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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 50 - Saturday 11 December 2021 | Week 18 - Autumn Challenge - Save $100! | Win EDS Tokens for Comments! Everyone Welcome

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Pausing for a while is a great way to manage the challenge of cash flow (or lack of it) 😍. I've done the same, too, when no money has been coming in. I really fight not to break into any savings, but if I do have to, it's the smallest amount I can get away with - down to the penny! 😂 You're doing so well, it's great to see. I am really looking forward to the unboxing of the keyboard (can't believe I thought it was a computer keyboard, how daft am I)?

Any predictions for @susie-saver's final HP total for 31 December?


Hmm, I guess 1183 HP! :)