Hello @olawalium
Thanks for sharing this story, I personally understand that you were defending your integrity. It was unfair of the MD to accuse you without having the diagnosis from the mechanic in the first place, often we will jump to a conclusion before we have finished investigating and without cause, any normal person would be defensive.
I have been a bit hot-headed like that in the past and used to have a sticker on my fridge that read "Speak when angry and you’ll make the best speech you’ll ever regret.” -Groucho Marx
Luckily I was able to change that around.
I'm glad you're still friends with your old colleagues 🙂
Have a lovely weekend.
Exactly. My integrity was at stake and even though they didn't apologize, I was glad they got to know the root cause of the issue. They felt I mistakenly pressed the wrong command that faulted the machine and it wasn't until they escalated and opened up the machine before they got to see the truth.
That's why I have learnt to just keep quiet most times because I don't like speaking when I am angry.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate this.
I actually do the same now. I am far more inclined to be calm and listen to what the person has to say/shout and I try to remain calm and not escalate the situation. Sometimes it's really difficult.
It is really difficult because there is that internal war between lashing out and staying calm.