My go bag is always packed and contains
a Fero rod
a hand pump water filter that I always used to take on extended kayak trips so that I could drink water from Lake Superior
a hatchet
There are also tarps, cordage, cooking utensils, some fishing line and lures, a tiny butane stove, a couple of freeze dried meal packs, gloves, and I can't even remember what all.... If I had an hour, I would bring more food from my well stocked pantry and hand tools from the garage, and pack up the car. An hour is a long time, and if I could take my car, weight wouldn't be a factor. I could even take my kayak.Now if only my scooter batteries were solar charged I'd be all set! 😁
Actually, I live on the river in a rather out of the way spot in the woods on a dead end road. There is a fresh water spring just outside my side garage door and plenty of wildlife. I'd probably be safest staying in my house and waiting for my city kids to make their way here. It's not a bad sort of place to be isolated.
Holy cow! I'd be heading for the place you just described. Without the river :) I'll detail it in my answer but getting there would be the deal and what I'd spend much of my hour arranging.
Are you able to defend your place? If so it sounds perfect to me.
Great answer.
There are nearby damns on the river that prevent a lot of boat traffic and I am set back in the trees, Most of the year you can't see the house from the water. Defense? Probably not me alone, depending on the circumstances.
Don't forget to bring boots and a parka! The snow gets deep.
I'd have to steal them. I had an Eddie Bauer extreme parka and a pair of bunny boots when I moved here but when I realized I wasn't going back I donated them :)
The best defense is just not being seen. Sounds just about perfect. Near Lake Superior I'd guess that it's winter when you can see your house. Shouldn't be much traffic in a big time pandemic.
When we move to Florida or Texas I'm up in the air if we will be donating some of our winter gear. I have snow boots that can handle -20 degrees, the things are intense but do I keep them in case of this stuff happening? I can't decide lol. Good that you donated the things, we've been doing that a lot lately!
The all time forever low temperature here in Yuma is 24f (-5C) so really cold weather stuff just isn't needed.
Yeah that’s not bad at all lol
But Tom you need that river! That's your water supply right there :)
hello dear friend @ melinda010100 good afternoon
It is always good to have everything prepared to go camping, you never know when you can go out on one of these adventures.
It's great that you have a pump to filter the water, to be honest, I've never added one to my camping gear.
I take this opportunity to wish you a splendid afternoon
I love that hand pump! I've even packed it in my suitcase when I was traveling to countries that had uncertain water purity. They claim you can use it to get drinkable water from a mud puddle, although thankfully I've never had to do that!
really the performance of these equipment is extraordinary, nowadays they have evolved a lot, how good that you have never had to drink water in these conditions, the diseases that you can contract are terrible, I would not be so sure that the equipment filters to that extreme
Can you filter puddle water? It would disgust me to drink water from a puddle, so this filtered would not be able to do it
It would have to be an emergency situation, wouldn't it?
Hopefully that situation never comes.
@jlufer, my friend! I missed you!
When will you be doing a video with your camping gear?
I can see you're prepared which is great, more people should be. In truth an hour is a very long time to get stuff together and I'd say I'd do it in 15 minutes and be ready to go including locking up the house and certain items in my safes for when I return. But for the hour isn't a long time, especially when a person is trying to decide what to bring. So...#beprepared like Melinda!
Thanks, I think a lot of my preparedness came from learning how to live out of a kayak and canoes for 2 weeks in the wilderness. My dream was to go out into the wilderness for months after I retired. Damn MS.
Yeah, that'll do it...Anything like that sort of thing brings a lot of understanding generally. Something about the wilderness that feels right to me, a shame things went the way they did for you as you clearly love it too.
Oh man, I hadn't even thought of the possibility of a return 😂 I was envisioning leaving my apartment a scrambled mess; not even time to close the door behind me!
I would always plan for a return. I am fortunate that I can get fairly remote not too far from home and so I'd forage and into urban areas and want to return home where possible to replenish supplies and so on...Might not be possible, but I plan for possibilities.
Depending on the situation I'd want to recce back into urban areas gathering what I needed, popping zombie heads (or others 😉) along the way, building equipment and supplies and besides it may be possible to make a return and reside there if everyone else has cleared out or died over time.
So, making sure my stuff was intact, safe and secure is important.
Those are all valid points. But also, I'm envisioning like an end of the world type situation. I'd probably ditch my two bedroom apartment and go find a nice abandoned mansion. There's plenty around here; vacation home city. I would want my belongings, true, so I guess I probably should close up shop. I'm not sure, depending on the situation though, if retrieving them would be worth the risk.
You bringing up the urban setting is important. So I'd probably have to ditch my area. We're all mountains here and the closest urban area is a good 30 miles away. There would be some good zones around there too, so I'd probably post up in that area somewhere.
But still, all things considered, you're right. Definitely worth it to lock up
tokens.Staying hidden in your home sounds the ideal place to be Melinda.
Ha! Sounds like you would be safer in place! But, hello! You are one prepared lady!
Sounds like you are living in a great spot! I’m hoping to live somewhere like that someday where we are situated far enough away from people that it’s not out of the question that we wouldn’t get visitors on our road unless we knew them, but not so far out of the way they would need a 4x4 to get there lol.
Hatchets and machetes are crucial for survival stuff, good to see more people are in the mindset of this stuff and choose these things than I thought. That’s awesome!
I have lived much of of my life out of town and in the woods, and it was a bit inconvenient when my kids were in school, but the things they learned and the experiences they had with nature were worth all the miles I drove to go get a gallon of milk!
I bought this house because it was all on one floor and very handicap accessible, but it has turned out to be so much more than that for me. I can't get out into the wilderness like I used to, but having nature up close right out my window is a great way to enjoy my retirement years!
I'm all in for an ax. I like using it when I need it! Hatchets also, yes!
Yeah an axe is a best choice for long term stuff. You can do a lot with them! Potentially even craft more hatchets if you can find some iron and stuff lol
Yes, it didn't occurred to me that I can craft more hatches with it. I love working with wood!
Me too! We’ve got these fantastic pieces dry and ready to turn into something nice! Amazing looking maple, I’m excited and nervous to do something with it lol.
Ahhh! They look so nice and inviting in their own way. I wish I had more space now and energy to play with wood.....but soon I will.
Will you let me/us see the results when you'll be done? Feel free to tag me if I'm not around.
Have fun and creativity while on it!
I thought about an axe as well. Unfortunately my axe is very heavy.. so I decided on my hatchet instead(which already lives in my backpack fortunately). But, if you wanted to carry it, that would be so much better!
Yes, I am a petite person and I either use an ax or if It is too much trouble, I go for the hatchet!
I'd say hatchet is the better call for this situation. Unless of course you won't be moving around much!
With this hernia now, I opt-in for hatchet!
Yeah hatchet is a good choice for sure! Lightweight but is perfect to do some of the work like cutting through stuff. I think we go for hatchet more here in the northern climes but the southern people will probably opt for a machete or something lighter since their trees and stuff they tend through is a lot thinner. Could be totally off on that too though lol
That’s a good point, I hadn’t thought of that. But I wouldn’t know any better 😂 having both a machete and a hatchet ain’t bad either though; they’re both pretty light weight
Wow, it is a good preparation and ready to go.Keep safe.
I hope it is never necessary! I'm getting far too old to be trying to live in a survival situation!🧓
I hope so sister, even me, I could not go so far away if it happens.