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RE: Weekend-engagement week 66: Teleport anywhere


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Come on! Who wouldn't want to go there!

I reckon I'm in, but that raises an issue. If the wrong people go there wouldn't it be just like Earth? All those pesky people?

Is there a filtering system?

The best is to take the decent and people who do not find troubles along, or else, it becomes earth filled with sins.

You're already there? Don't use up all the awesome before the rest of us get there!

He should get us all there before he starts using all the goodies attached.

Cool, well I was going to make a reservation but I think I'll freestyle it instead. Why not huh?

ummmmm you SERIOUSLY need to read Fireflies 😍
I think you will love it


i shall have it coming to youuuuuuuuuuuuuuu but i need to find out how to find you first!!!!

This is the aspect I love to hear. There must be a means of taking the right people straight to your dream Land.

I'd definitely come visit and say hi - albeit for only a short span or I'm pretty sure our banter and maniacal laughter will disturb your peace and oneness.

Should I bring cake? I definitely think there should be cake.

I think you should bring cake to celebrate everyone who gets there first.

Done deal!

A world of complete peace and oneness? I'm in! How do I get there? 😄😄

No ticket provided you are plain and truthful, I guess...

Hehe, I get it! A state of the mind! We create our own world. 🤩

Teleporting yourself to the world of your own? Wow...this would be great and nice to hear. Hope it is the the world to negate the creation of God? I wish to go with you

9 is a mystery to us...


Yeah, doing some interesting things all around!

Tell me I don't need a passport to get there. I'm tired of bureaucracy!

All countries are full of bureaucracy. Around here they can kill you on reports of corruption, so I don't actually think it's a bad choice.

You don't think things like that happen in Canada?

Not saying corruption is a one country deal.

I don't think any place is ideal. It's a matter of where one wants to be and what works.

We agree on this.

Ha, ha, ha. It's a tough and twisted world.