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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 45: Only three items [answer and win hive]


This one is fairly easy for me to answer especially given that a "bug-out bag" counts as one item!


BUG-OUT BAG for sure! I already have a frame pack loaded with 2 bags that would contain a lot of essentials I would need below:

  • Shelter (basic tent, tarp, twine, rope, clips, sleep bag, mat)
  • Water (filtration system)
  • Food (7 days worth of MRE, camp stove & pot)
  • Clothing (2 sets of clothing layers, & tactical vest)
  • First aid kit
  • Land-Nav
  • Tools (KNIFE, multitool, hatchet, folding saw, mini shovel, firestarter, paracord, duct tape)

This would cover my basic essential needs such as water, food and shelter as well as some possible medical & miscellaneous needs as well.



If I had to take only ONE GUN & some ammo, it would have to be my SKS & 7.62x39 rounds. I've designated this gun as my SHTF gun because it's automatic and I have multiple 20 rd magazines for it (though pinned to 5 rds here in Canada, I can simply unpin it as I don't think we'd have to worry about legalities at that point when SHTF lol)

This would cover my defense requirements as well as give me the ability to hunt for meat for additional sustenance.


FISHING I would take my fly fishing pack which are all already in a bag and the rod in a small easy to carry rod case. Fishing is a great supplement for food and sustenance acquisition and most waters contain some fish. So in case there may be difficulty in obtaining terrestrial animals from hunting, we can always catch some fish!


That would be my 3 items and reasoning behind it! Of course additionally, I wouldn't be forgetting to take my family along with me for the ride lol

Once again, awesome topic @galenkp !! Looking forward to seeing what everyone else has to say as well!!


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 4 years ago  

Nice I thought you would love this one lol. Didn't disappoint! Really solid choices and the SKS is an awesome choice. My dad keeps talking about getting one but isn't sure where he wants to buy one.

It's great that a lot of people here have the bug out bags and packs ready to go for this type of stuff. Not everyone has the array of awesome things you've got but different levels of outdoors enjoyment is what that comes down to. It sounds like you use those things well so I'm not surprised you got all the awesome stuff I want lol.

Awesome response here!

Thank you! Yup totally agree, and as the saying goes "it's better to have it and not need to use it than one day need to use it but not have it." or something like that lol

Yeah the SKS is a great SHTF gun for sure, its very rugged, easy to use and I've yet to experience a single malfunction on that gun! Would definitely highly recommend it as a SHTF rifle. Plus the ammunition is (at least where I live) is fairly easy to acquire in large quantities as they're all milsurp!

Glad you liked my post on it :)

 4 years ago  

The rifle, do you think it would be too much to go hunting with for deer and stuff? I know it’s a loaded question and some could lecture me for hours for it lol but I’m just trying to get an opinion of what would be good to hunt deer and elk someday in the future. I’m not buying one soon but hoping in 2-3 years I’ll get one after I do research onto what I can get.

My dads all about just getting things that are cool which I don’t disagree with but the wife isn’t keen on the hunting thing so she doesn’t want lots of guns. I want to get started doing it so I can teach our son about it and keep that going in America is what I’m starting it for. The delicious meat is a whole different thing too lol

Man, absolutely you can hunt deer and stuff with it! Many people out there I find are too uptight about what type of caliber to use on hunts as if every game animal requires its own special caliber. Though I understand their point of view, I don't agree with it completely.

It's all about ethics, problem is most people think their interpretation of what is ethical is the one and only right way to do it.

If a caliber can effectively kill the game animal IMO it's ethical. For example, I wouldn't think it's ethical to use a .22 on a big game animal like a moose or bear or something as you're more likely to cause non-lethal wounds. Some folks say they've hunted deer with a .22 but in order to do that effectively you'd probably need to be quite close and get a head shot - I wouldn't use a .22 on a deer.

The 7.62x39 for the SKS though is a big enough projectile to hunt deer with IMO. It's larger than a 5.56 and is kind of like the 308.

One thing to note though is the effective accuracy of an SKS and that round isn't going to be good at longer ranges. I've never used my SKS to hunt as I opt for my more accurate guns to do that with but if I were and that was the only thing I had, I wouldn't take a shot past 100m with my iron sights (maybe 200m with good optics).

All in all, yeah you can totally use it for hunting as long as you're shooting at a comfortable range you've practiced accurately up to and target animal is of the appropriate size (deer is a yes in that case).

Hope that helps :)

 4 years ago  

Ah for sure that helps! I’m not too familiar with the range stuff yet but I do know that hunting big game with a .22 is foolish in my opinion lol. We shoot tin cans with those things and not much besides that hahaha. I couldn’t imagine taking it deer hunting! Squirrel or rabbit sure but not deer lol.

What do you typically use for deer hunting? My dad said he would give me his other SKS (I’m licensed already, though unfortunately don’t get to go to a range which is brutal!!) but I’m holding off until I’m ready. The SKS sounds like it’s certainly a good gun but not for these situations. Just getting a feel for what others have preferences for, there’s a lot of information to sift through! I don’t want to buy a cheap 200$ thing that ends up being something sitting in the safe lol

For my typical hunts I usually go with my Savage Axis 308 it’s light, rugged and works good! For coyotes or longer range hunting I opt for my 6.5 creedmoor which is a Remington 700 PCR, it’s set up more for longer range accuracy!

Lol, I thought you would. I have a 1300 word post going up a little later today with my three things and they are pretty much similar to yours although my last is comms.

You should do a post on the topic bro, drop it into the gun community of the WEEKEND community. Would be interested to see your thoughts expanded on this topic.


Wow some really have check list charlie ready to go.... Impressive list to keep everyone comfortable and safe for awhile.

There's been some really great answers for sure.

Yeah! That's a great idea!! Are you talking about in The Pew or is there a different community I have yet to join?

The Pew is where you oils drop it...Also this community, THE WEEKEND which Inalaonfoijded would work - Anything weekend-related which means #weekend-engagement topic posts as well.