
If I click on a thread to see comments, feed always resets to beginning when I go back to feed. Browsing by tag does not work for Homesteading tag. Search window blocks search results when you click on them...

Good feedback. I have similar experiences. I nested all your feedback in a single thread and used the 'feedback tag to make sure the team sees it -- they read all threads in that category

This was smart, thanks for doing this

Can they even see all the threads in that category? I've raised these issues with the feedback tag before, but I've never really gotten much response, which was why I was wondering if maybe I'm the only one with these issues. Good to know I'm not alone!

They definitely see it, and I only occasionally get a written response. Sometimes I do though, and other times the response comes in the form of the issue being fixed. And yet other times, nothing happens. There's a lot of issues to go around and the best thing we can do is to keep reporting them. Things are getting better all the time in my experience. But some things do take a lot of time to get sorted it seems.

Report them with detailed info + screenshots and they are guaranteed to get added to our roadmap and fixed

I see it every single day. It doesn't always warrant a response but every issue in there gets logged

Bear in mind that if you don't describe (and screenshots are very helpful) they issue enough, I will ask for more info. If I don't hear back, it can't get logged as a bug since I don't have enough information to fix it

The back button is a work in progress - it's not super simple to take a user back to the exact location they came from. That being said, we've been working on it and slowly improving it

Not sure why you mean by doesn't work for homesteading tag. Please post a screenshot

Search window is meant to do that. You search, close it when you find what you want and then can reopen it at any time to keep going

You can also drag to move that window around

Searching to find a homesteading post, then closing that window to vote the post, then opening and searching again for the next post, is not really usable IMO.

Moving the window only helps if the 'like' button is near bottom of screen.

...multiple clicks to see nested comments, feed begins to repeat after scrolling through 20 or so threads.

feed begins to repeat after scrolling through 20 or so threads.

Do you have a screenshot of this? I'm not getting it and haven't seen a single other person report that

I have reported it before. Not sure what good a screenshot will do, but I'll work on that.