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RE: Weekend-engagement week 65: Confessions week

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Sometimes the best reaction is no reaction.

Yes! In the case of people, there are some people that just want to cause a reaction. My attitude toward them, regardless of how they might irritate me, is "don't feed the trolls." Ultimately they'll go away.

There are times it's a process, or a thing, that causes me grief (such as a computer glitching). In these cases I remind myself that I will not let an inanimate object get the better of me.


In these cases I remind myself that I will not let an inanimate object get the better of me.

Ahh computer issues, I have had trouble here and there navigating a software but I realized that it just takes getting used too as well as practice and heaps of patience.

"don't feed the trolls."

You summed it up very nicely. This is what I remind myself. Trolling has come along a far way now. We shall keep our shields up