Hello @liseth.zamora, my age is closer to you. I'm running 35 in the next two months but I still wished to have a baby. I am waiting for 6 months now and still hoping. If God will allow me to be a mother again, then He would probably grant it. If not, for sure I won't have another baby anymore.
Having a baby is really a difficult thing to decide nowadays. Hopefully God will grant the desires of heart according to His will.
By the way, congratulations on your year in hive, it's a great achievement 👏.Hi @jenthoughts . Here I am, responding 1 day later. Thank you so much for your comment. God bless you and your babies. God's will is good, pleasing and perfect.
I have only one child and asking for one. I hope God grant our prayer soon because my age can't stop growing hehehe.
Yes thank you so much I am happy reaching this milestone.