
Nothing. And there was never an agreement. There was nothing written.

Simply math. What about all the other commodities traded in USD to start? Also, do you know who the largest producer of #oil is in the world?

The US.

wait really, I thought it was Venezuela or something... Wait is this a trick question about who's really in control over all the oil or who has the most natural oil reserve? 😂😂🤩

Look at the oil production numbers. Saudi use to be the leader followed by Russia. Fracking a decade plus ago put the US in the lead.

Damn, US is in godmode with international trade... I wonder what the BRICS have their hopes in to make such a bold move

Trade isnt finance. That is what people miss. To be an international currency, you need to be international, with depth, sophistication, liquidity and derivatives.

I see why the dollar is reigning, it has all the qualities of an international currency

That is one thing. But all currencies are local, outside the Euro which is regional. None are truly international. The entire international banking and financial system is built on the USD.