
Less gate-keeping.
Web 3.0 should encompass all aspects of online content generation, not just long form blogs. HiveWatcher’s tyrannical plutocracy, (harassing users for short form content, using stake to force users to abide by their arbitrary rules) is constricting the potential of the chain and pushing away new users.

This is unfortunate, I've been seeing a lot of Hivers who are not in support of HiveWatchers. I think it's time they redo their approach because it seems they are doing more harm than good now. I need to dig more into seeing where their backing is, I used to delegate to them a while ago but pulled it due to complaints. I was told it would improve but it seems it has not. Not happy about this.

They are doing far more harm
It’s actually a huge huge turnoff
I see accounts in good standing
Not spammers
Getting dow notes for “spam” because they
Are on list of some sort
It’s horrible

Hey hey ho ho, Hivewatchers has to go! Lol

Hw has a thankless task.
They do the duties that stakeholders have, but refuse to use.
Hive Downvote Rewards was the crowd sourced initiative, but our dev got taken away by real life and hasn't been able to restart the bot incentivizing downvoting.
The group there now would welcome the support.

They have an active funded proposal, but in all reality, the flags are very nominal and what I've seen is fairly legitimate. Gatekeeping in itself though, there is a bit of that it seems. But like you say - keep moving forward.

They are the main reason I stopped posting on Hive for sure. I still keep an eye on Hive, but HiveWatcher's the reason I've since moved on for the most part.

Are you sure it is not because you were plagiarizing text and got caught? :)

Got caught plagiarizing? That implies I was knowingly trying to make money off of someone else's work. That couldn't be further from the truth, but that's the reason they gave me yeah. I copied/pasted game descriptions under my videos just like I've been doing my entire YT career and what others on YT do as well. It's such a small part of the post that I never really thought about it, I just carried on like I've always done and focused on the videos themselves.

If you see copying game descriptions under my videos as plagiarizing then I'm the worst criminal on the crypto sphere for sure and HW made sure I got punished for it. Then you have to crawl, beg and jump through hoops in the hopes that maybe they'll stop. It's demeaning. Just a simple "Hey, you shouldn't do that." type of message should've sufficed. I could continue just posting videos without any text of course, but it did open my eyes for how one entity can enforce some arbitrary rules on people or else.

Like, it's actually worse than YT in that regard. I can't recommend Hive to most of the other youtubers I know simply because they're used to having copy/pasted text somewhere in their descriptions. That's such a BS rule someone made up.

As a youtuber Hive just isn't good enough. People need a place they can continue doing what they're already doing on centralized social media platforms, but without the fear of being punished for it. Hive's the opposite.

You are spot on

I see good standing accounts getting totally downvoted on great original posts

And you could have carried on with your posts, but writing the text yourself and sourcing the copied part. It was your decision not to and stop posting instead.

Then you have to crawl, beg and jump through hoops in the hopes that maybe they'll stop.

As far as I see no other post after was downvoted. What hoops exactly?

That's such a BS rule someone made up.

You mean that if you take text from someone else, you should source it? :)
They teach that in schools. You, as a content creator, should at least be aware of that.

Why don't we all start copying text from the internet, because some people on YouTube do it...

People doing everything right
Even posting 100% original posts
Are getting massively downvoted
For no fucking reason
There just on a”list”
Hive will be Steemit soon if this doesn’t change
A new fork will come

There is always a reason.
Did you ask the person that was downvoting?
Did you research on your own before forming opinion?

Hive will be Steemit soon if this doesn’t change

So if downvotes didn't exist, it would be better?
How would you protect the reward pool? I am genuinely curious about your opinion.

P.S. Selfvoting all your comments with two accounts is probably not the best thing to do if you want to avoid the downvotes ;)

And you could have carried on with your posts, but writing the text yourself and sourcing the copied part. It was your decision not to and stop posting instead.

Yes, I already told you that I could've carried on without copy/pasting descriptions and I already told you why I stopped.

If one entity can shut you down in an instant without warning, then why would you bother building an audience here? At least give them a chance to correct their mistakes before taking everything away.

As far as I see no other post after was downvoted. What hoops exactly?

I was talking about the whitelisting process. I got through it, most people won't bother and just leave. Not very good for keeping people around don't you think?

You mean that if you take text from someone else, you should source it? :)
They teach that in schools. You, as a content creator, should at least be aware of that.

Why such a condescending attitude? Sure, I agree I should've sourced it and no they don't teach that in schools, at least not here.

Why don't we all start copying text from the internet, because some people on YouTube do it...

You're so off the mark here again trying to paint me as the worst scum of the earth. Making videos and copying some text in the description is common practice. Might not be right, but people accept it since description text is not why people watch videos. Most don't even read them.

I mean, if frigging game companies are fully aware and just fine with channels copy/pasting their game descriptions you wouldn't think that you have to link sources on a blockchain built around the idea of censorship resistance. It just doesn't occur to you.

If it was an article and the core content was text, then it would be a different thing in my eyes.

But yes, I understand sourcing copied text would be legally correct regardless.

Now you have an attitude and trying to victimize yourself by calling yourself scum and criminal. I never called you that.

At least give them a chance to correct their mistakes before taking everything away.

First of all - some of your rewards were removed. Not from all posts ("taking everything away"). There is no need to exaggerate.
Second - people correct their mistakes and continue. And there is in nothing wrong with that. You got pointed out your mistake and since you got to know that copying someone else's writing is not welcome on Hive, you could continue writing your own text. Or not. It was your call.

I mean, if frigging game companies are fully aware and just fine with channels copy/pasting their game descriptions you wouldn't think that you have to link sources on a blockchain built around the idea of censorship resistance.

Censorship free media doesn't mean you can freely copy other people's work. Please do not confuse those two.
You are also forgetting that you monetize your posts on Hive. YOUR content. Not other's. And curators should know which part of the post is actually yours, and which is not before they decide to vote it.

But yes, I understand sourcing copied text would be legally correct regardless.

Glad we agree on that.

Agree 💯

Never heard of it before, but it sounds a lot like what that "Smooth" guy does. Really nasty.

HiveWatchers has a low stake? The only people I've seen downvoting are Smooth and Curangel

I couldn't sleep and I decided to reply also in a post about what hive needs. What Does Hive Needs !. I think you have to take a look at that and if anything needed from me to help, I'm ready. I'm back active in the community, just like I was before. ☺

What do you think it is that holds people back from telling a friend? (I know there are many reasons - but just interested in what you think might be at the core of some of them)

People just forget, IMO. It's such a easy action to take, tell a friend, but over time people forget that about it. Just gotta keep the reminders up. I just told a friend today about Hive I haven't talked to in a year. Haha, never stop the networking.

It is interesting how many people want Hive to grow, yet expect everyone else to tell a friend.

I'm still telling new people, but I've given up on most of my friends and co-workers. I've come to realize they don't want freedom. They want comfortable complacency, but will mostly settle for tolerable.

They don't mind being fenced in behind Zuckerberg's walls. They want to relinquish control, and they don't want to see what he has in mind for them. They're cool with being lulled to sleep before being tossed into the grinder as long as the ride sparkles.

So, now I'm just looking forward and hope they wake up before things go too far.

I ran out of people to tell. Can't keep pushing them. They're either interested, or they're not.

That being said, in your speech your mentioned the fun factor. I've had difficulties bringing people over by talking about the platform, crypto, blockchain and stuff like that. It goes right over their heads. But as soon as I share a link to my content with them, they click and are instantly having fun using some of the products this chain has to offer. Hive isn't failing so I don't know what it needs to succeed but I know as a content creator, I need those consumers here. This platform will not suffer if they bring some of their money with them and learn about this fancy new way to support content creators with money that never leaves their wallet.

I think if I see one more push to onboard more content creators, and no interest at all in filling the seats that surround the stage with consumers, then having to sit here for months watching people scratch their heads, argue and complain, wondering why engagement is low and and it's hard to get noticed/views... dude, I'll snap. I mean that lightheartedly of course. That trend has been kind of painful to watch all these years though. People literally get paid to enjoy, support, and engage with content here. Nowhere else on the internet are they treated so fairly. That's the easiest market to tap into. They don't have to worry about showing up and failing either, since its impossible. And having more around solves so many other headaches. And the best part is, they tell their friends.

I ran out of people to tell. Can't keep pushing them. They're either interested, or they're not.

Story. Of. My. Life.

And...I've kind have ramped down how many people I tell. Too many cynical people viewing me telling them about crypto as "me trying to get rich off of them" for some reason, even though I'm a musician in KC networks, been one for years, and I'm telling other musicians about it, about self ownership of production and taking the middleman music industry out. I can't really be bothered with people like that. Maybe it is just the group I'm around.

I kinda wish all those local based crypto groups would have moved to HIVE when they got kicked off of Facebook. I need to find birds of a feather I think.

Yes, attitude "trying to get rich off them" combined with the stigma attached to crypto makes it difficult to even drum up some support even for myself. And I don't know one artist/entertainer/writer/anything that got anywhere depending on friends and family alone. You need a crowd of potentially interested people stumbling into something new. And it's not hard to make that crowd form when they know they're being rewarded for being there, but that message can't come from some random individual on the internet. Trust me on that one because that's all I am here, pointing out some obvious stuff combined with some experience in the biz, but going nowhere. Of course I don't take it personally. It's becoming a form of entertainment for me.

Yeah I guess that's the crux of it, I'm not really a random individual for these people. I've shared stage space with most of these people, been to their studios and vice versa, known them for years. It's just a weird culture that eh, I'm abstaining from more and more.

The onus is on me to find likeminded people interested in crypto locally. Those circles are where I need to be talking about HIVE and posting my LEO blogs, etc.

I don't create crypto content. Rarely consume it.

Midwest USA here, I tell as many people as I can, but my area is so culturally digitally behind it is hard to get the message out sometimes. And then there is the issue with the key system in place of a password. This confuses so many people, that even some interested people get disinterested.

I believe hive needs more privacy. With the increasing regulations from governments crypto currencies that are not private at the protocol level will likely lose their value as every transaction will be easily tracked and traced using metrics such as block-chain analytics. We are also seeing the problem with some bitcoin not being accepted as payment due to it being used for illicit activities in its history even if the current holder has not committed any crimes. Lack of privacy means loss of one of the fundamental values in a currency which is fungibility as one bitcoin is not seen the same as another bitcoin.

However, there does need to be some transparency in some cases especially for those in positions of power in the ecosystem such as witnesses but as crypto becomes mainstream you do not want the world seeing what you spend your currency on or how much you have both for your own safety and your individual human right. I think there will need to be some balance.

I agree that more privacy would be good, but if you're talking about true privacy where no one can track you, you need a good VPN and ways to cover your tracks. This means, on the blockchain level, you can have privacy anon accounts, but if your IP can be tracked sooner or later, you'll get doxed.

With Hive, there is no KYC for an account. You can create a anon account and never tie your ID to it. If you cover your IP etc., you'll be anon on Hive. Many Hive users are anon, including the largest stakehodler freedom.

I think we are doing pretty good. New users are still coming in, and whats more important is they are coming not so much for the money/rewards but for being able to have a good time, to post to comment and to make friends. Word seems to be spreading about how nice Hive is. Yes we are getting a few trollish account activities, but that is actually kind of good, the trolls learning about Hive means that word is spreading of the social aspects of hive.

Also thank you for your help trying to test the upcoming hard fork. Lessons were learned, when testing on peakd if using hive Keychain we needed to change the node to the test rpc, which I also did not know. I appreciate your dedication to helping improve Hive.

Gots to feed the trolls

We may need to find those who are really excited about it and supporte them as much as possible. That will create the hype on the web and you will see how many will join and that will bring automatically investors. I see so many excited about it, but not supported that much. We should make them all happier. I've got a good delegation and I'm working now on that. My upvotes will be distributed only among those who need support. I'm finding many people writing really great posts on the new page.

I am still new to hive, but i have noticed some of the problems you are talking about. To me biggest flaw is that there is not a lot of articles. Yes people are writing all the time. But do you really want to read 25 articles about someone's breakfast or strange mark on their skin?

I think that there would be a lot more people if you would reward fun and informative articles. But in most cases they get lost in sea of generic and money seeking posts.

The cons of people posting everyday regardless if they have something substantial/worth sharing to say or not. That's both new users trying to be something but also older ones who have a circle of upvoters hence they know they'll make some $ even if their 3 paragraph post can be summarised to "yesterday I bought low and today I sold high".

I believe we could have a better user experience and more resources to aid new users. The learning curve is kinda steep and if you are not comfortable enough to mess around with stuff or ask others for help, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and just give up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Clicking a button and creating new money out of thin air is magic.

This might be my favorite video of yours.
Well done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we have an awesome product / social web3 dpos blockchain, the only thing Hive needs to become successful is

Marketing, Marketing, Marketing.

Marketing and easy onboarding.

Also PR work + Outreach.

And the most insane thing is, we have a ton of SEOs and marketing guys here. I write with around 10 :)

Also from programmer to designer. We need to activate the recourses.

I'm a big fan of smart contracts and I think hive should have full customizable. Social and finance will be the next super big thing.

Besides this, I think 3speak can be big. Really big. Because if I think we can store videos on our content, some podcast or whatever. Decentralized and on Hive, this will be fucking huge.

What would be your solution for scaling onboarding? Easy and fast.

I would remove the 3 Hive fee and make it to 0,1 Hive. Should prevent spam and the price would be an alternative to Rcs.

Would be a fast thing that could cost close to nothing. As far i know no hard fork would be needed, so we could test it and remove it if abuse should be big. If no abuse we could let it stay.

Btw, if you need at some point some online marketer, I would love to help.

Onboarding is not the worst part here, retention rate of new users is a real challenge. No tutorials integrated with major frontends, little to no support for new users, steep learning curve. One easy thing to help new people? New feed in major frontends-content from new users. It's important to show support and guide new people here.

I don't think it is a big problem. There is good content out "how things work". Leo has leopedia and so on.

The problem for mass onboarding the fee. It's no problem to run a big marketing campaign to show people "how it works" and so on. Dapps could do it and pay for the marketing (because it adds value). But the problem is, you pay twice.

one time for the marketing/converting process and a second time for the onboarding/ wallet creation.

IMO wallet creation should be rewarded :D

I give you an example.

If someone would build for example a Gaming front end on Hive engine with its own token blabla.

Someone pay first the Front end / Token creation.

Second the marketing and third the onboarding.

It's no problem for 10 people a day.

But if you go big. Partnership with Youtube influencer, streamer, and onboard hole gaming forums, things become fast super expensive.

And at the end, maybe the Frontend or dapp fails, but still paid for all the wallets.

I think it would be cool if we had a site where both witnesses and community members, voluntarily provided support for the newcomers. It doesn't have to be connected to blockchain, neither does it have to have tokenomics.

Gamify the site, allow users to rate that certain individual that helped them set everything out ( we can easily play around with ideas)

That's how we grow, that's how we create connections since day one. A lot of things to be added, but the fundamental principle should be clear. If no one makes something similar, once I'm done learning to code, I'll do it myself.

Or we should have an integrated chat.

I could think of a lot of improvements but since I'm already late only a few. It would be good to have a decentralized P2P money on- and off-ramp like: (could off course also be used for LEO and others). so you can easily buy hive with PayPal, Bank transfer or cash and with an incentive to provide liquidity. And also a stable stablecoin, which shops can use, would also be good for money on- and off-ramp. You pay one dollar with Paypal and get one (stable) HBD without worrying about the current hive price (other stable coins e.g. euro and others would be good too).

I think the Autovote bots are destroying hive. The Trending page is usually the same 10 people. It gets kind of boring.

The trending tab is brought to you by a centralized agent.
Tell them to fix it.
Peakd can put anyone they want on trending for any reason.

Thanks ... I did not know that.

'A better version of yourself' - I love this. I am always striving to better who and what I am.

'Balance' - Are we kindred Jedi? Or twin Sith?

'Harness the Anger' - Dude, I thought I was the only one that thought this way. Emotion is often the leader in so many of the practices on this platform, it makes me shake my head. I even, fell into several traps and got butthurt and fed another's fire that I personally could have used much better.

'Immutable' - flaggable, but definitely not erasable. Even if something gets flagged into the depths of the 7th hell, it is still on the chain and can be found. That is something that separates us from every other chain - including Steem. Fucking cancel culture. I was recently cancelled on that Fakebook, so like you on Twitter - know the importance of freedom and what web 3.0 really is going to mean for the populace.

'dPoS' - 'nuff said bro.

Wen wallet privacy?
Not rewards, but wallets.
An option to hide holdings without resorting to hiding on exchanges would be nice.

What about my idea?

Love Handles

If everyone could buy and sell accounts freely there would be a lot more anonymity.

On top of that every time someone changed their owner key no one would have any idea if they sold their account to someone else or simply changed their own keys.

You are in the top two for first hive mayor.
I've been wondering about how to handle the end of the 16 character limit, too.

helpful for keeping database small/cheap


I am a fan of this this company, all the time I am talking about it.Hello dear friend @theycallmedan good evening

A few days ago I had to attend a funeral, at one point, I captured the attention of the entire funeral room with the positive things about our company.

People looked at me like I was crazy, they couldn't believe that they would pay me to comment daily on the things that happen in my province and the situation in the orchard.

I gave everyone my email address to contact me for more details on Hive, I did not receive any emails; Although you do not want to believe, people still believe that it is a lie that there is a platform that can make money

That said, there is great potential for growth, I think the key is to preach at all times of our beloved company, at some point they have to believe that it is possible to earn money

I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid night and a happy start to the weekend

Fuck i'll listen to you everyday from now. Such motivation.. Put me in beast mode everyday

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Your next payout target is 400000 HP.
The unit is Hive Power equivalent because your rewards can be split into HP and HBD

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Hive community should invite others decentralized crypto platform and tell them to post on hive instead of Medium or other centralized blogging platform. Even there should be a content promotion option on every hive dapps like Ecency. Then people can learn more about hive and it's real use cases.

Great job!

always inspirational dude!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When DOGE goes PoS some sort of bridge between HIVEPower and DOGEpower. Just spitballin here

Would be great if wasn't so slow, and less glitchy. Comments don't appear until you reload, votes don't count until you reload, comments take 20 seconds to go through, and on and on. It's an incredibly un-fun experience now. And yes, I'm aware 3rd party front ends exist. They suffer from some of the glitches and lag too.

Every frontend is a 3rd party frontend.
blocktrades doesn't have a monopoly on Hive

I'm actually working on a database that could help with this in the distant future.
It's MySQL so it's completely different tech.
We'll see.


Insult the people you're advertising to.
What a pro.

Define donkey token.

As the world is round, I have faith you will find it.
I'm rooting for you!

There are utility tokens and there are security tokens.
I'll let you guess which is yours.

Not a threat, just pointing out a fact. I suggest you research the difference.