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RE: Weekend-engagement week 18: Your music groove

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

A couple of good choices here, and I like why you've chosen them. I was wondering if you'd drop in actually as I know small likes to sing and figured you might drop one of her favourites.

I think Adele's a pretty good singer, would have been a good concert, we would have gone with you, but you know, we live a bazillion kilometres away. She's gone quiet now though, a shame.



She might drop in later with one - perhaps :)

I think Adele is likely working on a new album, considering she has get herself into "tour shape" apparently.

 4 years ago  

Whoa that's a huge difference! I think she looks good on the right but it just doesn't feel right to see her like that. I hope she wasn't pressured into losing weight to do this music stuff.

I'm on the same withered and information-less vine that you 3 are on with this one, I had no idea! I remembered Adele's look from years ago but never knew she lost a ton of weight. Crazy stuff!

The withered vine is a popular place it seems. All the cool people are on it.

I am not sure if pressured or not, but I just hope her next album isn't dance music... :D

What the fuck? That's her on the left and the right? She was always pretty but wow, what a transformation. I just showed Faith and she already knew about this transformation...I'm always the last to know. Lol.

I wouldn't have known if H hadn't shown me. =)

Lol...T-dog and G-dog = clueless.

Or next to last. Just sayin'

Lol...Sounds like you're listening to the same grapevine as me and that fucker is giving us nothin'

My grapevine is pretty withered up from lack of rain :)
