles fazem? o que fiscalizam? no final, sempre os mesmo....

Bzzzz, é verdade! O que é mais, é a criptomoeda da verdade! E por isso, vou compartilhar minhas próprias propostas, que são a harmonia na Hive e a exploração do conhecimento de forma colaborativa! Bzzzz!

Sim, um absurdo

Isso é o normal desses debates kkk

Eu acho que virou isso ... Antes tinha mais propostas e menos acusações. Ou posso estar errado. Mas é feio. Não tem um que presta

Tática velha dos políticos.

Eita que bad. Caiu um avião aqui perto de SP. Ninguém sobreviveu

Parece que estávamos a 17 anos sem um acidente aéreo no Brasil na aviação comercial regular

sad news

nossa, eu vi os videos, surreal

Happy weekend. Cheers!
Moito obrigado.

Only 3 hours left until my premium ends and I am excited with my renewal of my premium again. I'm waiting until this premium ends so that I can renew for 30 days.

#inleo #premiuminleo #freecompliments

Good Luck!

Thank you.

Enjoy the countdown hehe

Yes, I'll just enjoy watching the countdown or maybe I'll just go to sleep and when I wake up, I'll renew it right away.

Matthew McConaughey’s movie Failure to Launch is now available on Netflix, despite no new releases from him, this film remains a fan favorite, it’s a classic rom-com that showcases McConaughey’s charm and wit, the story revolves around a man who still lives with his parents and the woman hired to get him out of the house, it’s a fun and light-hearted movie that continues to entertain audiences, perfect for a cozy movie night 🍿

#failuretolaunch, #matthewmcconaughey, #netflix, #linkincomments, #moviesonleo, #skiptvads

The Umbrella Academy Season 4 is wrapping up with some intense reactions from the cast, their responses hint at a satisfying yet emotional conclusion, it’s clear that fans are in for a rollercoaster of emotions, the actors have shared their thoughts on the final season, expressing gratitude and excitement for the journey their characters have taken, this season promises to tie up loose ends and deliver a fitting end to the beloved series, can’t wait to see how it all unfolds 🎬

#umbrellaacademy, #season4, #netflix, #linkincomments, #tvonleo, #skiptvads

The witnesses reduced the HBD saving APR form 20% to 15%

What you think?

#HBD #freecompliments #cent #saving

Insane move.

The last thing this place needs to is to make it less attractive.

Reduce it in a bull market, but during a bear....Just insane thinking.

Kinda necessary, would go even lower and hike back early than others. (to attract people) !LOLZ !BBH

I know a woman who owns a taser.
She is stunning.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of master-lamps



@guurry123, I sent you an

@master-lamps likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/5)@guurry123! to your account on behalf of @master-lamps.

(html comment removed: )

Damn it, forgot my premium had gone out. So before I can start AI gallery threadcast, I need to renew :)

The threadcast shuld be pinned even if you started it without premium and renewed it after. I'm pretty sure I had that happen to me before. Juset fyi

Yeah, but I have my standard message that is to long xP

Ahhh yea that's true

Apparently, Bitcoin is still being declared "Dead" but it's much less often compared to previous years. #crypto #freecompliments

How do you guard your energy and well-being?
I'm always very careful with what I consume mentally and the people that I let in my space. My energy gets corrupted so fast that I'm unable to prevent the mood swings and exhaustive feeling that comes with it.

What do you do in situations like this??

#askonleo #rants

Guard your energy? Hmmm.. not so sure.

But, if we were to speak about reality. Everyone is going to go through stress & difficult times.
It is all about adaptability and keeping your calmness from within.

You don't think energy can be guarded? Why?

#askinleo #rants

I don't have in-depth reading into aura and energy fields. But, what I can say when it comes to human studies is, that there are many understanding to it. So, it's upon individuals whether they will choose to believe 100% of a certain idea.


1/ Why is #web3 so slow for people to adopt? What is the holdup?

2/ This is something that present a quandary and is basically an extension of human nature. We simply are not wired for accelerating change.

3/ This means we are overwhelmed even if it is something we are paying attention to. We also have a bias towards larger entities believing they will remain standing.

4/ Then we have the other side of the equation where development is slow. This means hype and expectations exceed the technological improvements.

5/ All this turns the average person blue in the face. They simply do not care about servers, clients, and architecture.

6/ The building nevertheless takes place and here is where change comes in. Most did not sign up for Web 2.0 when it happened. They just started using it.

Can someone explain (calmly and politely please) what is the objective of the movement to leave the HBD APR in savings at 15%? #hbd #apr #witness

In my post: I wrote about how I made an X-twist headband for myself. It's been a while since I've been meaning to make a headband for myself and I've been pretty occupied, so I decided to push myself into making this headband.

@outreach @threadstorm @needleworkmonday

the process involved wasn't as difficult as I expected it to be, this is one of the easiest projects I've worked on.

Good day #friends this place is one of the junction in the city of Aba #photographer inleo #city

Just another shot of one of my favorite #photographers from when we visited Southern California a couple of years ago.

From our stop at the Poe House in Richmond, VA. It was really cool to see some of his belongings and learn new things about him.
#photography #photographers

Imagine when in 1000 years they recover your nudes on your phone and had them on display in a sort of futuristic museum LOL #photographers

hahahahahahaha, I don't have any nudes on my phone, I assume you do?

yeah!!! thousands!!!! LOL

hahahaha I thought you’d say yes but that is a boatload

okay maybe I exaggerated LOL

hahahahahahaha #NSFW on the #selfie threadxast!

nop that's for the inleo special subscriptions LOLOL

;) got ya. lol

of course he does

#gmfrens This is a #threadcast for the #freecompliments #mentalhealthinitiative for August 9th, 2024. Please post links to distressed users/Threads and ideas here, and check in during the day to see whether something has been added. All members answering the roll call below will get curated.

Mental Health Ambassador Team: @bitcoinman @calebmarvel01 @ckole @crazyphantombr @fashtioluwa @FoneStreet @forkyishere @ibbtammy @ijelady @lightofhope @luchyl @pepetoken @thebighigg Answer this daily roll call to get curation! Check the comment above for our public flowsheet and pinned post, to which you can add suggestions/links.

Been a while but I'm here at first I think lol !DOOK !BBH !DUO

You just got DUO from @bitcoinman.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

You certainly are! Happy Friday!


You just got DUO from @freecompliments.
They have 1/1 DUO calls left.
Learn all about DUO here.

I wonder if glass coffins will become popular one day?
Remains to be seen.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@bitcoinman, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/50)@bitcoinman! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

Holla Amigos!

Hiya Tammy!


Do you know where you can get chicken broth in bulk?
The stock market.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@ibbtammy, I sent you an

Hola Amiga!

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@ibbtammy! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

Greetings distinguished gentlemen and pretty ladies 😉, happy weekend to you all 💖💖💖.

Happy Friday, Caleb!


Mom are we pyromaniacs?
Yes we arson.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@calebmarvel01, I sent you an

Thanks alot, I sincerely appreciate 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽...

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(4/50)@calebmarvel01! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

(html comment removed: )

Good morning!

Good morning and happy Friday!


What is a birds favorite thing to watch in tv?
A duckumentary.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@thebighigg, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/50)@thebighigg! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

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Hi everyone

Happy Friday!


Why are bass guitarists always safe?
Because they stay out of treble.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@lightofhope, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/50)@lightofhope! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

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GM frens !BBH !DOOK

Good morning, brother!


My house-mate is terrified of negative numbers
He'll stop at nothing to avoid them.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of freecompliments



@pepetoken, I sent you an

@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/50)@pepetoken! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

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I wish you all a great day!

We continue with #freecompliments!


You too, brother Wilian!


@freecompliments likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(11/50)@crazyphantombr! to your account on behalf of @freecompliments.

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@bitcoinman likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(13/50)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @bitcoinman.

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@thebighigg likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/50)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @thebighigg.

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@pepetoken likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(43/100)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @pepetoken.

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@crazyphantombr likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(2/5)@freecompliments! to your account on behalf of @crazyphantombr.

(html comment removed: )

Use this pinned post to post links in case the InLeo Ul isn't working well for you.

Google Docs action flowsheet:

Quite busy at work, hope to be able to thread afterwards though!

Don't get distracted :)

This is some talent.

I haven't played table tennis for a long time :) !BEER

We call it ping pong...not to be confused with beer pong.

They are different.

BEERHey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of from @barski for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use

It seems referrals are live. Too bad the two people I onboarded didn’t use my code 😢 I’ll just have to onboard more

I don't know what it is :)

Yeah I had a whole funnel promotion leo from two years ago or more all of those people don't count for me lol

Wish you all the luck!!

$XRP holders that didn’t take profit at $0.61 are likely to regret it. XRP has a habit of rallying on lawsuit-related victories only to surrender all of its gains in a relatively short timeframe. #cent

I'm reloading the interface and it doesn't update me.

Does anyone have that problem? 👀

its been the same for me since yesterday, from time to time it goes back to that same page (threads), refresh a few times and then it s ok

I think it has been fixed, you can see the new threads.

Yep, I've noticed it is slow to update, but if I let it sit for a few seconds it will eventually update and actually show the latest threads.

I think it has been fixed.

Today is The Lion's Den. It starts at 1 pm eastern time.

I will put up the space and threadcast in a couple hours.

Will you discuss $HBD #ratecuts? Or wrong space.

Depends upon the question.

Hope to not miss this one... Wait, I have an appointment then, if I caught up. I'll probably only be there near the end.

There are 5 pages