The Economy of the Absurd

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It is not quite 6am and I have been up for two hours already, trying not to be up. For some reason I awoke and while I tried to fall back to sleep and I should have just got up and started writing immediately instead - as I had a feeling sleep wasn't going to arrive again. I suspect it is a "reaction" to the last few days, where there is just so much going on that my head is unable to be "at peace" even when asleep and I haven't had enough time to work my normal process of writing to clear it.

The drinking hasn't helped.

Laying in bed for a while, I ended up flicking through some various content and then turning to a news channel, saw the always depressing news of another mass shooting in a US school, this time involving very young children. It is incredibly sad and I truly feel for the parents and the greater community involved. As always, the media are going to do what they do and focus on the shooter, giving them exactly what they wanted all along, instead of washing these people from the history of the earth as they deserve. Give attention to the actions of attention seekers, get more attention seekers looking to compete.


Sure, that might be an over simplification, but it is about how we all act on incentives and when what we do is rewarded with something we value, we are going to do more of it. This works in the negative too, where if what we do is punished with consequences we don't want, we will do less of it, but in most cases, it is probably healthier to aim for positive reinforcement, rather than punishment. Most cases.

Punishment has its place in this world too.

I haven't slept much over the last days and even less this night, but the current world is tiring, isn't it? It is like all the important things that could be getting worked on are constantly put on hold in favor of dealing with the absurd. So many opportunities to be our best as people and society, yet so many useless challenges taking our time and effort instead. Rather than creating clean and free energy, we are attacking each other across imaginary border lines. Instead of improving the potential and experience of children, we are dealing with people killing children. The more we focus on the absurd, the more space we give it, the more we incentivize it in a self-perpetuating cycle.

I don't think humans are inherently bad - I think we are inherently stupid.

Even at the personal level, we incentivize ourselves to get that little dopamine hit from being triggered by people and events that suck our energy and keep us from developing better. We are incentivized by the outside world and betrayed by our biology to expend energy on the useless, by making it feel like it is useful, valuable - important.

Last night I was talking to a younger colleague who was saying that he is moving away from social platforms s he gets older (he is under 30) because he doesn't find value in them. And I explained that there is immense value in them, it is just that it isn't distributed to the people on the platform, as all they get is the impression of value.

In most cases, that is all value is these days, an impression. Because, everything is incentivized through some form of tokenization where people are working for the token, not the result. I know what you are thinking - that is what Hive does - but that is not entirely the case.

People are worried about the price of Bitcoin for example, but what is their endgoal? Is it to be more wealthy, or is it to create a wealthier world, with "wealth" meaning, healthier, safer, more opportunity, less violence and other factors that make a very real impact on our lives? Are people buying Bitcoin and crypto so that they are financially secure in a fiat world, or are they looking to spread a tokenized value of the world amongst more people so there is increased decision-making power amongst the group?

If people really believe in crypto changing the world, they shouldn't be worried about the price, they should be concerning themselves with the value. The value is having more people with ownership in the world, with stake and skin in the game, so they are incentivized to improve conditions, rather than expect others to do it for them. To be owners, not renters - taking responsibility for the broken window, rather than complaining to the owner to fix it.

If you want crypto to do well. Stop investing into it in order to get out of it and instead invest into it by putting into it. That is the value of Hive - it isn't the token people are extracting, it is the developments that people are making. Even at the content level, it is the willingness to invest into content that takes us forward, not what holds us back.

It is about transferring and supporting our values, whether economic or as other, into a system we own and operate.

The journey might be expensive and very slow, but the economy is so incredibly restrictive, exclusive and harmful, that it has to change, otherwise it consumes us. So many of the world's absurd problems are incentivized by the current economic models in place and will continue to be so, because they can be used for those who have control in the economy, to generate more control for themselves and their agendas, by triggering our internal mechanisms in a way that feeds our agenda, no matter how inherently stupid that is.

This isn't about money - it is about behavior.

But, while people are taking part in the latest TikTok challenge to feel that they belong to something; while people are reading all they can about the latest shooter; while the masses worry about all the problems we face daily - very little is left over to actually do anything toward improving conditions. If people did more at a practical level instead of focus on the absurd, even small things will mount up to great shifts in society.

Yet - here we are;

Incentivized to punish ourselves indirectly through our own behaviors.

We do this to ourselves, yet because we don't take ownership for our actions and responsibility for our outcomes - we think it all happens to us.

People say "What can I do?" as if there is nothing that can be done. When we could wake up each morning, ask the same question and then, do something daily.

In this world, we are all content creators.


But, what do I know... I have hardly slept.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I stopped watching television news a decade ago and am much happier for it - it's too emotive and sensationalised.

I get my news from websites and I'm choosy about what I click. I'm aware there's been a shooting in America because I've seen the headlines, but I don't know the details because I haven't clicked. No point spending five minutes getting upset about stuff happening on another continent that I can't control.

On the other hand I follow local news from my city about parks, libraries and the DISGRACE that the council hasn't cleaned off graffiti, and vote in every election. If everyone just focused on making their little patch better, the world would improve.

Yeah, it is a waste of time to watch the news. I was laying in bed and had already looked at other stuff and worked a little... :D

A lot of the news I actually dive into, is fed to me through friends and family.

Local news and some national is good. But again, I have friends that keep me posted on this - there is never anything that urgent in the news, I need to hear about it 6 times a day.

I don't think humans are inherently bad - I think we are inherently stupid.

Unfortunately, the sword of natural selection cuts on both edges. What was a survival tool 10 generations ago is now a threat to species survival and humanity seems powerless to change that. I suspect it IS possible to fix stupid, but takes much more will, individual will, than we seem to possess.

Because in the end, it is individual choice. What I watch, what I read, what I click on has an impact and when my impact is multiplied by the enormous herd it leaves a mark.

I can change it. Not outside my door, or even outside my body, but I can do the right thing as often and as honestly as I can. If nothing else, it's my civic responsibility. It's my personal responsibility.

So, it's a sad day in the US. There will be thoughts and prayers up the ass. Unless you were directly impacted by yesterday's atrocity you will send your thoughts and prayers elsewhere tomorrow. Even dead children can't hold the herd.

Stupid is as stupid does.

I suspect it IS possible to fix stupid, but takes much more will, individual will, than we seem to possess.

I have posited that if there was an intelligence pill, there is probably a point of increase where people realize that violence is not optimal for even personal gain. However, I am not sure what point that becomes uniformly true - a 300IQ? :D

If nothing else, it's my civic responsibility. It's my personal responsibility.

The better world problem we face now, is that people think they can live happily, without anyone else. Just think how little we use, we can actually make by ourselves.

Unless you were directly impacted by yesterday's atrocity you will send your thoughts and prayers elsewhere tomorrow.

This is exactly right. It is also why no one else needs to know the name of the shooter - because that need, will know without a newspaper, because they are directly affected.

It's an interesting problem. On the one hand, its natural to want to understand what motivated the murderer.
If you can understand the why then maybe you can prevent the next one.
If he was motivated by a feeling of irrelevance and part of his pay-off was the attention his thoughts and feelings would get in the aftermath, then we need to not do that.

I agree - but I don't think that this is helping discover the why - or at least, not diving deeply enough. It isn't to be found in the person committing it as much as the society that encourages it perhaps. It is part of the problem I reckon.

A friend of mine spent a few years in the US, and said it's very different to Australia, culturally. Wealth and fame are so much more important there.
If people don't know your face or name and you don't look wealthy, you're irrelevant. Background noise.
Seems like the perfect storm for people facing a lifetime of being background noise, to decide there's only one way to become a household name.
Martin Bryant is a household name here; but nobody wants to emulate him; because being a household name isn't really that important.

This is an incredibly salient point. With such an disparity in wealth, it makes it a tinderbox for so many social dysfunctions.

I am truly disgusted that they give any time in the media to the shooter. They always do this and you are spot on. It is exactly what they wanted, a little recognition, a little notoriety, to be known, talked about, and given attention to.

I won't even watch the news on it. I cannot bear to watch as the news focuses its camera in the face of a grieving parent. WTH? Is it that important to paste that all over the media? We have just lost touch with the news.

he is moving away from social platforms s he gets older (he is under 30) because he doesn't find value in them.

Is he on TikTok? Kidding. They are all like that. I cannot waste my time. This is a slow journey, but I am getting there.

Get some rest!

It should be called "misery porn" - the audience seems to be growing for it.

If people did more at a practical level instead of focus on the absurd, even small things will mount up to great shifts in society.

Kindness in helping fellow-man no matter how small or big eventually add up, 'cleanliness next thing to godliness' was a saying used when growing up not only on ones person but town. Yes small shifts in attitude add up.

It seems that community hygiene is as bad as the personal hygiene of those who sit at home watching TV and not leaving the house.

Domino effect via hyped media into peoples lives, when good things happen there is no drama attached for bored multitude to discuss.

Sicko's know this, using death and destruction for a minute of 'fame', most get gory ideas when not actively given proper direction from young, dumped in front of a TV screen with no supervision.

So timely, thank you 😍

I love it when you write these inspirational posts, sorry that it is at the expense of your sleep.

I am glad that you enjoy these. They are quite different to write from a lot of the other content and feel somehow like there is more room for miscommunication and uncharitable evaluation.

That feeling of being in bed but not being able to sleep is horrible, I understand you, many in the head prevents us from resting properly.

I think that most people end up staying away from crypto many times because of lack of information, or because they lose hope very quickly or maybe their expectations were other. The risks are high and there can be many obstacles in the way, but it's not all about money, as you said.

I normally sleep well, just not enough. The last few nights though... I never sleep well in a hotel.

I agree, punishment has its place in the world, to many governments are to lenient. For mash shootings there should be only one outcome - Death Penalty

I also believe there is a huge issue in the world, if one look at what is portrayed as "cool" in movies, TV Series and even on social media, that is what people are chasing - to be in with the "cool" people.

I for one just have one goal with the crypto world and that is to set myself up for a good retirement, without financial worries and dependence on my countries economy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Death might be too easy for them - which is why so many shoot themselves before getting captured or, make sure it is "death by police"

When people want to feel exclusive and be "cool" in their own eyes - the group they choose matters.

Yea I end up punishing myself quite a bit for losing sleep just to keep up here on Hive but that is what I can do because I am busy during the day. I would like to think that I am not the only one losing sleep but who knows.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You comment a lot too! I used to be similar, but there are just not enough hours in my day the last few years. I am still doing "okay" though overall and - I feel better for commenting, even if it takes me a while :)

For some reason it seems that the people in power want us to remember the mass murders. Look at all the movies hollywood has done showing the stories of the mass murders. No one remembers the names of the victims, only the names of the murderers. I can only recall the name of one victim, Polly Klaas. I try not to think or even mention any of the mass murderers.

The first news story I saw on that shooting had the shooters name in the story, did they mention the teacher or any of the students, none not one. I know they have to wait til the families are notified, no one wants to hear about their child being killed on the news as the first notification.

So history keeps repeating itself when it comes to this type of shooting one shooter wanting to out do the shooter from ten or twenty years ago, wanting to make sure their name goes down in history, that people will remember them for all time.

There were spome other weird things I noticed, where they were releasing names of children, confirmed by "friends of the family" - I suspect the families didn't give permission... these are children...

yeah 'friends of family', in other words the news or the police goofed.

Do you agree with me that current schools don't make their educational role, but rather neglect it all, as the goal of everyone now is job and money. It is unfortunate to see such aggressive attacks in schools by young people, as morals and responsibility must stem from the family and be applied in schools as well.

Schools aren't great - but it isn't their job to teach children how to behave, it is their place to create an environment where they can practice it.

People are bad and stupid at the same time. It is unfortunate to see poor, weak people don't find shelter and there are millions of dollars spent in series with the same story only actors who change, this is bad in my opinion.

Entertainment gets the lion's share of our attention and money.

a lot of people are been carried away by the latest trend on TIKTOK mostly by the youth, the elderly once really focus on what is going on, in the world where we rarely take note of the little thing that really matters, the things that can amount to a great change in the society and the community at large.

If you spend your time with the masses, you get the result of the masses.

I think that people have yet not believed in cryptos changing the world as we saw it few weeks ago. Their goal with cryptos to be more wealthy, but when we understand the potential of cryptos, which could create wealthier world the situation will change, I believe so at least.

I think you should tell the younger colleague about HIVE ;)

Most value what is in front of their eyes and they can touch right now. WE are shortsighted and therefore, don't have a long reach to grasp the future.

If everyone worked on themselves, this would be a huge improvement across the world! Good living is contagious and can spread. So people should try to live the best life they can live!

I don't read or watch any mainstream news, I sleep better for it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Everyone wants "lead by example" - as long as they don't have to lead!

we are not too quick to learn our lessons, and this can be very dangerous for some of us. we should be kind and good with each other, yet...

Build up or tear down - one way is easier and faster to see results. We aren't investors by nature.

Last night I was talking to a younger colleague who was saying that he is moving away from social platforms s he gets older (he is under 30) because he doesn't find value in them. And I explained that there is immense value in them, it is just that it isn't distributed to the people on the platform, as all they get is the impression of value.

people don't see what social media can offer especially this sessions of web 3.0

Web 3 will make a difference, when people start supporting it.

even though you haven’t had enough sleep which I feel you should endeavor to have , it’s some straight up facts you’re dishing out right here in this post of yours .

If people did more at a practical level instead of focus on the absurd, even small things will mount up to great shifts in society.— very valid point ! creating value on a practical level tends to amount to greater gains and exploits ultimately. For Crypto to gain mass adoption, investors willing to delve into the cryptosphere should effortlessly shift more attention to making the technology sustainable in all ramifications rather than just having the sole aim to make gains or profits.

I try to make it interesting at least :)

That’s quite evident I must say 🙃