I’ve been robbed, cheated and stabbed in the back, and that's just by my family. In my second life that would all change. No more Mr. Nice Guy. I would hone my manipulation skills and learn to read people. I have never been a good judge of people and their motives and have been led down many a long, winding garden path.
I’m a yes man, I always have been. I like to help if I can and if I can’t, I try at least not to hinder. That would all change too. I would learn the word no! In fact, I might eliminate the word yes from my vocabulary entirely.
"Do you want to learn Dutch folk dancing and spend 6 miserable months feeling like a retard?" " No!"
"Would you like some of my special bread and butter pudding? It’s delicious."
"Well No actually, I wouldn’t. It makes me heave."
"Will you loan me 20 grand until I sell my motorbikes next month?"
"No you worthless no mark, you’ll never return it."
"May I stay with you for a week or two while I sort my head out?"
"No, sorry, your nickname is not The Cuckoo for nothing."
Oh yes! Things would be different.
Instead of wasting my life with morality and decency, I would base my choices on the actual state of the world as opposed to how I think it should be. In business, I always believed in providing a perfect service at a reasonable price. The ruthless person who bought my legal services business immediately hiked the fees from 30 pounds to 100 pounds, while reducing services. Two years later he resold the business for 5 times what he’d paid for it.
When I ran holiday apartments, while all my competitors doubled their rates during festive seasons, I refused to raise mine. That would be unethical. How stupid was I? In my second life, I'd treble the rates.
As you've all no doubt forgotten, I started a punk band when I was about 16. When we were asked to play on national television on RTE's renowned Late Late Show, I turned down the gig, refusing to compromise my Anarchist principles. What a dolt! In my second life, principles be damned, I'd grab the opportunity for my 15 minutes of fame...because I'm worth it!
Yes indeed, in my second life, I'd know that karma does exist but in reverse. He shall inherit the earth, who, with no regard for others doeth what he pleases. And I'd act accordingly.
If you had two lives available to you how would you use the second one differently based on what you learned in the first?
Posted in response to @galenkp's Weekend Experiences prompt asking
Photos are my own
I like this incarnation. If you come back in that other one, don't call me 😁
My kids and husband claim that's me. Maybe, but life is more fun that way, I think.
😂😂😂 You're one of the only ones who knows me well enough to get that my tongue is stuck permanently in my cheek.
I'm not sure if being a terrible judge of character makes life fun exactly but it sure keeps it interesting.
Woooow, I loved your photos, your story, and your outlook on life, the life you lead and the life you would lead if you had another chance. Let me tell you that in some ways we are very similar, but I'm still the same person, a bit naive, idealistic and although I don't try to please anyone, I will always have good gestures with others, at least when it doesn't have a negative effect on me. But.... back to the punk rock band thing, I'd love to see some of that if you have it posted here! Have a good Sunday, @deirdyweirdy
I wish I had the excuse of being naive and idealistic but alas I think my failures can be put down to plain old stupidity:)
Since my band days were in the early 80s before smart phones and social media, sadly I have very little to show other than a couple of posters and reviews, thus I haven't written much about it. https://www.irishrock.org/irodb/bands/ofxerox.html
Thanks for the visit.
Hey, a first show that was a disaster? that's beautiful and a detail I've seen in many bands! It gets better from there! Well I'm glad to hear about this experience of yours on stage, even if the quota of bad decisions fell on the band, it's a great experience to tell about. Thanks for sharing it!
Sleep and when you open your eyes in the morning, life begins again, enjoy it. You know, you are very clear, everything you want to do. Yes, I know, you can't go back, you'll have to work with what you have now.
That's no sure thing when you're my age:)
Cheers for the visit.
Imagine - I mean you'd have to be born with no principles or empathy or anything. Bring it on. We'd be rich! Famous! Fuck em all! Steal people's music and pass it off as our own! Be slum landlords! Run sweatshops! Buy Temu shares! Sell asbestos! Woo hoo!
No principles or empathy at all? Sure we could even become politicians!:)
Oh no, I wouldn't go that far!
This was such an entertaining read! I love how you blend humor with real-life lessons. It made me think about how different things could be with other approaches. Oh well, as long as you're happy, that's the main thing; success is happiness. In a second life, you'll probably be hated, you probably have no real friends, and you'll probably be sad. Most people relate success to achievement and fame, but it really isn't. It's about living and feeling content in everyday life. 💗😊 xx
You're right of course. Besides, I'm far too soft and cuddly to ever achieve true badness. Oh well!
Some of the things you said are what I wanted in my alternate lives too 😄 just like this one.Sometimes I still consider the second life which I technically could do but not sure if I am willing to bear the costs of it all, mentally speaking.
Yes indeed, it'd be a strain on the brain having everyone hate you but imagine how lucrative it would be to be able to stand on the heads of others just to reach the top and without giving it a second thought.🙃
Hmm, I think I'd better think it out again.
Isn't it feckin crazy that it does seem like that, that it's the assholes that inherit the earth. But then I think, I want a better earth to inherit, so leave them to their fucked up one.
Damn I can relate so much, to what you talk about, being too nice. A people pleaser, instead of doing what is actually better for yourself.
Damn the Late Late and with Gay too, but I salut you for sticking to your punk ways. xxxx
It was a rock against sexism thing on the Late Late and we were an all female band. Principles can be costly...I cudda been a contender:)
I still live in fear that in the alternative life of me being an A-hole things would turn out even worse for me. Catholic guilt is a string force!
You're far too much of a gentleman to ever be an asshole... and I know what you mean about the catholic guilt.
There is so much you said that how I wished happens if I have an alternate life
Really? You want to be mean and hateful?:)