I stopped watching television news a decade ago and am much happier for it - it's too emotive and sensationalised.
I get my news from websites and I'm choosy about what I click. I'm aware there's been a shooting in America because I've seen the headlines, but I don't know the details because I haven't clicked. No point spending five minutes getting upset about stuff happening on another continent that I can't control.
On the other hand I follow local news from my city about parks, libraries and the DISGRACE that the council hasn't cleaned off graffiti, and vote in every election. If everyone just focused on making their little patch better, the world would improve.
Yeah, it is a waste of time to watch the news. I was laying in bed and had already looked at other stuff and worked a little... :D
A lot of the news I actually dive into, is fed to me through friends and family.
Local news and some national is good. But again, I have friends that keep me posted on this - there is never anything that urgent in the news, I need to hear about it 6 times a day.